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Red baby Divine City, shining above the sky, mid-air, a path of divine might The diffuse silhouette stands up in the sky.

These God Realm powerhouses are all other races with very high status. However, in the red baby Divine City, their faces do not have the slightest arrogance, but they look full of flattery in the eyes looking towards the silhouette in the middle. .

For no other reason, the Red Baby tribe is the strongest spirit cultivation in Eastern Realm. After the careful study of the previous ancestors of the Red Baby tribe, they finally developed the elixir for each major race. Today, the entire East Almost half of the elixir in the territory came from the hands of the red infants.

For the red baby Divine Race, even the powerful existence of other Divine King races is also courteous by 30%.

These God Realm powerhouse from other forces, when treating the patriarch of the infant baby god, naturally dare not have the slightest arrogance.

“It is said that for the Secret Realm, Lord Divine Power used Supreme divine power to nurture the divine medicine in the imperial garden. I think this is specially given by the Lord Divine Race to the red baby Divine Race.”

“That’s nature. Divine medicine in the garden. There is no person led by the red baby Divine Race. How dare other races get involved?”

“The leader of the Red Baby Divine Race is Ying Luo from Heaven Realm Peak. With him, the Red Baby Divine Race will definitely return with a full load!”

A path of compliment sounded from time to time. In the center of God Realm powerhouse, an old man riding an Immortal Crane looked pale, seemingly used to all this.

The identity of Pill Master is highly respected everywhere. In the scarce resources and the lack of elixir, Earth Realm has a transcendent status. It is normal to be so tied up.


In vortex on the sky, there is a sudden surge of space.

“Well, I don’t know if my cub is eliminated …”

Seeing this scene, many God Realm powerhouses are looking at the sky, but even if they guess that the powerhouse in their own family may be eliminated, their joy is not too obvious.

“It’s normal to be eliminated now, and you just want to get started.”

Elder Elder, a baby boy, said with a smile.

“Master Yingle said that the battle in the Secret Realm has begun to intensify, and it is normal to be eliminated.”

“Yes, my clan ranks more than 2, and there are still more than half of clansman in it, which is not easy.”

“Haha, my cubs have been in this time more than ever.”

As the red baby patriarch’s old saying sounded, a sound of echo echoed around.

Soon, dozens and hundreds of silhouettes in the vortex on the sky fell down. Seeing this number, everyone’s complexion changed slightly. Eliminating more than 100 people at once, what kind of battle is this?

“what happened?”

Suddenly, some people found something wrong, because from the silhouette, they didn’t feel the fluctuation of immortal strength.

“hmph! ”

And just then, Elder Elder suddenly coldly snorted, and the vast Spirit Power surged out, turning into an invisible giant to take down all the silhouettes.

“Yes … is a Red Baby!”

Seeing this scene, many God Realm powerhouse pupils suddenly shrank, and when they looked at each other, there was a deep shock in their eyes.

“My God, with so many people, for Divine Race, this is almost half of them, right?”

“His … who on earth is it that dare to take action against the Red Baby Divine Race?”

“Is it the powerhouse of other Divine King races? No, those powerhouses of Divine King races should all weigh the pros and cons. Why would you do something to the red baby Divine Race?”

Looking at Yinglu’s gloomy complexion, even if Yinglu had said before, don’t be too disappointed. Many God Realm powerhouses didn’t dare to comfort at this time. Between the eye contact, they were filled with the same doubt.

The people of the Red Baby Divine Race, although they act publicly and are arrogant, but with the name of Dongman’s first spirit cultivation race, they are so qualified!

It’s really hard for them to understand how in the Secret Realm, the red babies who did not compete for the Martial Dao opportunity encountered such a tragedy.

“British Elder is the proud of Dragon Race!”

The eliminated infants cried out immediately after came back to his senses.

“骊 Dragon Race?”

Hearing this, the British law was a little stunned, and apparently the people who did n’t expect the Dragon Race so late in the rankings actually dared to shoot against their red baby Divine Race, and even eliminated the clansman they entered nearly half!

“骊 Dragon Race 骊 骊 天? Is that the reincarnated God Realm?

“His … 骊 Dragon Race is too arrogant. Divine Race even dares to provoke him. Is he courting death?”

“Although at this time, Lord God Emperor emphasized that we need unity, but dare to provoke the red baby Divine Race, 骊 Dragon Race must be a big loss!”

When I heard the words 骊 Dragon Race, there was an incredible expression on the faces of the God Realm powerhouses around it. Obviously, the people of 骊 Dragon Race didn’t expect such boldness.

“British Elder, you have to avenge us!”

“Abominable, we were about to take Yin-Yang Two Extremes into our pockets!”

“That arrogant sky is so arrogant, he dare to slander our red infants!”

Those eliminated infant babies, Divine Race powerhouse, have suffered such grievances, a path of screams of anger and anger continue to sound, so they look as if they can’t wait to kill Dragon Race immediately.

“You go ahead.”

Cold glow flashed in Yinglu’s eyes, and he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, shouted in a deep voice.

People of other races may not know it, but as the first Spirit cultivation race of Dongman, naturally understands the command of Lord God Emperor, today, Dongman is dominated by unity, when it is a last resort when less than 10000, Time cannot use power for internal combat.

This feud cannot be reported for the time being. Now I can only wait until the end of the Secret Realm, and then use the hands of other races to put pressure on the 骊 Dragon Race!

However, Yinglu has this awareness, but as these disciples go down, a stream of light screams from the sacred loft in the back, and on top of those Immortal Cranes, standing around each and everyone The old man of the vast Spirit Power.

Obviously, these Elders couldn’t sit still after learning that they were eliminated nearly half of the powerhouse.

“You, don’t be impatient, I know from the Little Brat’s mouth that beside Yingluo, accompanied by a hero who refutes the Divine Race, they can definitely avenge the Little Brat.”

Seeing each and everyone angry Elder, Ying Li sighed and said.

“After the Secret Realm, he must declare to other spirit cultivation races that he must not provide an elixir to the Dragon Race for 1000 years!”

“Yes, dare to shoot against our red baby Divine Race, this Dragon Race bastard is really tired!”

“1000 years? Huh, it’s too short, isn’t that God Realm’s reincarnation dual martial arts Dual Cultivation? In the future, let them 骊 Dragon Race to study the elixir medicine recipe!”

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