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In the face of the coercion of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, Yin Xiao actually felt the immortal strength was running disorderly, as if she really wanted to be beaten out of shape, and reduced to a Stinking Insect that was randomly crushed to death by that great giant finger!

Yin Xiao had the heart to kill Yuan Che at this moment. If he knew his opponent was so powerful, Yuan Che would ask him for help, and he would never agree to it. He would also slap Yuan Che 2. Who do you say is bad? , Provoked such deep hidden hidden evils!

Mei Wuwu is also stunned. It was a miracle that Qin Yichen could hold on till now, but it seems that the miracle has just begun!

At that moment, many powerhouses looked at the pump light of Qin Yichen as if worshipping the gods!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Qin Yichen dominates life and death. At least, the life and death of the 1000 Royal League are all in his thoughts!

These three fingers all fall into one another, whether it is the bang to Yin Xiao or Yuan Che, the consequences are the same, that is the battle, the 3 Royal League defeat has been set!

Qin Yichen stared sharply and glanced at the battlefield. In the end, the slightly trembling 3 fingers pointed at Yuan Che 3 people!

“Help him carry it !? Young Master would like to see if you can talk more about morale!”


The sky is completely torn, 3 blaze fingers, suppress and kill everything, dropping from the sky!

The arrogance of the Optimus Fingers doesn’t need any language description. Just know who appears above them and has already sentenced him to death!

At the moment, Yuan Che was ashamed. In front of the Great Finger, he felt rather powerless, and even his resistance was difficult to rise, and he was crushed by the horrible power of the Great Annihilation Finger!

How can Yuan Che think of how powerful this Immortal Technique is, I thought that 2 fingers were all out, that is all of this Immortal Technique, there are even 3 fingers!

And these 3 fingers, he dare not contend anyway, the only hope at this moment is that the 2 alliances can carry this tribulation together: “Help me carry it …”

However, Yuan Che’s words did not end, and Xiong Lie was scolded, “Help Fuck!”

For the first two Optimus Fingers, he and Snake each carried one. It can also be said to help Yuan Che, but in front of these three fingers, he was clearly buried with Yuan Che!

At that moment, Xiong Bao even wanted to shoot Yuan Che on the spot. Where is this boy slightly better than you? Is it clear that he is hanging you?

She Ming is also 6 gods have no master, the subconscious cry for help is full of trembling: “Yin Young Master help!”

Yin Xiao heard this, figure trembled, although the three great annihilation fingers did not come at him, but he was sure that if these three fingers fall, Yuan Che’s three people have had life! ?

And if the assistance of these 3 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouses is lost, the key is that after Yuan Che’s death, the Skybreaker Wheel will also be temporarily useless. In that case, I am afraid he will not get away!

“You’ve been miserable this time!”

Yin Xiao gritted his teeth. It wasn’t that he wanted to save Yuan Che more than a joke. Don’t say anything about his friendship with Yuan Che and the alliance relationship. At this moment, he had been forgotten by him. He also wished to chop Yuan Che!

However, without saving Yuan Che, Yin Xiao would have to save herself!

When even seeing Yin Xiao turning into a silver light, flying towards 3 Yuan Yuan, and Ziyun seeing this, how could he easily make it work: “Want to run !?”

Immediately, Ziyun slashed away and had to say that under the anxiety of Yin Xiao, coupled with the realm of 9 Heavenly Layer Peak, the speed can be described as extreme.

However, that is also the simple tooth of the divine object. The speed of the blade soaring is faster!

I saw that Ziyun lifted the knife and split it, it was still the size of an ordinary sword, but when it was cut, it was soaring straight, and the blade was suddenly cut behind Yin Xiao!


This fierce knife actually cut the silver robe behind Yin Xiao out of a gap, and even a little blood light flew out.

Yin Xiao figure stopped and took a cool breath. Since he became famous, he hasn’t known how long it has been chopped by the enemy!

But at this moment, Yin Xiao didn’t dare to hesitate, and had to rescue Yuan Che first. There was the most important reason for this urgency. If Yuan Che died, he would not have a token in and out of the space!

Guess the brother holding the token, and Mei Wuyan will open a way for him? !!

Fortunately, this silver robe defends out of the ordinary, and Yin Xiao itself is also 9 Heavenly Layer Peak, this blade just leaves a deep blood mark, otherwise, I am afraid that this blade is deep enough!

“Yin Young Master, save me!”

Seeing 3 people under the sky giant finger, just like the ants waiting to be slaughtered, Yin Xiao gritted his teeth again, it was considered to be out of the way, throwing the silver robe, the silver robe flew away and shrouded over the head of 3 people!


The silver robe became larger in mid-air, covering Yuan Che’s three heads, and the Optimus giant’s finger on it really stopped.

However, after a while, I saw that the Great Sky Finger was unstoppable. It was to roll down the silver robe together. In front of this horrible force that contained destruction, the silver robe that was shed by the God Realm Mithril Silkworm, actually As if to be pierced, and twisted, Yin Xiao looked in her eyes, her heart was bleeding!

Fortunately, Yin Xiao’s speed is really fast, and the three of Xiong Lie are terrified, and they won’t be standing silly waiting to die. Seeing the silver robe stalled for a moment, they immediately took advantage of the silhouette to storm and fly away!

“Open the exit soon!”

At this moment, I still use a reminder. When Yuan Che was about to throw out the token, he saw a light curtain emerged in front of him. During the period, his strong desire for survival also made him not forget to manipulate the celestial bone wheel to delay the pursuit of the divine object. Purple cloud!


This scene has shocked many powerhouses in the space, and it is impossible to describe it in words!

1000 Royal League, fled! ?

The 1000 Royal League, which was visited by Yin Young Master himself, lost! ?

Yin Xiao ’s strength of 9 Heavenly Layer Peak, there are 2 Divine Objects, even Yuan Che also got a Divine Object, plus 2 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouse!

Such a lineup is also luxurious in the tombs of the gods!

It can be said that the 1000 Royal League with Yin Xiao sitting is enough to suppress and kill any party present, even 10000 Huagu is no exception!

But such an overbearing lineup was defeated by the two young Golden Immortal! ?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, everyone felt as if they were dreaming, and even dreaming might not have such an explosive scene!

Mei Wuli was also stunned. He knew clearly that with Yin Xiao’s strength, if he attacked 10000 Huagu, even if he was present, he might not be able to support it, and it would be difficult to maintain unbeatenness.

But this pair is just the brother of Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer, not only unbeaten, but defeated 1000 Royal League!

Especially Qin Yichen, if you have n’t seen it with your own eyes, Mei Wuliang ca n’t believe it. Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer can fight 3 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment, and it can also deal with the Divine Object, and it will ultimately be defeated!

Every means during this period can be called a miracle, and many miracles burst out, it is simply Gods Vestige!

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