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But even with just one finger, Qin Yichen is confident, without exaggeration, he can easily save the cremation of a 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse and directly reduce it to ashes and blood.

However, this split-bone wheel is, after all, a dignified divine object. Under a little strangulation, it actually swallowed up the annihilation finger.

Yuan Che saw in his eyes that this was relaxed, and finally he had dealt with the disaster.

As everyone knows, although the split-day bone wheel can break up the big annihilation fingers, it has given Qin Yichen time to escape from danger temporarily!

And taking this opportunity, Qin Yichen immediately took the immortal medicine, and the immortal strength that was originally overwhelmed suddenly surged up. Immediately, the star eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: “You will lose 2 defeats from the sky Giant finger !? “

Tone barely fell, Qin Yichen merged his hands and pointed at Yuan Che!

At that moment, Yuan Che was trembling all over, complexion greatly changed, just as if he remembered the nightmare that made him lose his reputation a few days ago!

And that nightmare is a repetition in an instant!

“hong long! ”

Above the messy space dome, two rifts were penetrated, and two Optimus giant fingers came down suddenly, and the gold and copper brilliance like fingerprints was more magnificent.

In front of that giant finger, Yuan Che seemed to be beaten back to his original shape and became a hard-to-resist monkey.

“Not good !”

Yuan Che was more than panicked at this moment, he was scared!

After Yuan Che got the treasure, his strength really increased, but it was because there was a divide object in his hands. If he put away the divide object, his strength would not be better than before.

However, after the operation of hunting the sky, Qin Yichen was a surge of immortal strength. Yuan Che had no doubt. It was also two Great Sky Fingers, but at this time, even if he used the Ape Magical Powers Sky Arm, it was difficult to resist!

Xiong Lie 2 was the first time to see the horrible sight of this horrible giant finger. Before they came down, they were struggling to breathe, and their immortal strength shields were about to collapse. Previously, I only heard that Yuan Che was the boy Two giant fingers were conquered and they were defeated. They still felt disdainful, but after seeing it with their own eyes, they dare to despise! ?

In front of these two Great Sky Giant Fingers, the reaction of Xiong Lie is to stay away from Yuan Che and must not be involved!

However, Xiong Lie 2 just pulled his leg, but saw Yuan Che yelling, “Help me!”

Xionglie corner of mouth twitching, simply didn’t plan to bother, kidding, but also to help you withstand? What the hell is it to help you die!

Seeing two leagues saying run and run, there was no intention to help at all, Yuan Che could not wait to get them to death by cracking the Sky Bones!

“If I die, will little bastard let you go !?”

As soon as this remark came out, it was the Xiong Lie 2 who suddenly awakened, yeah, they can now hit Qin Yichen, to put it plainly, they are relying on Yuan Di’s divine object!

If Yuan Che is dead, this skeletal bone wheel becomes a masterless object. Even if they can surrender, it is not a time and a half effort. Besides, will Qin Yichen give them this opportunity?

Xionglie 2 fiercely gritted his teeth and secretly thought that this time it was Yuan Yuan’s trouble. Unconsciously, their lives were tied to the former!

But 2 people didn’t dare to hesitate, after all, even if they looked at the face of the split-day bone wheel, Yuan Che’s life had to be temporarily guaranteed!

Immediately, 2 people looked at each other, Xiong Lie shouted low: “One person, one finger!”

Snake Ming is inwardly grumbled, what choice does he have! ?

Immediately, the two 2 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouses were immersed in immortal strength, standing around Yuan Che, soaring into the sky, carrying their arms with their arms, carrying the blaze giant finger!


With the advent of the Great Finger, Xiong Lie was clearly in shape, and only felt that his arms were almost broken!

She Ming is not much better. Under that giant finger, it looks like a small snake struggling endlessly, and even throws his hands away, leaving Yuan Che’s impulse to die on his own.

The reaction of Xiong Lie and 2 people further confirmed the fear in Yuan Che’s heart. One person was so embarrassed to resist a giant finger. If both fingers came to him, the consequences could be imagined!

“Yuan Che, why don’t you hurry up!”

Xiong Lie’s muscles exploded, and he was extremely anxious while resisting the annihilation of the fingers.

“Coming soon, hold on!”

Yuan Che also knew that the situation was urgent at the moment, and after repeated tactics, he saw that the skeletal bone wheel shattered the root giant finger faster!

At this moment, many powerhouses are already stunned, but they did not expect that the splendor and intensity of this battle would be so exaggerated!

Yin Xiao came personally, and the 3 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouse teamed up. The dive object was exhausted, but was still saved by the surnamed Qin youth one after another. Now, it is a sign of court resistance!

These battle strengths, many powerhouses see in the eyes, the only thing I can think of is horror!

“Kill him!”

Yin Xiao also lost his eyes. He thought that it was just a little bastard that’s all that could be crushed to death. Didn’t expect it so arrogant that even this time he said it was not overkill on the iron plate!

If this little bastard is to survive, they will surely become a big trouble for them!

Even at this moment, Yin Xiao couldn’t help worrying about what would happen if Mei Wuli took the opportunity!

And Mei Wuyan looked at the two Xiong Lie who were oppressed by the fingers of Optimus. After being surprised, she couldn’t help dragging Mei Wulei’s sleeves: “Brother, Qin Young Master is going to defeat the victory! As long as you shot, This Stinking Insect will die today! “

Mei Wuli’s pump light flashed, how could he not see the situation? Now it can be said that the winner is where he helps!

No matter from Mei Wuyan’s begging, or Yin Xiao and Yuan Che’s several divine objects, Mei Wu was foolish.

But Mei Wuli was still a little worried, after all, the revenge of the 1000 Royal League was not a joke.

And without him, Qin Yichen will probably fall into the inferior danger immediately when the skeletal bone wheel breaks up the optimistic giant finger!

However, Mei Wurui is still hesitant, but Qin Yichen has not entrusted the hope to the former. The other party is willing to plead for him and to protect his companion. He has done his best. He always remembers that sentence, if you want something done well, do it yourself!

“Do you really think I can’t kill you !?”

Suddenly, Qin Yichen screamed angrily, and saw that his palm was raised high, and another finger was slowly raised!

The speed of lifting the finger is very slow, but every time it is lifted, Qin Yichen’s immortal strength is as turbulent as it is, and the terrible momentum is sweeping the entire space!

“hong long long ……”

The dull sound actually caused the sky to tremble and make the whole space unstable!

The rage that destroyed Heaven and Earth even climbed rapidly, and when Qin Yichen’s finger was raised, it was extremely strong!

At that moment, the youth stood in a volley, 3 pointing to heaven, like the god who dominates the lives in front of him!

“hong long long ……”

Looking at the 3 rifts on the sky, Yin Xiao, who is as strong as 9 Heavenly Layer Peak, felt breathless, look pale!

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