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Another lotus petal came, and the sweltering heat wave that swept every Golden Immortal back in the room.

In Gu Suyi’s eyes, the lotus petal dripping from the sky made him feel inexplicably great terror!

“That woman, what is there …”

There was almost no hesitation. The fear in my heart made Gu Suyi’s subliminal Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body go away!

However, the flaming lotus petal that fell from the sky did not give Gu Su Yi the chance to succeed, and he slashed to the latter’s half-virtual Primordial Spirit!



Gu Suyi just felt that a fiery red flashed in front of him, and wherever he passed, at the feet of his Primordial Spirit, a horrible gully like a volcanic rift was left!

And Gu Suyi, who had kept the running Primordial Spirit, was also stunned in place, his action was rigid.

At this moment, within Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, it was surprisingly quiet.

Only Gu Suyi’s brows gradually burst into a blaze of fire, but the blaze of fire expanded instantly, spreading to the whole body with just a few breaths!


The billowing flames seemed to ignite Gu Suyi’s soul!

That scream screamed a lot of Shenxiao Immortal Sect, but no one dared to step forward in the trembling flames.

In the end, with the beautiful eyes of Honglian condensing, the flames burst into the sky, standing at the height of the universe, you can clearly see the Shenxiao Immortal Sect being burned out of a fire sea!

It was just in the fire sea that there seemed to be ashes drifting, but no silhouette of Gu Suyi could be found …

This scene made the world above Shenxiao Immortal Sect silent.

Even, even the fierce Jiang Haoqiang who killed Gongsun Xingyang, at this moment are all stiff, looking at the fire sea in Zongnei, his eyes are incredible!

Aunt, Junior Brother Su … dead! ?

Its Primordial Spirit was just burned to ashes! ?

The 100 Golden Immortal in the field also had such shocking ideas!

Dignified Heavenly 2 Heavenly Layer, looking at the 2 Star Domains, they can all be called the spirit cultivation powerhouse of under one person, and Primordial Spirit is burned to ashes like this!

What a means! ?

For a time, many powerhouse came back to his senses, looked towards Honglian’s pump light, full of awe!

Even Qin Yichen, at this moment, Junyi’s face was full of clutter and shock!

Honglian … too fierce! ?

He decided to take back all the derogations against Red Lotus while at Phoenix Clan!

Even Qin Yichen couldn’t help but marvel at the moment. It was indeed his Artifact Spirit. After awakening, he was so arrogant, throwing his hands up and killing the Heavenly Layer 2 Heavenly Layer!

Of course, what Qin Yichen knew most about the meaning of the two lotus petals that Honglian’s brows seemed dim at this moment was also distressed.

2 lotus petals … How much Immortal Medicine does it take to make up?

However, this price is not worth mentioning at all compared to the formidable power caused by these 2 lotus petals!

At that moment, Qin Yichen was also blinking, the scum of Alchemy Dao that had oppressed him all the way, was finally dead!

In the world, exclaimed, that red-clothed, like a shadow of fire, is very tall in the hearts of many powerhouses!

However, at this moment, listening to a hoarse and furious coldly shouted, so that many powerhouses present were trembling.

“36 days of Blood Lotus …”

Looking at it, although the blood-colored silhouettes of the five officials are distorted, there is a shock in them that is difficult to hide.

“It seems that Phoenix Clan is not as honest as it seems!”

After cutting out 2 lotus petals in a row, Honglian ’s beautiful eyes became weak and weak. However, in the face of the blood-colored silhouette, she was still euphemistically cold: “Blood Demon Race … Roga, it seems that you were fighting Great Elder holds Divine Spark in his hands! “

Luojia 2 words, let Qin Yichen star eyes flash, can make Honglian name, this blood color silhouette must be the Demon God to rebuke Heaven and Earth then!

At the moment, Luo Jia’s bloody mouth is raising a joke: “How amazing is I still to be you? It turns out that only the lotus seeds are left. What? You don’t think this little bastard can help you reproduce the style of the year. ? “

Honglian hearing this, sneer: “You are not better than each other.”

“Want to help you reinvent God Realm with these walking dogs? Unfortunately, I met the deity!”

Roga snarled: “By you !?”

Although Boom is full of fierce sorrows, Roga at the moment has already felt other kinds of irritability and fear.

The little bastard of this True-Dragon Race, Bloodline looks like not at all thin and pitiful!

On the contrary, in addition to the inheritance of the White Tiger Clan, the existence of the little bastard chance is given to him, and every one, his strength in life must be above him!

Even Phoenix Clan’s divide object 36-day Blood Lotus falls into the hands of this little bastard!

Although these methods did not make Luo Jia feel afraid of heart palpitations, even from Roga’s view, if he was in the Peak state, he would kill these ants, but in a moment!

However, the strength of this little bastard in front of me seems to have been … beyond the scope of the ants!

“Today, you must not let this fish that escaped the net grow up!”

Thinking of this, the blood glow in Roga’s pupil flashed, and the voice sounded: “Blood slaves, dedicate your strength to the deity!”

Tone barely fell, Qin Yichen felt the blood light between Heaven and Earth, seeming more surging!

Duanmu Longdou was all in panic: “What’s going on !?”

When Honglian saw this, it was also a change of pretty face: “Not good …… blood loss!”

“Boy, blood essence!”

Seems to see the urgency of the situation, Qin Yichen did not dare to hesitate, blood essence poured from the palm of the hand, Honglian took it in his hand, turned into a shadow, flying across the world.

However, Honglian’s movement was still a step slower. She only had time to save part of her life.

The others, such as Mo Wangyue and the others, felt something strange. They only felt that the Bloodline seemed to be uncontrollable and surging. In the eyes of outsiders, the former swelling and the Bloodline burst and looked horrible.

In the end, the surging Bloodline gathered on the blood red mark of the eyebrow, and then, in the world, a blood mist burst!


Everything is willing to be given the golden essence of the Golden Immortal powerhouse by Roga, at this moment, it turns into a blood mist!

And those blood mists spread throughout the world, and finally, they condensed into a terrible appearance, enveloping the entire starry sky in a bloody color!

These variables make Gongsun Xingyang’s many powerhouses’ complexion suddenly change, only to feel that great terror is coming!

And the blood-colored silhouette was madly creeping. In the end, the silhouette of Jiang Haoqiang was entwined … devoured!

The blood color silhouette re-condensing, with Jiang Haoqiang’s body as the foundation, is getting more and more embarrassing. At the same time, the blood wings behind it are gradually blooming with extremely violent rays of light!

At the moment, Honglian was biting her teeth, and Jin Yao flickered in her hands, such as Cang Sect Master Yun and other powerhouses who were captured by Luojia’s blood.

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