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Between Heaven and Earth, the tiger screams, 10000000 million tigers seem to be mixed with the anger of the master and come out to kill, making the world tremble, murky heavens dark earth!

For a while, two figures kept fighting against each other in the sky, and in the bloody silhouette eyes, there was also irritability.

Originally with his strength, even if he did not fall into this place, he could crush the little bastard at will, but the asylum and inheritance of the fighting made him difficult to succeed!

But at this moment, Su Suyi, who was far away from Immortal Sect, found this.

“This little bastard has been undefeated for so long in front of adults!”

The tyrannical Spirit Power surged, and even at the edge of the world where the two sides fought, there was an illusory shadow of Su Yi.

Looking at the silhouette of the golden glow body, Gu Suyi’s eyes could not help but show strong hatred!

This little bastard, even now, can still stand out! ?

“Hmph, it’s only by relying on Bloodline that I can barely disobey the adult that’s all.”

After returning to the Primordial Spirit, Gu Suyi sneered in the corner of his mouth, expressing a joke: “Unfortunately, you, Bloodline, do not want your deity.”

While speaking, Gu Suyi looked up again and smiled eccentricly: “tsk tsk, Heaven Realm is so fast, and then pampered, I’m afraid it really will make you little bastard make Primordial Spirit.”

“But unfortunately, in front of the deity, you are still a waste! At this time, Shangguanmiao was not in front of you!”

In a moment, Spirit Power surged into a terrible vortex in the Immortal Sect of Shenxiao. In the middle of that vortex, Gu Suyi’s pump light was fierce, and the corners of his mouth were raised proudly.

For his blow to crush that little bastard of Sea of ​​Consciousness, the adults will reward him!

“Today, the deity will take revenge for Jiang Martial Nephew!”

“Little bastard, die!”


In the starry sky, the powerhouses of the two sides were fighting, but suddenly they felt an overwhelming Spirit Power, soaring into the sky!

The spirit of Spirit Power, even the Golden Immortal of all parties is a subconscious avoidance!

However, just after came back to his senses, Duanmu Longdou changed his face suddenly: “Not good!”

This sudden Spirit Power is aimed at Qin Yichen!

“It must be Gu Suyi that old dog!”

“Yi Chen, be careful!”

With Qin Yichen’s keen perception, he was naturally aware of the sudden sneak attack, and even at that moment, his heart shuddered suddenly.

I have to admit that Xianshi 2 Heavenly Layer, in terms of spiritual cultivation, is inferior to Shang Sumiao’s aunt Su Yi. Spirit Power is extremely horrible!

Qin Yichen was deliberately dodging, but the bloody silhouette seemed to have accepted Gu Suyi’s intervention after the lightly startled, and the blood glow suddenly surged, making it difficult for the former to withdraw.

Around Huanyu, looking at the starry sky, it was against the slender Spirit Power vortex, and Duanmu Longdou was anxious.

“Old dog, Su Yi, I’ll kill him now!”

You know, this time they came to seek the Shen Xiao Immortal Sect, which was not at all the immortal master followed! After all, this kind of Golden Immortal level war, the immortal master is easily affected by accident.

However, because of this, they can only watch Gusuyi sneak attack for a while, and they can’t find a way to stop it for a while!

Even at that moment, a lot of Golden Immortal wanted to rush forward and stop Qin Yichen at the cost of his soul being crushed!

After all, Qin Yichen’s Sea of ​​Consciousness realm is just the Heaven Realm top powerhouse, and the full strength sneak attack of Xianshi 2 Heavenly Layer is not the first one to counteract!

However, just as the vortex was approaching, I saw Qin Yichen’s brows flashing a fiery red shadow!

The Qianying stood proudly in the starry sky, her eyebrows seemed to be burning with flames, and she could not speak of elegance, but at this moment, those beautiful eyes reflecting the lotus petals were writhing with anger!

“Old dog, I have been with you for a long time!”

Tenderly shouted, so that many powerhouses felt trembling, as if in the depth of one’s soul was swept by a mass of heat!

As an Artifact Spirit, it can be said that Honglian is watching Qin Yichen being oppressed by Gu Suyi and Shenxiao Immortal Sect all the way.

However, she used to be awake, and although angry, she could not help.

But … it’s different now!

“Immortal Master 2 Heavenly Layer, dare to make a fight in front of the deity !?”

With this anger, even Qin Yichen, who was his master, was taken aback.

When was the Celestial Mastery 2 Heavenly Layer not worthy of making troubles in front of you?

However, next moment, a terrible force, suddenly changed Qin Yichen’s face!

I saw in the heart of Honglian, a burst of red burning surge, this red, unlike the bloody silhouette of the monster, but on the contrary, extremely hot, it seems to be able to purify and even burn 10000 things in the world!


For a while, on the 100 Golden Immortal powerhouse, I just felt between Heaven and Earth and cut out a red lotus petal!

Where the lotus petals pass, if even the stars can be lit, it seems that the universe will be burned!

The sky was so hot that any Golden Immortal present was trembling. With the slightest touch, the soul would turn to ashes!


The flaming lotus petal cut across the starry sky and descended towards the Immortal Sect of God Xiao. At this moment, Gu Suyi, who stood within the sect, could not help shaking.

He only felt that a force to destroy the anger came, like a round of hot sun, to crush him and burn it!

The fear from the bottom of his heart made Gu Suyi very frightened. He couldn’t believe that he was a dignified fairy 2 Heavenly Layer. Except for Shangguan Miao, who could beat him?

But this suddenly appeared, and the woman who had a red lotus on her heart made Gu Suyi extremely horrified!

Even Gu Suyi couldn’t be sure. Does Heaven Immortal with Spirit cultivation make him feel so coercive?

Gu Suyi desperately blocked, and Spirit Power in Sea of ​​Consciousness never dared to keep it anymore, he now only hoped to live under this lotus petal!

“bang bang bang!”

The lotus petals descended, so that Shen Xiao Immortal Sect shrouded in the fire sea, and Gu Suyi at this moment seemed to be roasted with cold sweat, and look pale as paper!

When the lotus petals dispersed, Gu Suyi was already standing unsteady, dizzy, and almost exhausted all Spirit Power!

This scene, let the top 100 Golden Immortal in the universe, all is to take a cold breath.

With just one hit, it was so difficult for Gu Suyi to fight back!

What a woman is this woman! ?

And everybody present is an experienced and knowledgeable Golden Immortal, and it is clear that this woman now seems to exist spiritually.

But every time I looked at the burning red lotus in my heart, I felt a burning pain in my heart.

One lotus petal was cut out, and one of the seven lotus petals that originally burned on Red Lotus’s brows became dim. Although it would not wither, the slight flame was clearly different from the other six.

However, the anger in Honglian’s beautiful eyes has never subsided, overlooking Gu Suyi through the stars.

“You old dog, dare to fight back, right?”

The 8 party’s pampered drink came to the Immortal Sect of Shen Xiao, which caused Gu Suyi to simmer for a while, as if he encountered the most terrifying catastrophe in his life …

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