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In this brief moment, Jie Cangyun continued to realize that he was wrong: “Senior Brother Jiang, this meeting ceremony, let’s not just be it!”

However, at this moment, I saw a statue that was only half a human tall and broke out!

The blood-colored statue, I do n’t know how many years the dust has sealed, but it is also difficult to stop its dark red blood-color, it seems that the blood of countless souls has formed.

Looking at it, the blood-colored statue 5 officials, like Asura, had blood wings on the back, but somehow they were broken.

But just a statue, the coercion emanating from it is to make Jiang Haoqiang feel trembling!

At that moment, Jiang Haoqiong seemed to feel that he had personally started a catastrophe that caused Heaven and Earth blood flowing into a river!

At this moment, Jie Cangyun’s face changed suddenly. I still can’t see where this so-called meeting ceremony is actually a big pit!

And listening to Jiang Haoqiong’s meaning, it seems that I want to treat them as little white mice!

At the same time as Jie Cangyun’s heart trembled, his heart was screaming, but now he knows clearly that since Jiang Haoqiong would let himself know this taboo, it is impossible for him to leave easily!

At this moment, the energy between Heaven and Earth seemed to be forcibly swallowed, making the statue’s original dull eyes exude a faint blood.

Even though it is faint, it is not the traces of countless years that can hide the repression, and it even makes several people in the world feel choked!

The bloody eyes slowly looked at Jie Fan.

“That woman, it should be yours.”

Just a word is to make Jie Fan’s face change suddenly, Jie Cangyun beside him, just feel that all the ambitions in his heart are aroused at this moment!

“Do you … want to take it back?”

At this moment, I saw Jie Fan clenching his fists in both hands, and his eyes were gradually covered by blood light. It seemed like a mania, with a low drink in his teeth.

“Ya Xuan is my woman! It is mine! Zhan Wuyuan, you are not worth touching her!”


Jie Cangyun wanted to stop, but found that those eyes that seemed to contain the sea of ​​blood turned her head slowly and looked towards herself.

“You don’t want to take back everything that belongs to you?”

As soon as this word came out, Jie Cangyun suddenly choked, and seemed to feel Five Thunderbolts. At the bottom of his heart, there were countless roar sounds, making his eyes gradually red!

Everything that belongs to him, the hegemon of the realm of the clan is his!

“I am the emperor of the clan! I am the overlord of that Heaven and Earth!”

In the end, Ying Tu could not escape the bewilderment of the scarlet statue. Even in the face of the ancient voice, the former pump light was expected to be mostly!

Immediately, Jiang Haoqiang saw that the eyebrows of the three people in Jie Cangyun were cracking, a path of blood pillars, went straight towards the bloody statue!

As the blood essence of 3 people was washed and instilled, the original appearance of the blood-colored statue was finally flashed with blood color, and the 2 blood wings behind it were slowly reborn in the peristaltic movement …


In a short time, Jiang Haoqiong saw 3 blood lights again and flew into the clouds of 3 people. He vaguely captured that it seemed to be a drop of blood essence.

However, from that blood essence, Jiang Haoqiong reminded him of the bloody flowers that made the hunting battlefield crack and turbulent!

Jiang Haoqiong has not yet been shocked. The 3 people in the side world have set off a terrible air!

Originally, with the strength of Jiang Haoqiang, one person can confidently fight against three people in the world, but the red blood light mixed in the air waves made the former back again and again.

Not only that, Jiang Haoqiang can clearly feel that the breath of the world is rising, and there is a terrifying bloodthirsty slaughter!

The fluctuations continued for the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, only to see the redness in the eyes of Cangyun 3, gradually hiding and restraining.

However, compared with the previous one, there was a slight change in the breath of the three people. Although this change was soon hidden to the point where Jiang Haoqiong could not even see it with his own eyes, he could not even capture it.

Apart from this, Jiang Haoqiang also felt that in the eyes of the three people in Jie Cangyun, it seemed that the ambition and ruthlessness that had been hidden in the heart had flashed.


Even as a Sect Master, Jiang Haoqiong couldn’t help taking a breath. Just this moment, the improvement of the strength of the three people in the world Cang Yun made him horrified!

Just at this moment, I saw the bloody statue standing in the air, twisting slowly, the blood wings squirming behind, and the ancient harsh voice was more powerful.

“Now, do you believe that the deity has the ability to satisfy your ambitions?”

Jiang Haoqiong’s breathing was short, and his voice was trembling: “What’s the price?”

On the face of the scarlet statue, there seemed to be a smile of disdain and confusion: “acknowledge allegiance in the deity.”

“But for you, it may not be the price, but the glory of Supreme.”

Jiang Haoqiang figured trembled, but from the moment he opened the seal, he expected this scene.

Immediately, I saw Jiang Haoqiong prostrate oneself in admiration, and knelt down deeply: “Little man, willing to work for adults!”

“Very good, what to do, no need to teach you?”

After a while, Shenxiao Immortal Sect was over the sky.

Looking at the strands of white crickets that were entangled within the sect in order to bury Li Muchen, the redness in Jiang Hao’s eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a cold and severe smile.

“Junior Brother Li, look carefully, Senior Brother, I will use the little bastard and the first level of those guys of the day to sacrifice you in the spirit of heaven!”

Immediately, Jiang Haoqiong within the body echoed a hoarse voice: “After the deity recovers some strength, he will meet those wall grass …”

Meanwhile, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect.

“Seniors, this is Junior’s brother, Ye Liangchen, Ye Yeye, fine moment and beautiful scene.”

“Liangchen, this is Senior Officer Senior, Alchemy Dao Number One Person from the 2 Star Domains. I can come back this time, thanks to Senior Officer Senior’s help …”

“This is Senior Gongsun, the Sect Master of the 2 Star Domain First Sects. Senior Gongsun did it for me and personally with Jiang Haoqiang …”

“This is Ouyang Senior, the number one person for the 2 Star Domain Refiners …”

“This is Yan Tai and Yan Senior …”

In the great hall, Ye Liangchen was completely aggressive.

He just wanted to ask, who is he, where is he, and why did he meet these big guys?

Ye Liangchen was full of confusion, although he had previously guessed that the boss could certainly be assisted by an expert when he returned.

However, he didn’t expect so many powerhouses that he could help the boss, and each and everyone, so powerful and powerful!

Any one in this great hall, stomp their feet casually, for fear that it will make Huanyu tremble on three tremors.

Rao is Ye Liangchen, a smart man. He has also dealt with many powerhouses in Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, but still feels hesitant.

What struck him the most was that these gangsters were so kind to their boss and themselves!

In Shengtianfu, Qin Yichen didn’t want to say more about his own experience, but today, Ye Liangchen learned from the bosses the winds and waves of the boss in these months!

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