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And just as Qin Yichen rushed to Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, far above Shenxiao Immortal Sect …

Looking at the towering and magnificent Shenxiao Fairy City, Jie Cangyun and his party couldn’t bring up the longing and joy as before, but they looked rather embarrassed, and the heart was indescribably depressed and annoyed!

Although running fast to save his life, although he is still a Golden Immortal cultivation base, but everything he once owned is gone!

Jie Cangyun is very clear that from the moment he fled, he is no longer the hegemon of the Jie continent, and the possibility of regaining it is extremely slim, the price to be paid, and the former worrying …

And all this, thanks to Qin Yichen!

Regarding this, Jie Cangyun hated gnash the teeth. However, when he learned about Qin Yichen’s beheading of Li Muchen from Mo Wangyue’s mouth, he was trembling at the same time as he was angry and angry!

This little bastard, when was it so fierce?

Even Jie Cangyun was fortunate. Fortunately, the boy first returned to Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, otherwise Li Muchen’s end would fall on his head!

Winning Tu at the side was also faint. Originally, at this time, he followed the clan to fight and worshiped into the Immortal Sect. The future is great. As a result, Qin Yichen’s return not only lost everything, he was no longer a Western War. King of War!

In addition, you can think of Ying Tu’s feet. After being forced to flee, what kind of revenge will be carried out without fighting and 1000 mountains?

It can be said that even if he returns to the Western World, he will still be the commander of the bare pole.

Jie Fan, who was next to him, even had red eyes. The ants that could easily be crushed to death nowadays have become an influential figure that has stirred up the 2 Star Domains!

Moreover, if he fled, Yaxuan would be robbed by Zhan Wuyuan!

Originally, Jie Fan had self-confidence. As long as Zhan Wuyuan died, he would guard day and night, and sooner or later he would get the heart of the peerless beauty.

But everything is because of that little bastard! !! !!

Just at this moment, but listening to Mo Wangyue’s voice said solemnly: “All of you, this is my god Xiao Immortal Sect, are you going back with me, or?”

Where would Jie Cangyun hesitate? When even he staggered, now that he doesn’t go to Immortal Sect, where can he go?

It ’s just that, it ’s the same as returning to the Immortal Sect, but the mood of Cang Cunyun is different. There is a stupid dog …

“Little bastard, wait, sooner or later, the old man will kill back with Shen Xiao Immortal Sect!”

Entering the Shenxiao Immortal Sect, the inside and the inside of the case were downturned. At the moment when Jiang Haoqiong greeted himself in person, Mo Wangyue reluctantly raised a little spirit.

“Junior Brother Mo, aren’t you hurt?”

Regarding the same sect Junior Brother, Jiang Haoqiong still expressed his concern, and Mo Wangyue slowly shook his head, and the former barely squeezed a smile: “It’s good to come back, other things, let’s discuss it from a long perspective!”

Mo Wangyue fiercely made a fist: “Senior Brother Li he …”

Speaking of this, Jiang Hao’s eyes filled with grief and indignation, his voice hoarse: “Wanting the moon, I believe Senior Brother, this account, we will sooner or later ask for a return!”

After all, Jiang Haoqiong looked at the world again, and he could guess what happened to the former without asking.

Immediately, Jiang Haoqiong patted Cang Yun’s shoulders and filled with indignation: “Brother Cang Yun, that uncle is really abominable, not only has he repeatedly confronted my ancestors, but has also caused you to leave your hometown!”

“Brother Cangyun, would you like to hang out with my enemies with my enemies?”

Jie Cangyun didn’t hesitate much, so he bowed his head and said, “old man is willing to follow Sir Sect Master!”


In the first room of Jiang Hao’s vault, a glimmer of crafty flashed in his eyes, but no one noticed it, and with his city, everything naturally behaved normally, low shouted: “In the future, you will be my sect Elder. I promise that in the future Sect Master and a bunch of fellow apprentices will take everything back for Junior Brother! “

There was excitement in Jie Cangyun’s heart. No matter what, at least it could be Elder of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect.

Immediately, Jiang Haoqiong was holding the clouds in the realm and slowly walking towards the sect: “Junior Brother Li has just fallen, and you and the junior ceremony that won the Junior Brother will be grander after a while.”

“Mochizuki, get ready and send you Senior Brother Li for the last trip, Junior Brother. You follow me. The time is in a hurry. Senior Brother has prepared something that is not on the table. It is a meeting ceremony.”

Mo Wangyue is compelled to leave with a heavy mood, and Jie Cangyun has no doubt at all about this. In his opinion, Jiang Haoqiong must come up with some benefits to win over him.

Moreover, Jie Cangyun still has a little expectation. How can I say a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, and I want to gather myself 2 Golden Immortal One half step Golden Immortal .

But I did n’t see it. Jiang Haoqiong walking in front of me had a playful radian: “Junior Brother, rest assured, you will love this meeting ceremony …”

A moment later, under the leadership of Jiang Haoqiong, the world of Cangyun came to a land of blood red.

This land is empty, but standing here, Jie Cangyun feels an inexplicable palpitation.

Win Tu is also skeptical. Shouldn’t it be a good meeting, shouldn’t it be some priceless and unique rare treasure, or Immortal Technique Immortal Grade? What is going on in this place?

“Senior Brother Jiang, this …”

However, at this moment, Jiang Haoqiong’s face was also quite dignified. If he looked closely, he would also find that at the Golden Immortal powerhouse, at this moment, his body was actually unable to stop and tremble slightly. .

“you win.”

Jiang Haoqiong ignored a few people, but shouted at the scarlet land: “I … need your strength, my ambition is just as you said.”

“However, I hope that you can show enough strength before that!”

Tone barely fell, under the blood-red land, there was an ancient and harsh sound that made the world’s heart tremble.

“Jié jié, I knew it already, why wait till today? Let alone, now that you think about it, let’s do it!”

Jiang Haoqiang took out the token of the Lord of Divine Heaven Sect tremblingly, waving his sleeves, and the token floated on the bloody land, but it emitted a burst of light, it seemed to be warning the former.

However, Jiang Haoqiang gritted his teeth ruthlessly said: “You Sect Founder is on, Hao Qiong is indisputable, so that a thief has repeatedly damaged my case. Today, although the taboo is broken, it is is my sect can be more brilliant!”

It seems to be thinking of the tragic death of Jiang Yutian and Li Muchen. At this moment, Jiang Haoqiang’s eyes became red, and suddenly an immortal strength surged. In time, the Sect Master token was shining and surging!


Suddenly, the blood-red land under his feet trembled violently!

In the blood-stained land, the seals of Dao Dao disappeared without doubt. In the world, 10000 things are regarded as a terrible breath of ants, grass and mustard, and they suddenly burst out!

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