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As soon as this word came out, Jiang Haoqiang and the others startled, then he looked up and laughed wildly: “haha, it seems that your boy thinks very well!”

“Isn’t you very prestigious? Now, have you planned to be a stray dog?”

“That’s good, boy, for your so sensible part, then my case, I can let go of a dog.”

In those twin eyes, the fringe irony and scorching satire are no longer as strong as swords. It seems that they really bow their heads to the mountains that are impossible to reach and made of many Golden Immortal.

However, although there is no vigour, but the flames that have been sharpened by countless lives and deaths, it seems that it will no longer sway.

Suddenly, Qin Yichen chuckled and said, “The old people in the world, thank you.”

Jie Cangyun heard this, and couldn’t help but hesitated, then faded smile and said, “Thank me? Haha, is Xie old man holding up your noble hand, leaving you a deadly life?”

“If so, don’t thank the old man. To thank you, you should thank Master Su and Jiang Sect Master!”

Jiang Haoqiang hearing this, also proudly holding his head up, seems to feel that the youth in front of him is no longer worth a look at the ants.

Qin Yichen, on the other hand, chuckled and slowly shook his head, “No, no, no, you misunderstood. I want to thank you for this old dog. It makes me deeper in a truth-it is indeed more important to live.”

The words turned around, and Qin Yichen’s mouth still smiled: “So, I don’t plan to avenge them, but to kill you directly!”

These words seem to be in the fog, if Qin Yichen said before, it would only make people feel indecent.

However, after this endless darkness has been lost for a long time, what is said is like the truth that no one can shake!

It’s like, Qin Yichen … I realized.

It’s a kind of self-confidence, it’s a power that can’t be shaken by the wind and waves!

After a while, the face of Jie Cangyun and the others changed, and became fly into a rage out of humiliation.

“Little beast, it seems that you are still alive!”

“Kill us? It’s up to you? Do you really think that the immortal Immortal Sect will be an outsider for you, and fight with so many Golden Immortal in my case !?”

“Hmph, I’m afraid it’s just Shangguanmiao face to face, I’m afraid to speak like that!”

The sound of Golden Immortal’s resentment seemed to make this dark squirm, like the despair of a swallowing soul in the abyss, but it could not change the confidence in Qin Yichen’s eyes.

“Why? Just, Lao Tzu’s compound Dan is unparalleled in the world !!!”


Under one punch, the silhouette of Jie Cangyun and the others disappeared like a broken mirror.

However, the darkness in front of me didn’t dissipate, but changed again. Qin Yichen saw this, and Xing Yan flashed: “It’s not over yet?”

However, in the face of the changing mirror, Qin Yichen has not changed his face. It seems that no matter how terrifying things are about to be faced, it is difficult to scare him.

Gradually, the picture condensed, Qin Yichen suddenly found that the foot he stepped on was actually the great hall of Shengtianfu.

Outside the great hall, many powerhouses in Shengtianfu, a path of familiar faces, are cheering excitedly for him, and greet his triumph.

Looking at that relative and friend, Human Race, Qin Yichen smiled from the bottom of his heart, and Zhan Wuyuan stood side by side, rejoicing for him.

“Yichen, this time it can be said that the imperial city of the Jie tribe will be changed to the hall of your holy heaven. After your clan is strong in the future, the Jie tribe ’s place will slowly digest.”

Looking at the sideless whisper to himself, Qin Yichen smiled and felt that there was a supple as if boneless arm holding him.

Looking back, it is the devastatingly beautiful peerless face, smiling like a flower, 2 people standing together, like made in Heaven and arranged by Earth.

“Husband, just come back. After that, you will stay, we will be in the imperial city, OK?”

Qin Yichen’s eyes were filled with iron bone tenderness, only to face the wind 1000 snow and the tender voice of deep care, but in the end, he slowly shook his head.

The wind 1000 snow startedled, and the worry between the pretty face could hardly be covered up: “Husband, isn’t this enough? You promised that Senior and my tribe have already done it. Now, my tribe, isn’t it prosperous? What? “

Qin Yichen shook his head: “Not enough.”

Wind 1000 Xue Wanyin eagerly: “Husband, you have done well enough! Didn’t you understand that? And what if Husband let those beings discover us?”

While speaking, the sky above Shengtianfu actually emerged from the battlefield of the Shen emperor. The horrible silhouette that originally knelt down in front of the famous jade monument of Hao Yao many powerhouses, the blood red flower, also bloomed into a bloody red face!

Qin Yichen smiled: “What do you think is more important to me?”

Wind 1000 whispered: “Better?”

Qin Yichen shook his head, the wind 1000 snow beautiful eyes wondering: “Is that … alive?”

Qin Yichen shook his head again, and this time, the wind 1000 snowed blankly: “What is the most important thing for you?”

Qin Yichen smiled.

“Let you, live better.”

As soon as the words came out, the wind and snow seemed to be faint, gradually, everything in front of them was all gone, and the peerless face with a reassuring smile, also turned into the original darkness under Qin Yichen’s reluctant eyes.

But at this moment, in the face of that endless darkness, there is no fear in Qin Yichen’s eyes, and the confidence in the twinkles seems that it is difficult to hide the brilliance of the hopeless darkness.

“Sure enough, it’s not really 1000 snow … But that’s it!”


A single punch hit the heavens and the earth, all feeling chapped!

The endless darkness is broken, and only the slender silhouette stands proudly and looks at it all silently.

Light and darkness intersect, Qin Yichen seems to understand that only by breaking the darkness with his own hands can the light reflect everything!

After all, the darkness is gone, and at the end of Secret Realm, there is an old man with a divide poise and sagelike features.

Qin Yichen looked at the old man, and the two of them smiled at each other. However, in the face of the existence that made Shangguan Miao all admired extremely much, the former not at all trembling with fear complained, but his tone was rather joke: “Speaking of it, it’s been a long time since I have seen 2 snow, many thanks Senior, for Junior to solve the problem of Acacia.”

Teana Ancestor Master’s full-faced face, now full of smiles: “Okay, today, you can make the old man eye-opener.”

Qin Yichen startled, it is rare to be able to get this top powerhouse that used to rebuke Heaven and Earth, but in his opinion, it should be that the former knows that he is having too much trouble, so he made the test It’s hard.

However, Qin Yichen didn’t find anything wrong with it, after all, he was asking for others.

The youth stood in Secret Realm. In this test, there was no blade light sword shadow, and there was no fighting god. Instead, it was like pipe dream.

It was only after this dream that what Qin Yichen stared out of was extraordinarily confident.

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