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Zhan Wuyuan’s pump light flickered, suppressing the grief and indignation in his heart, and trying to maintain the demeanor of a war emperor.

But everyone in the hall was very clear, let alone the last city is difficult to guard, I am afraid that in a few days, the corpses will be everywhere …

Zhan Wuyuan sighed: “Lei, go and call the brothers. Tonight, I don’t want to see how many brothers I want to fight with you at the end …”

Lei Gongming figured trembled, and his old face was filled with sorrow and grief. The leader gritted his teeth and left, and Zhan Wuyuan waved again: “Let’s step back.”

I saw a lot of powerhouses in the Northern Warfare inside the hall looked at each other, and nodded again and again.

Looking at the empty great hall, the expression of calmness without war was just at this moment, but after seeing the jade token flashing on his waist, after urging immortal strength, the silhouette of the 1000 mountain slowly condensed.

“My 1000, come tonight.”

The dignified emperor of the battlefield seems to be older than a few months ago. Even the voice is hoarse, but the majesty between words is not diminished.

However, fighting this deep is startled with complex expressions: “Brother 1000, are you sure? How many years has it taken in the Southern War to be prosperous and prosperous today, even if it is under the fence, it is better to destroy it once …”

What does the meaning of Zhan Wuyuan mean? The 1000 mountain is naturally clear, but he has always protected himself. At this moment, he waved his hand slightly, laughing at himself with a smile. Elder of Sect, does he live in the imperial city? “

Zhan Wuyuan was startled, and expression was even more dim. He naturally knew the news, or that the clan tribe took the initiative to let out the wind, so as to use it to combat the morale they had left.

“Only the old man and you are dead, the old dog of Jie Cangyun can sleep peacefully!”

1000 When Shan Shanfeng turned around, the old eyes were full of stern resentment: “Also, for a lifetime, the old bones could not kneel.”

After being silent for a long time, Zhan Wuyuan only said one word at a time: “Brother Shan, I’m sorry.”

1000 At this moment, Shan said with a faint smile, “I can’t afford this, but it’s a pity … Qin is also a success, and Qin is a failure …”

The battleless depth figure trembled, yeah, if there is no Qin Yichen, even if he returns, he can at most be in the Northern Warring States, but he is far from qualified to compete with the kingdoms.

Because of Qin Yichen, the alliance that won the three world wars has defeated the world clan in several important wars!

But it was also because of Qin Yichen that the overlord named Shenxiao Immortal Sect existed, and anger came to this Heaven and Earth.

But you ca n’t blame him for the endless battle. The 1000 mountain is just a pity. If the genius is still there, how long will it take to break the imperial city of the kingdom?

1000 The illusory shadow of the mountain is gradually disappearing, and the battleless depths burst out for a moment. It is then that the token is put away, and when he looks up, he says lightly, “Chi Tian, ​​Liang Chen, come out.”

Tone barely fell, and after seeing great hall, he went out of the silhouette.

Led by Xuechi Tian and Ye Liangchen, behind them are silhouettes familiar to Qin Yichen-brothers Zhou Qingshan and Yiliu Tian City, and the backbone of Feile’s Chamber of Commerce.

But at this moment, everyone’s faces were full of grief and indignation, especially Ye Liangchen, his eyes were red like a beast, and the round figure couldn’t help shaking.

Zhan Wuyuan looked in his eyes, his eyes were red, his teeth were gritted, and his tone was reluctantly calm: “Chi Tian, ​​do you know what task you are going to give you …”

Xuechi Tian gritted his teeth and bowed his head. Today, he and Zhou Qingshan and the others are one Immortal Monarch, and it is well known that Wu Wuyuan put them into the temple alone.

“I’m incompetent, I can’t protect Yichen, but I can’t let Yichen’s family clansman be involved anymore, so … please!”

Zhan Wuyuan’s voice was hoarse, Qin Yichen’s hometown, he knew, Jie Cangyun and the others, also knew!

With his understanding of Jie Cangyun, whether it is to kill to the last one to vent his anger, or for compound Dan, will not let the clansman of Yi Chen!

“Your Majesty, don’t say any more!”

Xuechitian’s eyes were congested: “Yichen is our brother, and it is in Liu Tian City!”

Zhou Qingshan also stepped forward, arching fist: “I am incompetent, I only dare to assure Your Majesty, as long as we do not die, no one can hurt Qin brother’s family half!”

Everyone knows that the enemy they will face in this industry must be the Jie Clan powerhouse, or even Jie Cangyun himself!

With the strength of Xuechi Tian and the others, it is impossible to stop. They can only escape with clinman of Qin Yichen, drift and avoid in the universe, and protect themselves by death. This is the limit they can do.

After all, Zhan Wangyuan looks to Ye Liangchen, the round figure trembled of the latter, who has been in the North Korean War for so long. He has already become one with the former, and the former treats him like the boss.

“Liangchen, I’m sorry for your clan …”

“Your Majesty, stop talking!”

2 People have no sorrow and pain in their time against time. They just waved their arms and waved their hands, but they seemed to be exhausted: “Go.”

Ye Liangchen was in shape. He knew that today may be the last time he and Zhan Wuyuan met.

“Your Majesty, take care!”

In the great hall, the rounded body worshipped deeply, and then looked up, but seeing no battle had emerged an immortal strength, Golden Immortal’s tyrannical means that distorted Ye Liangchen’s eyes, and only heard a hoarseness.

“Yi Chen, in my next life, we will also be brothers …”

In the starry sky, looking at the outline of the Northern Warring World, Ye Liangchen felt choking, but what made him more uncomfortable than choking was the sorrow of heart.


When the situation of the Jiezu continent was extremely crisis, Qin Yichen was still in the Secret Realm of the Immortal Sect.

Still dark, Cang Cunyun and other arrogant Golden Immortal powers stood together, still able to tease overlooking the slender silhouette.

I just don’t know how long after that, I actually saw Qin Yichen slowly opening her eyes. In the star eyes, the doubts, griefs, and dazes … all dissipated, replaced by calm water.


It seemed that it was too long before Qin Yichen gave him the answer: “At least not now.”

In words, the arrogance of that person, extinguishes a Sect, could not be found, and it was even dull. It seemed that he was just telling a fact that was so true, but among them, he could not find guilt and guilt, and some were just indifferent.

Jie Cangyun heard this, but laughed even more: “Boy, you finally know what self-knowledge is!”

Jiang Haoqiang said coldy: “What does it mean now? Boy, do you think you can really set foot on my god Xiao Immortal Sect with the so-called innate talent?”

“In the future, if you are a wandering dog and that’s all, but if you dare to take the lead, Heaven and Earth is big, my god Immortal Sect can find you too!”

In the face of a path of sarcastic faces, Qin Yichen’s expression is unchanged, breathes deeply, and his tone is still bland: “So, I don’t intend to avenge them.”

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