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Subsequently, Qin Yichen purchased some fairies and other treasures to repair or even strengthen the spoils of war in his hand. Then, he changed his makeup and went to Tianbao Pavilion.

It is naturally impossible to sit in the lobby to participate in the Tianbao Pavilion auction. In order to be not so high-profile, you must buy a box.

Qin Yichen was also a bit worried. In the auctions where Immortal Sect gathers the current treasures, if he wants to rent a box, he also needs identity and status.

However, after talking to Immortal Sect disciple, who is in charge of the auction, Qin Yichen was relieved and thought more.

First of all, this Tianbao Pavilion, at the peak of Tianxian Xian City, needs to go to the 3rd floor of Xian City, and with these thresholds, naturally there will be no more requirements.

After all, some of the great clan forces under Immortal Sect, and many Immortal Sect disciples are unwilling to be with the Master. It ’s normal to have a few same sect in groups of three or four. After Xianjing, Qin Yichen got the jade token of a box.

The box is not Peak, and the specifications can only be considered satisfactory. Qin Yichen doesn’t have to think about it, it is definitely not as good as Yan Zhen’s treatment, but he cares about the treasures that need to be purchased, and does not tangle these.

A trip to Xianshi was quite rewarding for Qin Yichen. To ones hearts content After looking at the space equipment, Qin Yichen found a hidden mountain stream and changed back to Qin Yi, ready to go with Yan Zhen Confluence.

At the same time, Yan Zhen and the others, after being separated from Qin Yichen, were not too disappointed. At this time, Wang Yan, who was on the side, noticed something, his eyes flashed.

“Forget the Void Spirit Grass !?”

Looking down at the pump light of Wang Xi, I saw 3 white and green branches and buds lying quietly in the jade box on the most prominent row of counters in front of a shop.

That bud is vibrant, but not like the usual medicinal herb. Instead, it has a mottled color that emits a slight green fluorescence even during the day.

Even if it is installed in a jade box and there is no wind around, the forgetful Void Spirit grass is still slowly swaying, full of spirituality.

As soon as he approached, even Yan Zhen felt his soul was invigorated and his mind was even higher.

“Forgetting Void Spirit Fuck … Does this seem to be Immortal Medicine, which is great for Spirit Power realm?”

After Yan Zhen looked around, when he turned his head, he found that the 9 Pill Masters, including Wang Yan, were already staring intently at the three fairy grasses, and the yearning between expressions could no longer be hidden.

When Yan Zhen saw this, he shook his head slightly and laughed, but he could understand it, because he saw the rare fairy soldier and fairy armor, and his expression was probably the same.

At this moment, Wang Ye is also came back to his senses, and quickly arched: “Young Master said that the Void Spirit grass once refined, will significantly improve the Spirit Power realm.”

“However, the price …”

For these treasures, Wang Ye also looked at envy for a while, but while speaking, it was a shy sorrow that was exposed.

Although Qi Master also gave him a lot of Xianjing chips, but if he wants to buy an Immortal Medicine, obviously it is still not enough. Of course, part of the reason is that Bai Xuanxuan has bought a bunch of things before, all of which he used as Senior Brother’s pocket.

But Wang Yan also had to admit that even if his Master came, when he saw this Void Spirit grass, I was afraid that he could only stare and want to buy it, it was not a problem of biting his teeth …

This is the case for Wang Yan. The distress of Kong Hao is conceivable. In fact, when they came to the Third Layer in Xianshi, they all looked amazing, but they were realistic but very skinny …

This is why the self-proclaimed wayward youth would be envied by Kong Hao …

Yan Zhen frowned, a stately thing, he can still buy it without blinking, but once he rises to the level of Immortal Realm, he must consider one or two.

Of course, as the Yan Family’s true Young Master, buying this forgetful Void Spirit grass is not a problem.

At this moment, Bai Xuanxuan seemed very sensible. Previously, she bought a bunch of treasures, knowing that Senior Brother could afford them, and it was worth buying them. However, for Supreme Treasure beyond her status, she would not be forced to do so at the same time.

“Young Master, Senior Brother, let’s forget it, I think this Void Spirit grass is forgotten, and the year looks and looks the same.”

Wang Yun naturally knew that Junior Sister was a lie that did not want the Young Master to be entangled. Regarding the vintage appearance of Alchemy Dao, Yan Zhen’s vision may not be better than them.

However, after hesitating for a while, Yan Zhen finally raised his hand and smiled, “Even if the appearance is fair, that’s very useful to you.”

“That being the case, then buy it.”

Yan Zhen’s smile was full of grace. He naturally guessed Bai Xuanxuan’s meaning, but he still decided to buy this forgetful Void Spirit grass.

First of all, today’s investment is worthwhile for Yan Family. Besides, Master Qi’s contribution to his Yan Family over the years is more than just these three plants.

Moreover, it is not surprising that Wang Yan and Bai Xuanxuan will continue their studies at the Immortal Sect Dandian for many years to come. Their future achievements are likely to be outstanding.

For the future of his Yan Family Alchemy Dao Strength 2, he really won’t hesitate.

A few people saw Wang Li, but he couldn’t help but move. After the former came back to his senses, he even said sincerely: “Many thanks Young Master, Wang Ye now asks the refiner Ji Zundan. 30% Hold on, in the future … I will definitely thank Young Master for her cultivation. “

Yan Zhen smiled and waved his hand: “You don’t have to pill concocting now. The most important thing for you and Xuan Xuan is to show their grace in the battle. In the future, you will be diligent in the Dan Hall.

Bai Xuanxuan pursed her lips and said earnestly, “Young Master, rest assured, we will not let you and adults of the Yan Family down.”

I have to say that Yan Zhen was very good at handling people. He laughed about it and immediately asked the young people who paved the caretaker: “What’s the price of Void Spirit?”

The shop was also rented by one party, Immortal Sect, and that person naturally recognized Yan Zhen. When even smiling, “Yan Zhenchuan sees this thing, then naturally it only needs to be equivalent.”

“Can Yan Zhenchuan have other uses of Immortal Medicine, or Immortal Grade?”

Yan Zhen thought for a while, turned over the palm: “Exactly, here is the Immortal Medicine I trained last time, which has improved Martial Dao Realm, and it is comparable to the value of this forgetful Void Spirit grass. “

The young people who see the stalls are naturally very eye-catching, not to mention that Yan Zhen can’t be confused. Taking Immortal Medicine, his smile is even brighter: “Yan Zhenchuan waits a moment, I’ll pack up for you.”

Yan Zhen bowed his head with a smile, and then, looking towards trying to converge the envious Kong Hao and the others: “Kong Hao, and everyone, don’t say this Young Master is eccentric, as long as you can win for my Yan Family in the future Cai, like today’s fairy grass, will certainly have your share … “

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