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The youth hearing this with a smile: “No 2 price, 2 grade middle grade Immortal Technique, or equivalent value treasure.”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching: “How many times are you left with the Immortal Technique in the jade?”


Qin Yichen’s eyes are filled with the strangeness of wanting to hit people. Only one time, but want to change the Immortal Technique of the same grade twice? Don’t you want to grab it? And even so straightforward.

At this time, I heard Honglian say, “Boy, you can make a lot of money this time, so buy it while no one else is watching!”

Qin Yichen was stunned. Although he now has a lot of trust in Honglian ’s words, he ca n’t spend money unfairly: “Honglian Senior, you do n’t have to sell anything, this jade is not just an Immortal Technique and a Magical Powers? “

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Honglian crafty smiled, pointing to the demeanor of the mountains and mountains: “Count your kid smart, you’re right, this jade is not a human-level Spear Art Immortal Technique, nor is it a spiritual cultivation secret. “

“Instead, the Immortal Technique of Dual Cultivation!”

Qin Yichen hearing this startled: “Immortal Technique of the Divine Dual Cultivation? Or the level !?”

You know, the Immortal Techniques are not comparable to the Immortal Techniques, but the Golden Immortal power is regarded as Supreme Treasure!

However, Qin Yichen was a little puzzled. He could understand the Immortal Technique, but Shen Wu Dual Cultivation …

However, without asking him, I saw Hong Lian explaining: “Boy, you should have seen or even cultivated the Magical Powers of the Dual Cultivation before? How strong is the formidable power, you don’t need to talk about this senior.”

Qin Yichen pupil light Yi Ling, indeed, the magical powers of Shenwu Dual Cultivation, whether it is formidable power or the mystery of means, are not simply Martial Dao Magical Powers comparable!

“This Immortal Technique is the same, but since it is the Immortal Technique of the Divine Dual Cultivation, anyone who wants to inherit this Immortal Technique wants to pass it on to those who are qualified to cultivate.”

“So, you instill immortal strength, you see only a human-level Immortal Technique, instill Spirit Power, is the spiritual cultivation secret, but if immortal strength and Spirit Power are integrated into this jade, you know how valuable this thing is ! “

Qin Yichen took a cool breath, didn’t expect Honglian’s eyes were so spicy, but then he was a little puzzled: “Senior, are you sure? The Master behind this person is afraid of a Golden Immortal Elder, is he Didn’t see it? “

Qin Yichen is not questioning Honglian, but he feels that Golden Immortal is not stupid. Besides knowing this spiritual cultivation secret, it must have been identified by spirit cultivation powerhouse. Then, with curiosity, use immortal strength to merge with Spirit Power. It’s not impossible.

However, Honglian was calm and calm: “You have a lot of hearts and you are not wrong, but Senior estimates that the guy who got this jade must have tried it with an expert Alchemy Dao, but the result was very It ’s a pity, because to get the real inheritance of this jade, only one person’s immortal strength and Spirit Power can do it. In other words, only Divine Wu Dual Cultivation can see the whole world! “

“If you don’t believe me, ask this boy.”

Then Qin Yichen took a moment to find another excuse and knocked inquiries, but the other party’s response was exactly what Honglian guessed!

The young master and Elder, a Dan Temple of Lingfeng Immortal Sect, also shot infused immortal strength and Spirit Power at the same time. However, the two forces are mutually exclusive!

“Boy, did you believe this time? You’re glad this guy looked away and made you find it so cheap.”

Qin Yichen took a breath and had to say that at the critical moment, Honglian did a great job!

However, Qin Yichen has one last suspicion. However, Honglian guessed it a little long ago and said, “I know what your kid wants to say, why is this what Elder of Lingfeng Immortal Sect, don’t look for a god martial artist. Try Dual Cultivation? “

“Please, you are also a fierce person who extinguishes a Sect. Just go and inquire. What is the existence of as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns?”

“What’s more, it’s also necessary to get a glimpse of this level of Immortal Technique. Martial Dao, at least Heaven Immortal, and spiritual cultivation must be top powerhouse.”

“These two requirements are separate. Those Immortal Sects can catch a lot of them, but they can be added together, hum, it’s different.”

Qin Yichen was slightly surprised: “I have met these two requirements!”

Honglian also said, “That’s why Senior said, your kid picked up a bargain!”

When saying this, Honglian was a little proud, but she was also secretly defamating. This kid is even rarer than as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. It is also with such achievements that it is possible to pick it up. It’s cheap.

Otherwise, even with her help, this level of Immortal Technique can only stare.

Later, Honglian urged again: “The power of the Immortal Technique on the ground floor, you should have experienced it, it is called the destroying heaven extinguishing earth technique, and this Immortal Technique should also be based on this Spear Art, very Probably also a killing spear art. “

“Just right, don’t you have a very good war rifle? I guess you can’t make it. Just cooperate with this Immortal Technique, maybe you can still get more than expected.”

What Honglian said was naturally a flaming war gun obtained from Jiang Yutian, and Qin Yichen did not deny that the sword of Immortal Sect Chief Disciple of Shenxiao, it is estimated that everyone in this Star Domain has heard of it.

“By the boy, what is your accomplishment with the refiner? Although the fairy soldiers can only be forged by the refiner fairy master, but only for repair, with your current Spirit Power, it should be barely enough.”

Qin Yichen startled, but then the pump light flashed, the refiner, of course he would! At the thought of this, he had some itchy hands, the hammer of the master, but it had not been taken out for a long time.

Moreover, Qin Yichen also wanted to try it out. Whether the inheritance from Luban Senior’s refiner Supreme Treasure can involve Immortal Grade.

If possible, there are still many Immortal Grades in his space equipment that have been hit and damaged …

“This time, it’s really a big deal!”

Thinking of this, Qin Yichen no longer hesitated, with a bit of reluctance on his face: “Forget it, for the sake of the spirit cultivation secret technique, just barely pay the price, oh, is this Grade 2 fairy soldier enough?”

When the young man saw the situation, he immediately blossomed: “Enough! Speaking of it, I still have a slight advantage!”

While speaking, the youth filled the wooden box with the jade and completed the transaction with Qin Yichen, and even before the latter left, he also sent some baubles somewhat.

But when Qin Yichen left, facing away from the left and right shops, the boxer clenched and almost laughed out loud!

I am afraid that people in this fairy city will not think that he can buy a Immortal Technique of Divine Martial Dual Cultivation with the chips of Immortal Technique!

“First, buy some Rare Item treasures for repairing the fairy soldiers, and then go to Tianbao Pavilion. When you have a chance, you will see and see. How amazing is this Immortal Technique of the magical Dual Cultivation!”

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