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Not only that, Qin Yichen can clearly feel that the token is about to fly out of the way, and the direction it is heading for is the place where the pillars of gold and copper shine!

Qin Yichen was surprised, holding the token tightly, but at this moment, the fetter of the guidance in his heart was extremely strong!

“Muff, there is a great opportunity for the Dai people to come out !?”

Qin Yichen pressed down the stormy sea that set off at the bottom of his heart, but the True Dragon Seal in the dantian and the body of the magic law, but the constant extinguishment, making his heartbeat accelerate.

At this moment, Duanmu Dengfeng also reacted, looking towards Qin Yichen, his voice was excited: “Brother Qin, that place, I am afraid that there will be a great opportunity to come out!”

At this time, as long as it is not a fool, you can feel this pillar of light, it seems to contain unprecedented treasure!

Qin Yichen stared slightly: “Let’s go for fun, too?”

Duanmu Dengfeng just wanted to be nodded, and even couldn’t wait, but Mo Yanchen quickly said: “Wait, so fluctuating, we can feel that I’m afraid that I’m in the inner circle, and even all the forces in the hunting field can have Perception! “

Mo Yanchen’s face was serious: “It is estimated that the thoughts of the major Immortal Sects are the same as those of us. At this time, I am afraid that the major Immortal Sects will meet here, including … Shenxiao Immortal Sect!”

Shen Xiao Immortal Sect 4 words, like a pot of cold water, calmed Duanmu Dengfeng suddenly, looked towards Qin Yichen, hesitating tone: “Then … Brother Qin, what should we do?”

However, for such a great opportunity, if you do n’t even have the courage to look at it, let alone Duanmu Dengfeng, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is up and down, no one is willing!

Especially Qin Yichen holding the token, danger lurks within the riches and honour, has always been his creed, and has a little advantage, which a lot of same sects don’t know!

If this is really the opportunity of the Yi family, he, who is a descendant of True Dragon, would not like a fish back in water, at least, not to be killed by the fierce danger in the opportunity?

However, Qin Yichen also understands that if he meets the demons that destroy the puppet family, the crisis he will face will probably exceed everyone’s expectations.

After a little groaning, Qin Yichen still gritted his teeth and Shen shouted: “This Qin means, go!”

As long as you step inside, the battle between Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect and Shenxiao Immortal Sect is inevitable. Since it is a matter of time, they don’t need to worry too much. Moreover, the current Qin Yichen is not without a hole card. Really forced to such an extent, he is sure to make Shenxiao Immortal Sect pay a heavy price!

As soon as this remark came out, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect was all excited, and Qin Yichen whispered again: “The truth, there is no need to say more about this Qin. There is only one fight before the opportunity. Fellow apprentices, may I go with you?”

Nie Yuntian first stated: “Where Brother Qin goes, I will go!”

Li Yiyang also shouted high: “Count me!”

“Let’s go with Senior Brother Qin!”

“This chance is not his Immortal Sect’s family!”

“I’m here to get revenge on Senior Brother, and I’ll count it!”

More and more people are drinking, and they all support Qin Yichen. Looking ahead, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is up and down, and the pump light is uplifting and exciting!

Until the end, even Mo Yanchen’s mouth raised a smirk: “Let’s fight for opportunities, and the thieves of Shenxiao Immortal Sect, also kill!”

When Duanmu Dengfeng saw this, would he hesitate: “So, go!”


Count 100 streamers, go through the sky, and head straight to the sky pillar!

And it wasn’t just Qin Yichen who responded. At the moment when the towering beam of light swept through the hunting field, the major Immortal Sect was trembling, but also extremely excited!

Tiankui Immortal Sect, headed by Xu Ziang for a while, was worthy of holding a token in his hands, but the intense struggle of the token made him look ugly.

“Abominable! After finding this token for so many days, I still want to run!”

Looking closely, the token in Xu Ziang’s hands also has 饕餮 Totem, but there is no identity on the back.

After forcibly suppressing the token, looking at the towering beam of light, Xu Ziang’s pump light was blazing, to be wild with joy: “Is this a first-class relic? If you can get a half-extension, don’t miss this trip!”

At the same time, True Martial Immortal Sect, Linghao Immortal Sect, Tianfeng Immortal Sect … all flew away towards the sky beam of light!

Inside the hunting battlefield, several hundred powerful silhouettes are running towards the beam of light at full speed. The person headed by it is actually a tall shadow, which is the head of Tian Luo Immortal Sect-Liu Yueyan.

At this moment, Liu Yueyan looked at the closer and closer mainland, her teeth biting, she seemed very anxious: “Hurry up, 10000000, don’t be preempted by Shenxiao Immortal Sect and Wen Wugui’s guy!”

Wen Wugui is the name of the chief of the star Immortal Sect, that is, the elegant azure clothes.

At the moment, Wen Wuregong is also leading a group of same sects, rushing towards the sky where the pillar of light, the elegant face, and the rare sharp edge also appeared.

“This opportunity is probably the whole hunting ground of Megatron hunting. This time, it seems to be competing.”

And this towering beam of light attracts not only the major Immortal Sects, but also the forces under Immortal Sect.

However, those who can enter the hunting battlefield are by no means a fool. They have some weak foundations, but they are very self-aware. They are very clear that such a huge opportunity, in their own strength, let alone drink soup. Bottom!

Therefore, those forces simply did the opposite, taking advantage of the existence of those who could not afford to offend to snatch this opportunity in the past, and rushed to Nei Wai to fish in troubled water.

And those with a stronger background, the idea is also very simple, there are major Immortal Sect pressing, ca n’t eat meat, can you always drink soup? I ca n’t drink soup, so it ’s okay to pick it up, right?

In short, all forces have their own thoughts, but it is because of the outbreak of the towering beam of light that the hunting battlefield is stirred up!

At the same time, on the continent where the sky pillar of light is located, Luo Jie’s face was gloomy, and he had several points of wolf howl when he bit his teeth.

“It’s incredible how hard this beam of light is!”

At first, Luo Jie thought that Yue Yuehua and the others were not strong enough, but his Shen Xiao Immortal Sect teamed up with nearly 1000 powerhouses and was bound to blast this beam of light away.

However, after a few attempts, the fact was fiercely slapped Roger.

Even if he shot Immortal Sect all the way up and down, the beam of light was still indestructible, and even because of their shot, the shock of the explosion of the beam of light caused Roger to guts and blood to his mouth.

And what made Roger most desperate was that the beam of light had no sign of collapse!

Roger wanted to take a Senior Brother. The Senior Brother was mixed in the same sect. On the surface, he was the team leader. In fact, the Senior Brother was the most powerful house in their trip. !!

Regarding the strength of that Senior Brother, Roger has no doubt that even in some respects, the Senior Brother is infinitely close to the Golden Immortal!

But Logger knew very well that nearly 1000 of them were useless, even if the Senior Brother was no longer hiding, he was afraid of the beam of light.

The opportunity is right in front of him, but he can’t touch it, which makes Roger more irritable. What’s more annoying is that such a huge opportunity will definitely attract other Immortal Sect!

His Immortal Sect, although it was the First Immortal sect, no one dared to anger, but if all the other Immortal Sects came all this way, and if he wanted to swallow it alone, Roger himself felt a bit unrealistic …

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