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“Here, there really is a chance here!”

“What a ruin is such a powerful wave?”

“Very good! It looks like Senior Brother Luo expected it well, we made a lot of money this time!”

Roger pressed down the shock in his heart, glanced all around, secretly thought Yuewuhua would not be dead, right?

But he didn’t feel sorry for it, and he didn’t even fluctuate.

However, what made Luojie didn’t expect is that at this moment, many silhouettes were shaken by the beam of light, and Yue Wuhua was also here.

Roger curl one’s lip, didn’t say anything, but his eyes were dignified, staring at the sky pillar.

This beam of light is described by Luo Jie’s insights and can only be described with awe!

Not to mention the fact that the beam of gold and bronze reflect the sky, and the coercion emanating from it alone makes Roger feel a deep sense of fear.

Even the Shenxiao Immortal Sect, nearly 1000, is as small as a ant in front of this beam of light.

However, after Roger shook the head, he was very excited. Level 2 remains. He had heard the Master talk about it. It can be guaranteed that there is absolutely no such amazing light beam!

“Muff, this is a legendary first-class ruin !?”

Roger’s heartbeat is accelerating. You must know that the powerhouse involved in the first-level relics is comparable to the Immortal Sect and Sect Master Level other big shots!

Even Roger could not help but fantasize, if this is the ruins of Chunyang …

“The ruins of Chunyang exist only in the conjectures of the major Immortal Sects and the intelligence inferred from the hunting battlefield.”

“But if it really is the ruins of Chunyang, then there may be a glimpse of Heaven and Earth above Golden Immortal!”

The thought of Logger’s pump light is so hot!

If this is the case, once the opportunity is searched from this relic, it is uploaded to the Sect Master to clear comprehension some World and levels above Golden Immortal …

Although Luo Jie also wanted to take this opportunity as his own, he knew more that if he could break through the Sect Master, then his supremacy of Immortal Sect would be impossible to shake forever!

Even when the time comes, the rest of the Immortal Sect is life or death, and they all want to breathe the breath of his Immortal Sect!

Roger was thrilled, and so was Yue Wu, who was by his side. Just now he had time to respond in the future, but he was repelled by a powerful force that was difficult to resist.

Yue Wuhua is in the air, covered with cold sweat, and afraid. He knows that it is not that he responds in time or is lucky enough. This beam of light is enough to destroy himself, but, just like the will in it, is too lazy to pinch an ant!

“In this ruin, there will be great opportunities!”

After waiting for Yue Wuhua to come back to his senses, his heart was extremely bitter. No matter how good this opportunity is, he has nothing to do with him!

I tried my best, and even almost lost my life, as a result, I was working for Shenxiao Immortal Sect as a laborer, and Yue Wuhua’s heart was conceivable.

However, after the setback, Yue Wuhua still changed, at least the mentality, or the ability to comfort himself, has improved a lot.

As soon as I thought of it, even if I didn’t leave it under the fence, I couldn’t grab the Immortal Sect of God Xiao, Yue Wuhua calmed down a lot, and after taking an elixir, looked towards Luo Jie flew away.

“Master Luo Mingming, here really is a great opportunity!”

Luo Jie seemed to be in a good mood at this moment, and said again and again: “Yes, Brother Yue, this time you count on your merits. After returning, my god Xiao Immortal Sect will never treat me badly.”

Yue Wuhua laughed twice, and he already wanted to open it. Regardless of the true or false Roger said, at least he could say some kind words, which was better than being scorned for a while.

However, Luo Jie came back to his senses soon, and hoped that Xiangyue Wuhua: “Brother Yue, since you have no worries, you might as well take your people to try, can you break into this beam of light.”

Yue Wuhua corner of mouth twitching, this is really not taking him as a person!

However, facing Luo Jie’s eyes, Yue Wuhua knew that he had no choice.

It was just that Yue Wuhua looked at the pillar of gold and copper, and his heart was cyanotic for a while, but at this time, he had no choice. At that moment, he could only cry and said, “Master Luo, if there is any danger for Yue, I hope you can Help out. “

Luo Jie immediately promised: “Just assured Brother Luo, Luo will wait for your good news.”

Immediately, Yue Wuhua gritted his teeth, led a group of same sects, and rushed towards the beam of light.

During the dive, Yue Wuhua even urged immortal strength, strikes against the beam of light, but those immortal strength, after pouring into the beam of light, are like throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Immediately, the pillar of gold and copper swept through a terrible gas wave!


Yue Wuhua’s figure flew upside down again, and together with the 100 people on Immortal Sect, all of them were embarrassed.


Yue Wuhua even shed blood on her mouth, looking towards Luo Jie, arching fist: “Master Luo, it’s not Yuemou’s incompetence, you also saw …”

At this moment, Luo Jie had converged and smiled, and Shen light Immortal Sect’s many powerhouses and pump light were gradually dignified.

They can really see that it is not that the moon is hidden, it is the strength of the beam of light, which is incredible!

After a while of silence, I saw Logger High shouted: “Everywhere, 3 people were cleared, everyone fellow apprentices prepare, join me and break the beam of light!”

The clearing of Shenxiao Immortal Sect is much less manpower than the shocking moon fairy sect, but it is more deterrent!

Because, the visitor only needs to see the robe of Shenxiao Immortal Sect, and they will walk away with interest, and dare not raise the slightest heart of resistance and resistance!

However, Roger apparently underestimated the fluctuation of this beam of light, and saw that the beam of light beamed directly into the starry sky, breaking the sky.


At this time, Qin Yichen had just stepped into the hunting perimeter, and he was surprised to find that the waist and the Senior’s token actually issued a faint rays of light, as if guiding him.

Qin Yichen’s eyes were light flashed, secretly thought: “Mr. Fei, and Senior sent me the token just to show me the way!”

You know, I do n’t know how many puppet powerhouses are buried in the hunting battlefield, and they are all puppets with puppets. That obviously has some kind of fetters!

When Qin Yichen was preparing to feel the guidance of the token carefully, he suddenly felt an overwhelming breath, sweeping from the depths of the hunting battlefield!

That will, like the re-emergence of the emperor, this feeling, Qin Yichen only felt when greeted the battleless resurgence of the resurrection of Tian City.

At that time, he was only the Heaven Realm powerhouse, and the battlefield was Golden Immortal, but even now Qin Yichen is close to Heaven Immortal, this feeling, not only has not subsided, it is even more horrible than the last time!

In contrast, the King’s Coming Without End, now it seems that it’s all a breeze!

These fluctuations seem to sweep the entire hunting battlefield, so that everyone in this Star Domain is in awe, while there is an irresistible acknowledgement allegiance!

Qin Yichen is okay, but Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect is in a crowd, but he is stupid, full of cold sweat on his cheek, and trembling.

“This, what’s the situation?”

“This fluctuation seems to come from the deeper sky!”

“Look at it, there is a golden light there!”

This sudden change caused Duanmu Dengfeng to be shocked, but Qin Yichen just wanted to look up, but found the puppet and token in his hand, and it was shining at the moment!

This light is so strong, I’m afraid, when I feel the dragon roar second only to!

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