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Looking at the 4 silhouettes that emit powerful waves, the complexion of Shui Changquan and the others suddenly became more gloomy.

With the emergence of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor, they have already fallen behind, and with these 4 top powerhouses, their situation is undoubtedly becoming more dangerous!

Today, the Water Mist Imperial Family already has 2 Earth Realm top powerhouses, and even, Human Realm top powerhouse, as many as ten!

Even though Wuxiao was trying to suppress the awakening of the ancestors, he couldn’t free up his hands, but this force was enough to crush the water and make them all.

“Let’s withdraw first?”

Feeling a path of tightly locking the breath of this area, Shui Mingxuan couldn’t help but whisper.

Yun Quan and Shui Jinglong also set their sights on Shui Changquan. They all know that if they want to fight hard, with their 4 people, there is no chance of winning!

“Everyone is here, and you still want to leave? You might be too concerned about the 10000 family powerhouse?”

However, it is not yet Shui Chang’s full stand, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor is sneaked.

And with his words falling, more than ten powerful breaths were fiercely locking the sky, even the space, as if all were slightly frozen.

Seeing this, Shui Mingxuan’s complexion suddenly became even more ugly. It seems that the Old Thunder Ancestor is not going to let them leave easily!

“Some people, stay here, and don’t make me run so hard!”

There is a smile on the corner of the thunder monster Old Ancestor, and as its drinking sound falls, a current of silver flashes on the sky around it.

“Lei Qijin, you are not qualified to stay with me!”

Seeing this, Shui Changquan’s body was suddenly tense, but he was also coldly shouted, and the monstrous blood energy tumbled behind him, directly breaking the solidified space around him.

“Not qualified enough, just try understood?”

Regarding Shui Changquan’s provocation, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor was not angry, but in his eyes there was a touch of coldness, and a low drinking voice suddenly came out of his mouth: “9 Days of Thunder! “

With the thunder of Old Ancestor, the countless silver mounts in the space suddenly gathered together, and in a short moment it turned into a huge thunderbolt.

“hong long! ”

In the next moment, the huge strength of Thunder was with the power of terrifying, tearing open the space, and splitting away at Shui Changquan.

“It’s worthy of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor. No wonder even the Great Imperial Family was defeated in his hands!”

Seeing this terrifying power, even if they are Yu Qiushan, a deep look of dreading can’t help appearing in their eyes, they feel that if they hard-wire this record, I am afraid they will at least be hit hard. !!

“Master, shall we withdraw?”

Yun Quan’s face was pale. Here, his cultivation base should be regarded as the weakest. In the face of the thunder monster Old Ancestor, he didn’t take any action. He simply didn’t dare to do it. Immediately, he could only Facing Shui Chang in front whispered.

“Withdraw? Just go back, do you think that existence will give us a way to live?”

Shui Changquan was coldly snorted, the bloody mist surging like a sea of ​​blood, permeating the sky in front of him.


Almost immediately after this sea of ​​blood was formed, the thunderbolt of that silver came whistling and fell into the sea of ​​blood fiercely.

“hong long! ”

At the moment when the two were in contact, the whole sea of ​​blood was boiling, and countless blood surged. I wanted to destroy the thunderbolt. However, the thunderbolt was more powerful than Shui Changquan. Accidents, even this sea of ​​blood, are constantly being torn apart.

“Damn Thunder Attribute …”

Looking at the strength of Thunder that is constantly being destroyed in the sea of ​​blood like Thunder Dragon, Shui Changquan’s complexion is also a fierce change. Obviously, I did not expect that the strike of the Thunder Anger Old Ancestor would be so powerful. Destructive power.

“However, do you think this will defeat the old man’s avenue? It’s ridiculous!”

Shui Changquan’s eyes flashed a ruthless color, and a voice filled with violent voice also came from his mouth: “blood mist funeral … extermination!”

“wu wu ……”

As Shui Changquan drove down, the majestic energy swept out of his body, and poured into the sea of ​​blood, and soon, the sea of ​​blood that boiled as if it was about to burst, turned out to be Gradually stabilized.

And the heart-struck strength of Thunder, with the blood sea blocking, the power on it is constantly being eroded. Finally, when it is about to pass through the blood sea, it is finally boundless. His blood color drowned completely.

“Blood mist funeral? Did the adult get that personal teaching of that being?”

Seeing this, Yun Quan’s eyes flashed a touch of envy.

Although he is also the puppet of Nightmare Clan, because of his defeat in the Yunling family, Nightmare Clan is extremely dissatisfied. If it is not for his sake that he is also a top powerhouse, I am afraid that he would have been deprived of blood. .

Although Shui Changquan is just a puppet, but looking at its appearance, it seems to have a high status in Nightmare Clan, which is not what Yun Quan can match them at all.

“The demon has a lot of methods, but how can you withstand the old man’s attacks ?!”

As for the strength of Thunder being wiped out, not an unexpected expression on the face of Lei Yao Old Ancestor, he was sneaked, and in his burly body, there was a terrifying breath sweeping away, that aura, almost In an instant, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth was shrouded in it.

“hong long! ”

Under this aura, the sky seems to have become darker. In it, countless strength of Thunder flashes like Thunder Dragon, and the power of every strength of Thunder is even a little bit. Not inferior to the previous blow!

“I said you want to stay …”

The thunder monster Old Ancestor stands in the air, flashing numerous lightning snakes all over his body. It looks like he is a thunder god with great power. In the next moment, his eyes fell on the 4 silhouettes of the sky, The voice of coldly shouted suddenly sounded, “So you will die here!”

“hong long! ”

With its drunk sound, a silver masterpiece on the sky, a strength of Thunder of 100 and 1000 emerged, and then tore open the space with a fierce attitude, fiercely facing Shui Changquan 4 People shrouded away.

That posture is to rely on one’s own strength to bombard those 4 people!

“It is worthy of being a prince!”

Seeing this scene, Yu Qiushan and they all felt a little bit emotional. Previously, they all looked desperate under the blow of Shui Changquan, and the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor turned out to be an enemy 4!

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