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Looking at the bloody giant hand that was getting closer, the countless powerhouses in the water mist of imperial city were full of despair. Even Yu Qiushan waited for the powerhouses to look dignified 10000 points.

All of them knew what terrifying casualties would be caused by the fall of this palm, however, at this time, it was too late to escape.

“Is the demon outside this day destined to be irresistible?”

Looking at the palm, Wu Xiao couldn’t help sighing.

At this time, he is suppressing the awakening ancestral spirit. If he distracts himself from Shui Changquan, the eroded ancestor in the statue will definitely take the opportunity to break through his suppression.

Once that time, they will have to face the existence of two Genuine’s Earth Realm top powerhouses. With the power of the Water Mist Imperial Family, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with them, and eventually it will be difficult to escape.


Looking at the giant palm that was getting closer, Wu Xiao couldn’t help sighing. Even if he knew the consequences of his distraction, he couldn’t watch the countless clansman tragically die in front of himself.


And just as the fog tsunami was about to release, a silver lightning suddenly appeared on the distant sky. In the next instant, the rays of light of that silver suddenly appeared in the sky over the imperial city of water mist. But at this time, the sound of the wind breaking the space was resounding.


With the emergence of that silver rays of light, the huge bloody hand that was raging away towards the imperial city of water mist was suddenly torn apart and turned into a violent True Origin.

“What’s going on? Is it an illusion?”

Looking at the sky full of desperate palms suddenly burst open, and the countless powerhouses in the misty imperial city were a little dazed.


Seeing this scene, the smirk on Shui Changquan’s face suddenly solidified, and a sound of deep drinking came from his mouth.

On their side, the complexions of Shui Mingxuan, Shui Jinglong, and Yun Quan were also changed dramatically, and immediately their breath was tightly locked in that silver rays of light.

“Nightmare Clan’s puppets are impudent to such an extent?”

In the raging and violent storm, a gloomy sound slowly sounded, and immediately, under the attention of countless lights, the silver rays of light gradually converged, and a familiar burly body appeared to everyone. In sight.

“That’s … Thunderbolt Old Ancestor ?!”

“Master Rezijin did not give up our water mist Imperial Family!”

“Very good, we have been saved this time!”

Looking at the majestic and burly silhouette full of majesty, in the imperial city of water mist, there was a sudden uproar, and the faces of countless powerhouses were filled with the ecstasy of avoided a catastrophe.

“Leizijin … this guy is really interesting!”

The corners of Yu Qiushan and Que Qing could not help but evoke a smile. They naturally knew that Wu Xiao and Lei Qijin had a weak friendship, but they obviously did not expect that the latter would be in This critical moment appears here!

“Hey, Wu Xiao, can’t you hold on?”

After slamming Shui Changquan’s offensive, Thunder Demon Old Ancestor was not in a hurry to confront Shui Changquan, but instead cast his eyes on the silhouette of the mighty shore below. A sound of chuckle also came from his mouth. .

Listening to this ridicule with some words of concern, Wu Xiao also made a long cry, and then shook the head with a chuckle, and his mind returned to the beastly spirit that repressed below.

The appearance of Lei Yao Old Ancestor is equivalent to giving him a reassurance pill, which let him know that at least Qin Yichen ’s danger has been lifted, and with this guy, Shui Changquan them, it will be difficult to raise it again. What a storm!

Although it is the same Earth Realm top powerhouse, Thunder Attribute’s Thunder An Older Ancestor is definitely more fierce than Wu Xiao. Moreover, from the perspective of just breaking the magical power of Shui Changquan, the road of the Thunder An Old Ancestor There seems to be a great restraint to Nightmare Clan’s puppet.

“Rezijin …”

Looking at the burly silhouette, Shui Changquan’s complexion became a bit ugly.

They all knew that it was because of Wu Xiao and this guy that Shui Jinglong escaped the imperial city of Water Mist in a wolf, and even they had no time to take away the ancestors of the Water Mist Imperial Family!

“Lei Zijin, you better not be bothered!”

The color of hate flashed in Shui Jinglong’s eyes, and the anger shouted.

“Everyone who is willing to be reduced to the evil demon of the heavens and everyone will take it away. How can it be considered a gossip!”

The Thunder Demon Old Ancestor sneered, the killing intent rose in his eyes, there was no cover at all.

“Hmph, as long as you can help me achieve Supreme Great Dao, what is the right and wrong, Lei Qijin, you are an old stubborn that’s all!”

Shui Jinglong’s face sank, coldly snorted and said.

“Oh? Let me see, then, how great Supreme Dao is when you destroy humanity.”

Hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor raised a brow slightly, suddenly a bright silver light burst out from his body, and a majestic voice sounded.

Under this coercion, Shui Jinglong originally intended to fight back and swallowed back. From the latter, he felt a deadly threat!

“Lei Qijin, my clan hasn’t hit your thunder demon clan, you have repeatedly destroyed the good things of my clan, it seems that you are really tired!

At this time, Shui Changquan opened the mouth and said in a deep voice.

Even in the concubine of Nightmare Clan, he still has a strong position, and naturally knows how the Nightmare Clan was angered when the elite army of the Blood Ye Fei and the Blood Clan was buried in Divine City.

However, because the existence of Nightmare Clan felt that the time had not yet come, he was not in a hurry to attack the Thunder Monster family.

However, I am afraid that the existence of it is unexpected, and the exposure of Nightmare Clan would be so fast. Even the Lei Qijin they remembered not only did not know how to condense themselves, but also troubled everywhere!

“It’s ridiculous to dignified a core figure of the Imperial Family, who even claims to be the race of a demon from the sky …”

In the face of his irony, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor shook his head and sighed. On his face, there was no half fear.

“Do you really think you can change anything when you come? Lei Qijin, you are too arrogant!”

Shui Changquan is sneered, with a cold flicker in his eyes, it seems to be calculating something.

“Pride? I naturally don’t take it lightly when facing monsters like you. Of course, I’m not alone.”

Thunder demon Old Ancestor chuckled, and as his voice fell, above the distant sky, the space was distorted, and four silhouettes tore open the space.

Those 4 silhouettes are all top powerhouses belonging to the Thunder Monster Alliance!

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