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The mighty coercion permeates this between Heaven and Earth. Under the gaze of countless lights, the evil blood energy is constantly surging, as if a peerless demon is hidden in the inside of the body of Shuimingxuan.

However, in the body of Wuxiao, the True Origin is constantly rushing out, and the rays of light on the statue are also shaken. Under the suppression of these two energies, let those blood How the light surging can’t break through their suppression.

“Mist howling, let me go!”

Shui Mingxuan obviously still underestimated the power of the ancestral spirit of Wuxiao and Shuiwu Imperial Family. Under the suppression of these two forces, he did not have the power to stand up. There was also a bit of panic in the blood energy. The sound sounded.

“Since you dare to make trouble at our tribe’s ancestor worship ceremony, stay here!”

The mist howling was coldly snorted, and the cold colors in his eyes continued to flash. The power under his hands was not only a little bit reserved, but he became more powerful.

“Shui Mingxuan turned out to be Nightmare Clan’s puppet. Then there must be many people in the heavy water family behind him …”

“It seems that Nightmare Clan is really with no opportunity!”

“Fortunately, Lord Yunyao noticed it. Otherwise, our Water Mist Imperial Family may be dangerous.”

Looking at the silhouettes that are constantly being suppressed on the stone platform, there is also a sound of booing in the square, and countless powerhouses have a touch of heartbeat in their eyes.

It seems that Nightmare Clan really hates the water mist family, otherwise, it would not be possible for Nightmare Clan’s puppet to come to trouble so soon!

However, at this time, the countless powerhouses on the square did not mean to leave at this time. Even if they knew the true identity of Shui Mingxuan, they were not afraid. After all, there are 7 top powerhouses and Wuxiao is here!

Although the water mist in the imperial city is dangerous, it is possible to face the advent of Nightmare Clan at any time, but looking at the water mist in the Imperial Family, the safest place is here.

Here, all the top powerhouses on the Ming Shui Imperial Family in the water mist are brought together. Want to come, even if Nightmare Clan wants to shoot at them, wouldn’t he?

“Sir, save me …”

Under the suppression of the Wuxiao, the blood light on Shui Mingxuan became extremely dim. At a certain moment, he finally couldn’t help shouted loudly.

“This guy, and a helper ?!”

Hearing this voice, everyone’s body shook slightly, and there was a grave expression in their eyes.

Even the other powerhouses on the stone platform are tensed tightly.

After devouring the ancestors of the heavy water clan, Shui Mingxuan has approached the realm of the Earth Realm top powerhouse. I want to come to know that even in the puppet of Nightmare Clan, he can be regarded as a very good existence. He is called an adult. Yes, I am afraid it will be Earth’s Earth Realm top powerhouse!

Wu Xiao’s eyebrows slightly frowned, his thoughts swept away, but after a moment, he took it back, because in his perception, not at all appeared strangely.


However, just when everyone thought Shui Mingxuan wanted to use this to divert everyone’s attention, there was a sudden sigh sounded above the sky.


With the appearance of this voice, Wu Xiao’s body suddenly tightened. Immediately, his arm waved, and a true hundred zhang-sized True Origin giant palm whistled out, screaming directly at the sky where the sound originated. And go.

“hmph! ”

However, the giant palm, which contains enough to crush the ordinary top powerhouse, has not yet fallen on that sky, a coldly snorted sound is sounded again, and the next moment, in a path of shocked eyes, the mist howling place The attack that was launched turned out to burst out of thin air.


And with the burst of that True Origin giant palm, a fierce hurricane swept away, and there was an old silhouette above the sky.

“That … that is Shui Changquan ?!”

“Oh my god, it is said that Shui Changquan broke through to the Earth Realm top powerhouse, but I have never seen it. It turned out to be true!”

“Looking at him, I’m afraid it’s not the Old Sect Master of Watergate!”

When I saw the old silhouette, there was a loud noise above the square, and in a line of sight, it was full of deep fear.

Even the many top powerhouses on the stone platform became extremely dignified in an instant.

The pressure from the old body let everyone know that Shui Changquan is definitely an Earth Realm top powerhouse!

“Master … Master, save me!”

With the emergence of Shui Changquan, Shui Mingxuan seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and immediately asked for help.

“It’s just a waste, not even a trivial matter!”

Shui Chang’s cold eyes glanced across the entire water mist of imperial city. Under this kind of eyes, countless powerhouses have a kind of chilling feeling. Finally, his eyes fell on Shui Mingxuan’s body, a cold coldly The shouted voice also sounded quietly.

Regarding Shui Changquan’s scolding, Shui Mingxuan did not justify it, because, at this time, Wu Xiao has unreservedly used his energy to suppress him in order to prevent accidents, it seems that he wants to use the ancestral spirit Li tried to refine his life, and he didn’t dare to distinguish the gods.

“Mist howl, stop!”

And after Shui Changquan above the sky scolded, his eyes also fell on Wu Xiao’s body, and a cold sound resounded between Heaven and Earth.

“Shui Changquan, I’m still worried about how to find you, a traitor. I didn’t expect you to dare to come home!”

Staring at those icy eyes, Wu Xiao’s body was tense to the extreme. He was coldly snorted, but his repression was aggravated by 2 points.

“Although this waste is not ready, it is not the time for his dedication …”

Shui Changquan shook the head, and did not put the threat of mist howling in his eyes. In the next instant, he stopped talking nonsense. With a wave of his arm, an energy like blood mist whistled down.

“chi chi… ”

Under this blood-colored energy, wherever I go, even the space is eroded, and when I see it, countless powerhouses are all suddenly changed.

“Don’t let him disturb the lord!”

Seeing this scene, Yu Qiushan immediately drank, and immediately his body trembled. A majestic True Origin whistled out, facing up to the whistling energy above.

Beside him, Que Qing and Yun Yao did not have any thoughts, and they shot at the same time almost at the same time.


Under the gaze of countless powerhouses, the three Magical Powers that were struggling to hit the top powerhouse directly ripped apart the sky, blocking it against the blood light.

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