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“The Lord of the Wuxiao!”

When the bright pillar of light shrouded Shuimingxuan, the Tian Tianling and the others only reacted. Immediately, their each and everyone’s face became extremely ugly, and they even wanted to explode. Meaning of hands.

“Just look at it!”

However, just as they were about to explode, Wu Xiao’s eyes glanced over with an icy color, and a faint voice sounded quietly.

When hearing this, even though Tian Tianling was upset, they could only endure it temporarily.

After all, Wu Xiao is an Earth Realm top powerhouse. If he really disregards his face and wants to use his hands, even they can’t stop it.

Even more how, the mist howling now directly uses the power of the ancestral spirit of the Imperial Family of water mist!

In the countless powerhouses on the square, when they saw Wu Xiao’s sudden and unreasonable shots, they were also slightly surprised, and immediately there was a helpless look of bitter smile on their faces.

It seems that the arrogance of Wu Xiao, simply has not changed at all!

However, they also did not expect that Wu Xiao would disregard his face, and in the ancestor worship ceremony, in the presence of so many people, he blatantly broke his promise.


However, while countless powerhouses were still shocked by the hegemony of Wuxiao, a scream was heard from the mouth of Shui Mingxuan.

The next moment, Shuiming Xuan, shrouded in the bright rays of light, shook his body suddenly. He seemed to be corroded by the rays of light, and his body turned out to be a little bit black.

“This… what is going on?!”

Seeing this scene, countless powerhouses were a little surprised.

Although Wuxiao is a sudden starter, everyone can feel that the rays of light and baptism are almost the same. It stands to reason that there is no harm to normal powerhouses. Why would Shuimingxuan know Such exclusion?

“This guy really has a ghost on him!”

Seeing this, Yun Yao’s eyes froze slightly.

Hearing this, Yu Qiushan and Que Qingyan pupil shrank at their side, is it possible that, before Yunyao’s affirmative words, they just failed to guess?

“I felt something wrong, but it was because Shui Mingxuan did not absorb a trace of it under the power of the previous baptism, so I was sure.”

Seeing their strange expression, Yun Yao hesitated, and explained.

Although they are now allies, Yunyao also knows that the two of them have a good personal relationship with Wuxiao. 2, if they think they are unfounded, it may cause them to resist. She does n’t want Yunling One family provokes such unnecessary trouble.

At this time, obviously Tian Ling and the others also realized that something was wrong, and they originally wanted to stop drinking, and the words were swallowed back, just watching the scene in front of them quietly.


The screams of screaming screamed continuously above the square, and countless eyes were full of vigilance looking at the silhouette of the stone platform covered by rays of light.

As the screams of screams continued to sound, a ruthless aura emerged in the breath of Shuimingxuan.

“This guy, is it really the puppet of Nightmare Clan ?!”

Perceived this completely different atmosphere from the heavy water family, the look of many top powerhouses has changed dramatically.

And there is no need to remind me of the Wuxiao, Yu Qiushan looked at each other, the body quietly backed away, the breath on the body opened slightly, and the stone platform was enveloped in it.

Obviously, they are also worried that Shui Mingxuan will suddenly explode, causing huge casualties to the water mist imperial city.

“Hmph, see how long you can hide!”

At this time, Wuxiao was coldly snorted, and his breath was suppressed. Suddenly, the rays of light emanating from the statue became more intense.

“chi chi… ”

Under the light of this bright rays of light, the silhouette of Shui Mingxuan has become blurred, and on top of his body, there is a crescent of blood energy flowing out.

“Blood, he really is the puppet of Nightmare Clan!”

Seeing this kind of blood energy, Yun Yao’s complexion changed drastically, and his mouth was more solemnly shouted.

Hearing this, 4 top powerhouses such as Bian Tianling finally became unusually dignified.

They could not have imagined that Shui Mingxuan, regarded as the backbone of themselves and the others, would be the puppet of Nightmare Clan! Not long ago, they also celebrated the wine with the latter, almost because of Shui Ming Xuan, and also tore their faces with Shuiwu Imperial Family!

If it wasn’t for Yun Yao’s stop, I’m afraid they would have gone back with Shui Mingxuan, and would be with the crickets of Nightmare Clan. I’m afraid it won’t be long before they will be eroded one by one. Then, even the race behind them Not immune.

“Mist Xiao, you forced me!”

With the emergence of that kind of blood energy, the screaming sound that resounded between Heaven and Earth gradually disappeared, and a sound full of ruthless aura suddenly emerged from blood energy.

Listening to the completely different voice, countless powerhouse complexions could not help but become dignified.


With the fall of this voice, Shui Mingxuan’s body turned out to have an extremely horrifying atmosphere. With the appearance of this aura, it turned out to be the bright rays of light that shot from the statue. To gradually resist.

“Is this power …”

Feeling the sudden enhancement, even fully reaching the atmosphere of Earth Realm level, the complexion of Lu Tianling and the others suddenly changed, and in their eyes, they had an incredible color.

“It is the breath of the ancestors of the heavy water family. He has devoured the ancestors of his own family.”

At this time, Wu Xiao’s complexion was also slightly positive, and said with some dignity.

“This jerk thing, no wonder he was able to advance by leaps and bounds so quickly, it turned out to be devouring the ancestors of his race!”

“Well, the heavy water clan is over …”

“Damn, even the ancestors of our own race have to go. If we are allied with him, I’m afraid I will skeleton ‘don’t exist!”

Hearing the determination of Wu Xiao, the spirit of Xi Tianling and the others couldn’t help but have an extreme palpitation.

In the entire territory of the Water Mist Imperial Family, in addition to the Water Mist Imperial Family, only the heavy water family has its own ancestors, so normally, the status of the heavy water family is higher than other Peak races. On some.

However, it now appears that as Shuimingxuan became the puppet of Nightmare Clan, the ancestors of their heavy water clan have not been spared!

“Monster, in front of the emperor, it’s not your turn to be fierce!”

At this time, the Wuxiao was also coldly shouted, and the indescribable horror breath suddenly swept out of its body. Under this aura, the blood energy that originally had a faint rivalry was turned down again. Go on.

The arrogance of the Earth Realm top powerhouse is also revealed at this time!

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