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Looking at the battle that was heated up for a while, the countless 10000 family powerhouses have a deep scare on their faces. No one expected that Qin Yichen’s Magical Powers could even be mad with the lion He Fan Xingshen Lions fight indiscriminately!

“This junior!”

Seeing his Magical Powers was blocked, the smirk on Lion He Fan’s face suddenly solidified, and a gloomy color gradually shrouded his face.

Originally, He Fan thought that although the junior in front of him had many means, as long as he didn’t run and wanted to bomb it, simply didn’t take much effort.

However, the repression from the very beginning was fruitless, and the latter continued to surprise him. Even after he used the Star Lion Canon, Qin Yichen even resisted it!

Driven to such an extent by a junior of the Peak class, it was a shame to Shi Hefan, and more importantly, he couldn’t win the latter at this time!

“bang! bang!”

Above the sky, True Origin is boiling, 2 huge monsters are constantly banging, fierce aftermaths are raging on the sky, if there are not a few top powerhouses here, I am afraid that these aftermaths are enough to bring those Standing in the distance, the 10000-family powerhouse watched 7 rushes and 8 drops.

Countless line of sights are looking at the two huge monsters who are constantly killing. Everyone’s face has a deep shock.

This level of battle is far beyond the level of the Holy Level. I am afraid that even the 2 top powerhouses who have just been promoted may not be able to cause such movement.

At this point, Qin Yichen originally had some powerhouses in his heart. At this time, he completely dismissed the contempt. The latter proved with his own strength that he was not optimistic about anyone. He had a relationship with Lion He Fan. Qualifications for head to head battle!

And, although Lion He Fan did not use his final hole cards, Qin Yichen showed no signs of losing!

“Such taboos really make sense …”

At this time, Shi Hong’s eyes were staring closely at the dragon’s shadow, and in his eyes the rays of light flickered, and then he sighed softly.

Hearing this, Jing Xu and Chi Fengsheng looked at each other, and there was a touch of palpitations in their eyes.

They all know what Shihong is saying!

True Dragon is a taboo in the 10000-thousand continent, not only because Hongjun Old Ancestor took Human Race away from the fate of being enslaved, among which there is a huge secret hidden.

In addition to Human Race, even if you have seen the 10000 family powerhouse of the True Dragon Martial Spirit in person, and want to learn its charm, you simply cannot do it. Even afterwards, no one clearly remembers the true look of the True Dragon Martial Spirit. .

It’s as if it’s in the midst of a deep, strange power that erases everything about True Dragon.

Only Human Race has ever appeared True Dragon Martial Spirit, and even monsters like Qin Yichen can transform their Magical Powers into True Dragon appearances, even if it is not True Dragon Martial Spirit, with True Dragon Magical Powers, Its power is far beyond everyone’s imagination.

Despite being helpless, Qin Yichen also knew the weight and did not openly display the True Dragon Martial Spirit in front of the powerhouse of the 10000-thousand continent. Fortunately, the dragon shadow transformed by Bloodline Strength seemed to compare with him. When using Martial Spirit, it is not inferior.

“Although this child is evil, he is, after all, just a holy junior …”

After a sigh, cold glow flashed in Shi Hong’s eyes, and a somewhat impatient voice came out quietly: “He Fan, even if the kid will tell you his ability, you will not learn how to condense True Dragon Shadow, don’t fix him soon! “

The sound of Shi Hong, like Ruohua into a substantive sound wave, was clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears in the shocking battle.

“His … It turns out that Lord He Fan wants to learn this Magical Powers ?!”

“No wonder he will be resisted by Qin Yichen. It seems that he did it on purpose.”

“Well, it’s weird. It seems that except for Human Race rations, even the existence of the Star Lion Imperial Family has not shown any trace of True Dragon.”

Hearing the voice of Shi Hong, the 10000 family powerhouses who were in shock were a moment’s glance. Immediately, a fascination appeared on their faces.

No wonder Qin Yichen was able to persist until now. It turned out that what they saw was nothing more than a lion’s intentional retention!

When hearing the voice of Shi Hong, Lion He Fan’s body was also slightly shaken, and in his eyes suddenly a cold cold glow emerged.

In fact, he knew that it was Lion Hong who was saving his face. If the 10000 family powerhouse knew that he simply did n’t keep it, but Qin Yichen really resisted his Magical Powers. For him and the Star Lion Imperial Family, Fame is sure to be a huge blow.

“Little beast … you forced me!”

Coldly snorted in the heart of Lion He Fan, his face suddenly became solemn.

He also knows that although this reminder from Shi Hong can help him save some face, only by really defeating Qin Yichen will he be able to re-establish his image about to collapse!

“Do you want to use your strongest move?”

In fact, the old demon Ray Ancestor also saw Shi Hong’s abacus, but he did not go to reveal it, because he knew that as long as Qin Yichen can persist until the end, Shi Hong’s lies will not break, and if Qin Yichen died, and it was pointless to expose it.

Now, he can only hope that Qin Yichen will be able to persevere in the end. However, with the strength of the Holy Class, the victory over the top powerhouse, even when looking at the entire 10000 continent, has never appeared.

However, to the point where the top powerhouse has competed to this extent, hasn’t Qin Yichen set a precedent? Perhaps he can really do such a miracle!

“bang! bang!”

The fierce battle on the sky is still going on, countless lines of sight are watching tightly there. 2 huge monsters, one after another, the waves of terror continue to sweep away.

However, at a certain moment, it was suddenly discovered that the silhouette of the lion He Fan where he had stood suddenly disappeared.


And soon, someone with sharp eyes found that He Fan, who did not know when, appeared on top of that golden lion.

With the appearance of the lion He Fan, the golden giant lion suddenly appeared with gorgeous golden light, and the golden light that was originally broken on its surface was once again fused, a powerful coercion, also in its body Swept out.


The golden giant lion roared in the sky, staring with majesty and staring directly at the huge dragon shadow on the opposite side. It not only restored the original strength, but even the powerful fluctuations within the body, compared with the beginning. Even more terrifying.

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