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Above the sky, Qin Yichen exerted his speed to the extreme and continued to retreat, but the huge golden giant lion was in chasing after all, and the entire True Origin between Heaven and Earth was riot at this time. stand up.

“I’ll see, where can you little mouse hide today!”

Looking at the four fleeing Qin Yichen, there was a quick smile on the face of Lion He Fan, said with a malicious smile.

At this time, Qin Yichen, who was surrounded by three colors of energy, looked extremely dignified. The means such as Lion He Fan made him feel a deep danger.

The power of top powerhouse is indeed not comparable to the Peak giant. Even if he has many powerful means, it is still extremely difficult when faced with it.

“It seems I can only use that trick …”

Looking at the chasing golden lion, Qin Yichen’s face became extremely dignified.


As the body recedes, the three-color True Origin surges out of Qin Yichen’s body. Above the sky, an equally large illusory shadow also emerges slowly.

With the advent of that illusory shadow, a terrifying coercion spreads out.

“This is … that trick ?!”

Seeing this scene, the eyes and pupils of countless 10000 family powerhouses have shrunk. There are many people who have witnessed the power of Qin Yichen and Shizhuang in front of Huangji Tianlou, and immediately they I saw it. This move is the horrible Magical Powers that defeated Lion Robbery.


Qin Yichen’s strength has been improved again, and the True Dragon shadow is no longer as difficult as before, but it is just a few breaths of effort. A huge dragon of 1000 feet is emerging.

“Really … True Dragon ?!”

Above that dragon shadow, rays of light linger, and the coercion and fluctuations looming from it, even the shocked and red storms, are a little bit worried, and on their faces, they are full of thick The color of terror.

For True Dragon, they come from the fear of deep in one’s heart!

In the lower Tian City, when seeing this dragon shadow, countless Human Race powerhouses were kneeling on the ground, and their faces were full of a kind of piety.

Human Race has always claimed to be the heir to the dragon, and indeed, looking at the entire 10000 family continent, the Owner of the True Dragon Martial Spirit has indeed only appeared in Human Race.

However, as the 10000 ethnic powerhouses saw the horrors of the True Dragon Martial Spirit Owner, the situation for Human Race became more difficult.

On the entire sky, countless 10000 family powerhouses are looking at the dragon shadow that hangs on the sky, and their eyes are filled with a thick shock. From the dragon shadow, they all have a kind of hair. Fear from Bloodline.

“Did this move defeat Lion Lion?”

Looking at the shadow of the dragon, Lion He Fan’s eyes were also slightly stunned. In his eyes, cold glow became more intense, and a gloomy voice also resounded: “Well, let old man come Your strongest blow has blown you down, and you have been so convinced to die! “


With the lion’s voice falling, the majestic True Origin surged out from within the body, and immediately poured into the golden giant lion. Suddenly, the rays of light on the huge silhouette changed. Even more beautiful, but in that kind of beauty, countless 10000 powerhouses can perceive a threat of near death.

“Peace, die!”

Gorgeous rays of light swept across the sky, and the sneer of lion He Fan resounded between Heaven and Earth.


As the drink fell, the giant golden lion covering the sky roar towards the sky, and then moved at the next step, rushing out of the void, rays of light surging, with a kind of heaven and Earth is trembling for it.

Looking at this scene, Qin Yichen’s face suddenly appeared a faint smile. In his body, a brilliant golden light burst out suddenly. Under the surge of golden light, the one behind him The giant dragon seems to be rendered with a layer of golden scale armor, which contains an extremely terrifying power.

In the space around the giant dragon, waves of power ripples spread continuously. Qin Yichen’s strength is undoubtedly much stronger than the last time in Huangjitian.

Now when performing this move, he simply gathers the soul of True Dragon without Bloodline Strength directly by using the formation diagram. Moreover, although this move has a lot of consumption for him, it is not the same as the first time. Cast like that, collapsed and passed out.

Of course, this is also a warning from Qin Yichen, the mysterious old man of Tian City, who did not fully consolidate the shadow of True Dragon, so the consumption is not so huge.

However, in the face of the existence of this level of Lion He Fan, if he does not use this move, I am afraid that simply has no chance to win!

Also worried about the danger said by the mysterious old man, Qin Yichen also deliberately covered up the breath of the shadow of True Dragon with True Origin.


At this moment, Qin Yichen’s eyes were filled with a kind of indifference. With the sound of spitting in his mouth, the dragon’s shadow suddenly shocked, and then the air was torn open at a terrifying speed, with An indescribable horror of coercion whistled away towards the huge golden lion.

This kind of movement made countless powerhouse’s eyes come together, without moving away, looking at the terrifying fluctuations in Qin Yichen’s Magical Powers. Even some Peak giants changed their looks dramatically. Among them, they felt how small they were, and if they were replaced by them, I was afraid that simply would not have the slightest resistance.

Is this guy really just Holy Peak?


A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering-like collision finally collided with a line of sight, and then everyone saw the magical powers of two heads. At this moment, it seems that they have spirituality. Generally, it turned out to be a horrific assassination!

At the moment of contact, the golden giant lion roared, and one claw was angrily toward the dragon shadow. However, the dragon shadow also seemed to have consciousness, with bright light glittering in its eyes and a twisted body. When moving, one claw was the first to pat on the back of the golden giant lion, and at this instant, the minions of the golden giant lion also fell on it.


With the sound of two huge sounds, both huge monsters were shaken back and forth. At this time, on the back of the golden giant lion, there were broken traces, and in contrast, the shadow of the True Dragon, The rays of light where they were attacked are also much dimmed.


Immediately after retreating, two huge monsters roared, and immediately bite together again. There was no mysterious move between the two, but each attack was to break the space apart. The aftermath of the break lets people know how dangerous the battle is. I am afraid that even if it is a top powerhouse, it is not dare to use a fleshhy body to compete!

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