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Although the Water Shield is powerful, under the absolute gap, it cannot play the role of heaven defying.

Although Shui Jinglong can be regarded as extremely Peak in the ordinary top powerhouse, there is still a big gap when compared with the old Earth Realm top powerhouse such as Wuxiao.

Before the sky fell to nothing, a sword was to cut off a top powerhouse, and that domineering power left an indelible mark in Qin Yichen’s heart.


With a loud sound, the silhouette of Shui Jinglong smashed into the imperial city of water mist like a shooting star. Suddenly, the gigantic city shook fiercely at this moment.

Fortunately, Wuxiao is not as powerful as Tian Wuming, and Shui Jinglong is not as fragile as the three top powerhouses that invaded Human Race. After a while, Shui Jinglong emerged from the messy pothole.

At this time, the robes on the dragon body of the waterscape were all a bit shabby, and there was a dazzling blood hole in his chest. Although under his control, there was no blood to seep out there, but Around the wound, there was a faint ray of white mist, constantly destroying the wound that was about to heal.

“This old bastard!”

Looking at the silhouette of the mighty shore on the sky, Shui Jinglong’s heart could not help but raise an astonished expression.

Originally, he thought that after breaking through to the top powerhouse, even if he could not overcome the existence that he needed to look up in his heart, he would not be too uncomfortable to think about it.

Under these simple 2 tricks, Shui Jinglong clearly realized the gap between himself and the level of Wuxiao.

Originally, his body had a strong ability to heal, but the white mist on his wound seemed to carry an extremely obscure boulevard. Even if he took the elixir and tried hard to suppress it, he could not remove those white ones. The fog wiped away.

“You really became the puppet of Nightmare Clan …”

While looking at the newly emerged Shui Jinglong, Wu Xiao’s eyes sank slightly, and a soft sigh sounded.

“Nightmare Clan?”

When I heard the name ringing on the sky, many powerhouses in the city were a little stunned, and their faces changed a little.

The power of those water gates in the city also suddenly changed, and a sense of uneasiness surged in their hearts.

“Wu Xiao, what are you talking about, aren’t you just trying to kill me? Need some excuse for this slander?”

However, at this time, Shui Jinglong’s complexion was sinking and shouted sharply.

Hearing this, the countless powerhouses in the imperial city of water mist are a little stunned in their hearts. Is Wu Xiao saying that it is just an excuse to find a grandeur for himself?

“Don’t pretend in front of the old man, the stench in your blood cannot be covered up.”

Looking at that innocent water Jinglong, Wu Xiao couldn’t help saying with a sneer.

Although the water gate and the mist gate have many differences after a long period of time, in the final analysis, they are still the same with different branches.

The mist of the Earth Realm top powerhouse has a keen sensitivity to Bloodline, which is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination. The smell emanating from the dragon body of the water feature allows him to recognize that the latter simply is no longer the previous water feature. Dragon, even if his performance is not wrong, Wu Xiao can be sure, at least the latter is no longer a member of the Water Mist Imperial Family!

“I do not know what you’re talking about!”

Water King Dragon was coldly snorted, his face remained unchanged.

“This guy is quite capable, if he can find a way to show him the true face.”

Seeing the appearance of Shui Jinglong, Thunder Anger Old Ancestor’s eyebrows were involuntarily lightly frowned. He could feel that the latter was quibble, but if there is no conclusive evidence, others cannot be trusted by their side words.

More importantly, they knew that Qin Yichen was in a precarious situation before the Three Great Emperors, such as the Star Lion Imperial Family, had reached the Human Race.

They must prove the value of Qin Yichen as soon as possible!

Nightmare Clan is an excellent way to divert attention from the 10000 family powerhouse.

Although they can’t stand publicly on the side of Qin Yichen for the time being, but if they can have such an excuse to repay their favor, they will definitely not quit.

“Just leave it to me.”

And Wu Xiao seems to have long expected that Shui Jinglong returned to sophistry. He was sneaked, his palm slowly extended, facing the Shui Jinglong below.


Seeing his movements, Shui Jinglong’s complexion suddenly condensed, and a sense of uneasiness appeared in the bottom of his heart.

“chi chi… ”

When the feeling of uneasiness just emerged, the white mist on his chest suddenly exuded a gleam of color, and the next instant, it turned out to drill directly into its within the body.

“This old bastard!”

Shui Jinglong obviously didn’t expect that at this time, Wu Xiao could still control the white mist remaining on his wound, but even if he reacted, a lot of white mist had quickly penetrated into its within the body.


These white mists, with a very strange wave, entered the blood within their body as soon as they entered the inside.

“Pu chi! ”

Within this body, when this kind of change happened, the original traumatized water dragon suddenly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from its mouth.

Then, he didn’t care that there were 2 Earth Realm top powerhouses above glare like a tiger watching his prey. He sat down cross-legged and ran his own avenue to resist.

“Not good, that old bastard is inspiring Bloodline Strength of patriarch!”

Seeing this scene, the power of many water gates has also changed dramatically. Even if they saw the intention of the Wuxiao, but under the coercion of the 2 Earth Realm top powerhouse, they couldn’t help themselves. Also make a shot to help Shui Jinglong?

“Can’t you do it?”

Looking at the still water dragon sitting quietly on the ground, Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s eyes flashed suspiciously, and asked with some doubt.

“He is completely fused with that evil blood. Give me 5 minutes of time, and he will be revealed.”

Regarding the question of Lei Yao Old Ancestor, Wu Xiao was not angry at all, but lightly said with a smile, full of confidence in his tone.

Seeing this scene, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor didn’t say a word of sarcasm anymore, his gaze glanced slightly at the city below, but his brows frowned slightly.

After they appeared, they didn’t hide their breath at all. In theory, the Old Sect Master of Watergate …… Shui Changquan should have been aware of it for a long time. However, at this time, he hasn’t shown anything at all. Plan?

Moreover, he didn’t even find the fluctuations belonging to the Earth Realm top powerhouse. Could it be said that that guy’s ability of restraining aura is even higher than him? Want to take advantage of this sneak attack in secret?

Thinking of this, the ghost of Old Ancestor also flashed a grave expression in his eyes, his body was slightly tight, and he could shoot at any time and face all the troubles.

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