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In the middle of the air, the three silhouettes stand out, they are like the masters of this Heaven and Earth, and even the wind stops flowing around them.

Looking at the 2 majestic silhouettes on the opposite side, Shui Jinglong’s face was full of grave expression.

One is the Ruler of the Water Mist Imperial Family, and the other is now the master of one of the Sovereign level races!

Two such existences, even when the water mist Imperial Family in its heyday faced it, would have a headache, but now, they look like this, they are facing the gate of water!

In the power of the many water gates below, when they saw the thunder demon Old Ancestor appeared, their complexions suddenly became extremely ugly.

Not long ago, they got the news that Wu Xiao once appeared in the imperial imperial city, and it seemed that they had reached an agreement with the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor. At that time, they faintly felt that Wu Xiao should be for revenge, Just went to find the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor.

Now it seems that this matter is not groundless.

In the city, the countless powerhouses hiding in the house are also terrified. 2 Earth Realm top powerhouse, it seems that Wu Xiao came prepared this time!

If they are going to shoot at Watergate, the latter will certainly not sit still, when the time comes, there will definitely be a battle of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Top powerhouse-level battles, even if only some aftermaths, are probably enough to easily destroy the water mist of the imperial city. When the time comes, they are probably not immune.

At this time, those powerhouses who stayed in the city couldn’t help but regret it. Why didn’t they leave the place with others for the time being, and they had to make some fun here.

However, at this point, regret is obviously useless, for now, they can only hope that these beings can take care of them a little bit, and don’t put the battlefield here!

“Shui Jinglong, finally give you a chance to ask Shui Changquan to come out, otherwise …”

Looking at the temporarily silenced Jingjing Dragon, the cold glow flashed in Wu Xiao’s eyes. Immediately, his lips moved slightly. A sound of indifference filled with threats resounded above the sky.

With the sound of this indifferent sound, the True Origin above the sky is faint and there is a sign of boiling. Everyone has no doubt that if Shui Jinglong refuses, those True Origins will instantly become a threat enough to threaten His terrifying offensive!

Under the threat of Wuxiao, Shui Jinglong never had the same self-confidence as before. Although the two had not yet started, he clearly felt that the breath of the two guys had already locked himself. If he changes anything or refuses, I am afraid it will be extremely miserable.

“It seems that you are not planning to call that Old Guy out. In that case, you have no meaning to exist.”

Seeing that Shui Jinglong didn’t take a stand late, Wu Xiao’s little patience seemed to be exhausted. With the sound of a slightly gloomy murmur, the majestic True Origin above the sky surged in an instant. The time is transformed into a crystal unrolled bolt of white silk.

Around that unrolled bolt of white silk, if the space can’t bear the power of terrifying, it is crazily twisted. Compared with the water dragon before Shui Jinglong, it has a qualitative leap.


Looking at the Wuxiao suddenly shot, many water gates below could not help but exclaim.

Although the Earth Realm top powerhouse and Human Realm top powerhouse are only one step away, there is a huge gap between this step. At least, with the strength of Shui Jinglong, it can’t compete with it.

And once Shui Jinglong encounters unexpected events, for their water gate, I am afraid it will be a huge blow.

“Mist Xiao, don’t go too far!”

Seeing the unrolled bolt of white silk that came out, Shui Jinglong’s eyes were suddenly covered with grave expression. With a spit, he didn’t dare to retain the slightest, and the true True Origin was in his body. Gushing out.

“Only you, want to stop me?”

Seeing this, Wu Xiao was sneaked, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

When he became a top powerhouse, Shui Jinglong was just a nameless junior. Even if the latter had broken through to the top powerhouse, in his eyes, it was still unable to withstand a single blow.


With the movement of Wu Xiao’s mind, the crystal unrolled bolt of white silk burst out like a sharp sword, and the space in front of it was instantly torn apart.

“Water Shield!”

Looking at the waves that came with a dark Space Crack stabbing, Shui Jinglong didn’t dare to care for the slightest. He was furiously shouted, and the majestic True Origin surged up, condensing into a giant Water curtain.

Above the water curtain, ripples flow, and there is a vaguely eerie wave spreading out.

The Water Shield is Shui Jinglong’s strongest defense Magical Powers. In the past, he used this blow to block the full strength attack of the powerhouse of the same level, but the Water Shield did not show any signs of breaking.

Because the water shield is extremely mysterious, it not only has a very strong defense force, but also the flow of those water waves, it is able to remove most of the power.


However, when I saw this scene, Wu Xiao was only sneaked, and there seemed to be a flash of irony in his eyes. The Magical Powers were even more thunderous than others. When the shield of the water world had just condensed, it fell suddenly. On it.


As soon as the two came into contact, not at all, the unexpected roaring sounds sounded, but a huge wave suddenly broke above the water shield, and a terrifying wave was raging.

Where this violent wave passed, all the tall buildings in the Water Mist City below were shattered, and there seemed to be some screams screaming.

However, Shui Jinglong didn’t care about it at this time. At this moment, his mind was completely placed on the shield of the water world. He even desperately released the power from the Magical Powers to bring the water mist to the imperial city Come greater destruction.

“hmph! ”

Looking at the Magical Powers that were temporarily blocked, the mist howling was coldly snorted, and for a moment, the rays of light on the unrolled bolt of white silk swelled, and a powerful wave that broke out of it suddenly burst out.

At this moment, Shui Jinglong’s complexion changed suddenly.


With a muffled sound, the water shield that was enough to withstand the top powerhouse full strength attack burst and burst open, and although the magical powers that reduced nearly half the power were fiercely, Fell on his chest.

Although at that moment, Shui Jinglong did his best to protect True Origin on his chest, but his figure was still fiercely and flew away, facing the water mist below the imperial city, and falling in mid-air. In blood, blood spurted out of his mouth.

Obviously, under that Magical Powers, he was not hurt lightly!

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