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“Which 3 races?”

Cold glow flashed in Shui Jinglong’s eyes, and the sound was filled with the coldness of the question.

“Mist sparrows, Mist rains and … Yunlings.”

Under Shui Jinglong’s questioning, that dare not conceal in the slightest, after paused, he said again: “Now they have entered my clan territory.”

With that powerful voice falling, there was an instant silence in the great hall.

At this time, Shui Jinglong’s complexion was more gloomy and gloomy. Among the clouds and mists, there were 8 Peak races, and when Wu Xiao just appeared, there were 3 Peak races re-entering. This is to them , Is simply a great provocation!

“Yunquan’s waste cannot even be controlled by a Yunling tribe!”

Coldly snorted flashed in Shui Jinglong’s heart, and a ruthless aura flashed in his eyes. In fact, he also knew the loyalty of the three Peak races to the gate of the mist, so he was not idle during this time.

Yun Quan is a chess piece under his control. Originally, if it was not for Yun Yin’s reappearance, he would be able to control the Yun Ling family in his hands.

However, it was too late for him to regret it.

“Call all of our top powerhouses, I want to let Wu Xiao know that 30 years have passed, and in the Water Fog Imperial Family, it is not his final decision!”

Shui Jinglong coldly snorted, and immediately waved his hand, it was the order.

However, under his voice, those powerful people did not change, but on their faces all had a look of bitter smile.

“I was informed immediately that I had notified those who existed, but …”

Looking at Shui Jinglong’s almost cannibalistic gaze, Great Elder of Watergate smiled bitterly and took a step forward, said.

“What, they dare to refuse ?!”

Shui Jinglong’s face sank, said coldy.

“No refusal …”

Watergate Great Elder shook the head slightly, and hesitated a little, then continued: “They said that they would help us to hold on to the three Peak races, but other people would not come in.”

“hmph, a bunch of waste!”

Hearing this, Shui Jinglong flashed a cold glow in his cold eyes, but he was not angry about it.

“Also, a scream of fog can’t set off much wind and waves. Since he dares to come, he will eliminate this hidden danger!”

After a moment, Shui Jinglong was coldly snorted, said.

In the past, Wu Xiao was indeed the Number One Person in the Water Fog Imperial Family, but during this period, not only did Shui Jinglong become the top powerhouse, but the Old Sect Master of their water gate also broke through to Earth. Realm top powerhouse!

Although Wu Xiao has cleared the blood of Nightmare Clan, in a short period of time, his strength has certainly not recovered to Peak status.

Today’s Mist Gate has completely fallen. With the help of Mist Xiao alone, simply cannot set off much storm waves under their hands.


And just as the Great Elder was about to speak, a powerful wave suddenly emerged from the air, and then, in an instant, the entire mist family was enveloped in it.

“This wave … is the fog howl!”

At this moment, many powerful faces of Watergate were all changed dramatically. For this aura, they are no strangers!

“hmph! ”

Under that aura, Shui Jinglong is coldly snorted, and a monstrous breath also surges out of his body, sweeping across the sky, and then his body moves, It disappeared into the great hall.


Over the misty imperial city, two powerful breaths each occupy one side of the sky.

These two breaths are not unfamiliar to many powerhouses. One of them is the mist tsunami that dominated the Water Mist Imperial Family 2 years ago, while the other is the sect master of Water Gate today. Under the shroud, numerous powerhouses in the Imperial Family are hidden inside the house, looking through the gaps of doors and windows, facing the sky.

In fact, in the imperial city of water mist, in addition to the retreat of the water Jinglong and that exist, others have already received some information.

Even the ordinary people in the water mist imperial city, the news that they have come to the water mist imperial city, what made them even more horrified is that Wu Xiao said that the high-level of the water gate has been reduced to Nightmare Clan’s puppet!

In the beginning, countless powerhouses thought that it was just a rumor that’s all, but when they learned that Wu Xiao would come to the water mist experimental city in person to expose the true face of the water gate, they believed in some.

Although I do n’t know why the mist gate suddenly disappeared, under the pressure of the water gate, this has become a taboo topic. Moreover, it is not difficult to imagine that this is absolutely the same as today ’s sect master in the Imperial Family Watergate related.

This time Wu Xiao’s return will definitely inevitably lead to a war!

If the top powerhouse is at war, this water fog impalial city will most likely be reduced to ruins, so during this time, the original water fog impalial city will look so deserted.

Above the sky, two figures stand up in the sky, and two towering breathes each occupy one side of the sky. However, as long as it is a discerning person, it is not difficult to find that the breath of fog and screams is completely holding down the water dragon.

“Mist howl, take the gate of mist to you, and come back?”

In the mid-air, the majestic voice of Shui Jinglong sounded, and in his words, it seemed that Wu Xiao had been the culprit in the fall of Wu Men’s Gate.

However, in the face of his sarcasm, Wu Xiao’s face was not angry, and his gaze glanced down slightly, and then a faint voice sounded quietly: “Where is Shuichangquan?”

That look, as if simply disdain talking to Shui Jinglong.

However, Wu Xiao does have such strength. When he dominated the Water Mist Imperial Family, Shui Jinglong was just a holy Elder. Even though the latter has become a top powerhouse, in his eyes, the latter His identity is still unequal to him.

“Hmph, is the name of the Master your direct name for a sinner?”

Seeing Wu Xiao’s contemptuous attitude, Shui Jinglong’s complexion suddenly sank, immediately coldly snorted and said.

“Why, do you want me to reveal your true face first?”

At this moment, Wu Xiao’s eyes were finally a little froze, and his voice became a bit cold.

“True face? What true face?”

Hearing this, Shui Jinglong froze slightly, but deep in his heart, he felt a sense of uneasiness, but on the surface he did not show anything.

“It’s really okay … I won’t call out the old bastard, I will destroy your water gate first.”

Seeing the latter to ask a question, when already knows the answer, the mist shook the head shook the head, cold glow flashed in his eyes, and a cold voice sounded, in this voice, full of A kind of domineering that cannot be questioned.

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