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The violent sound rang loudly in Qin Yichen within the body, and now his body within the body is almost a golden color, even its flesh and skeleton, in this golden-yellow rays of Under light rendering, all become as cast as gold.

The kind of golden color, which madly erodes Qin Yichen ’s body, and in the golden color, there are some small golden rays. These rays are almost naked eye is hard to detect, but it contains the power of terrifying. Wherever he goes, even The tyrannical body is constantly showing a state of collapse, as if it were about to explode.

“Refine me!”

Under such severe pain, Qin Yichen gritted his teeth and furiously shouted in his heart, which pushed the Supreme body to the extreme.

However, what made Qin Yichen a bit surprised is that even so, the golden energy he can refine is very small, and the golden light is diffused, as if to explode his body.

“Is this Heaven Realm top powerhouse blood essence really so scary?”

Feeling the almost terrifying energy, Qin Yichen couldn’t help but feel dignified.

It is also strange that he was too anxious. If he had known that blood essence divine fruit contained such terrible energy, he would certainly not have absorbed it so recklessly.

Of course, Qin Yichen didn’t know that the blood essence divine fruit that appeared in Huangjitian in the past was obtained by the Super Lions of the Star Lion Imperial Family, and even those Super Lions were also in the Star Lion Imperial Family Earth I dare to absorb it with the help of Realm top powerhouse. Where would it be like Qin Yichen, prepare a little Rare Item and dare to act so recklessly.

“Blood essence divine fruit … blood essence ?!”

And when Qin Yichen felt that his body was about to be able to bear the limit, his mind suddenly trembled, as if thinking of something.

The next moment, he suddenly parted out of his mind, controlled the Bloodline Strength within the body, and surged out of the meridian.

With the emergence of Bloodline Strength, Qin Yichen was shocked to find that this golden energy seemed to have a great temptation to his Bloodline Strength. He didn’t need to control it at all. Bloodline Strength was devoured by those energy.


Under this devour, the energy that originally seemed to explode turned out to be gradually suppressed.

If this scene makes Super Lions of the Star Lion Imperial Family who have been lucky enough to take blood essence divine fruit find it, they will be horrified. They know how terrible the energy of blood essence divine fruit is. They can only use the earth in the family. With the hands of Realm top powerhouse, gradually refining, it is simply impossible to swallow a fully mature blood essence divine fruit within the body in one breath, that is no different from courting death.

Of course, for the record of blood essence divine fruit, only the seniors of the Star Lion Imperial Family knew about these things on the 10000-thousand continent. So far, Qin Yichen did n’t know that he had done something that made the lion rob them. To imagine things.

That tiny golden light was continuously engulfed by Qin Yichen’s Bloodline Strength. Under such engulfment, his Bloodline Strength grew at a very fast rate, in the rush of Bloodline Strength, An even heavier wave continued to circulate.

However, even at this time, the pain is still spreading in Qin Yichen within the body. He knows that this is his fleshy body being tempered. He had already reached the Supreme of the Great Accomplishment. Feeling sloppy.

Qin Yichen knows that the tempering of the fleshhy body always accompanies this kind of pain. At the moment, he can only run the Supreme tyrant madly. As those golden rays of light are integrated into the flesh, the flesh inside the body It is a golden color, an indescribable sense of perseverance, faintly discernable emanating from it.

After a bit of confusion at first, Qin Yichen also gradually adapted. He was doing two things at the same time and controlled Bloodline Strength and Supreme hegemony. He constantly greedy the energy in blood essence divine fruit. Absorbed.

This blood essence divine fruit is rumored to be the blood essence of Heaven Realm top powerhouse, which is too powerful to be easily absorbed, but as long as he can afford it, it will undoubtedly be a huge one for him. Fortune!

At the time of Qin Yichen’s retreat, many Holy Lords and powers in front of the Holy Heaven Palace did not dare to stay in the Clan Protecting Great Array in a slack manner. The public lack of clearness has never dispersed.

Fortunately, she already has a deep understanding of this Formation. Although she can’t show the true power of Clan Protecting Great Array because of her limited strength, however, such maintenance is not much cost to the public. .

And under the worry of countless Human Race powerhouse, the 4 silhouettes with horror pressure on the sky still stood there, but although they never left, they did not mean to forcibly launch an attack on St. Tian City.

Perhaps they are also waiting for the passing of January.

After all, the King of the Courts is one of the most Peak existences in the 10000-thousand continent. His words still have a lot of weight. Even more how, this matter is related to extraterrestrial demons. Even if it is as strong as Three Great Emperors, it is not easy to ignore .

After all, the outer demon had brought a huge catastrophe to the 10000-thousand continent. If the king said something is not false, at this time, he took a shot against the Human Race who had fought fiercely with the outer demon, and has a great reputation The influence will even be described as a companion of Nightmare Clan by some interested people.

Although the Star Lion Imperial Family can totally ignore this, Chiyan Imperial Family and Jingyun Imperial Family cannot.


Water mist Imperial Family, water mist in Imperial city.

At this time, the imperial water mist of the imperial city, which was so popular, was unusually cold at this time, and the crowd was rare among the streets.

The power of the water gates are all gathered in a great hall in the center of the imperial city of water mist.

However, at this time, the atmosphere in this great hall seemed unusually depressed, and the powers of all powers also looked gloomy.

“Mist Xiao really appeared?”

With the sound of a somber sound, a silhouette suddenly appeared on the throne, and it was exactly Shui Jinglong.

“Reporting back to patriarch, this message has been confirmed.”

At the end of his voice, a power is replied.

“How is this possible? Even if that guy can hold it, he certainly won’t be able to persist for a long time. How can he solve the holy species?”

Hearing this, Shui Jinglong still shouted incredibly.

“Patriarch, the mist scream not only appeared, now, within our Imperial Family’s scope, there are 3 Peak races who once attached to the gate of the mist come back to him.”

The open power lowered his head and groaned a little before continuing.

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