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With that huge palm of light being blasted by students, a powerful breath stood proudly between Heaven and Earth.

Feeling that powerful breath, the countless powers of this piece between Heaven and Earth are all put out a breath, and then their heart speeds up.

Originally they thought that the Lion Robbery would solve the battle by means of thunderbolt, but the current scene let them know that the real Peak battle has not really started!

“hong long! ”

The violent, almost violent fluctuations, like the tide, wave after wave swept away from Qin Yichen within the body, it looks like it is a kind of provocation against the lion robbery above.

“Junior, you are really beyond my expectations …”

Under the gaze of a line of sight, Lion Robber slowly took a deep breath, whispered.

His head was slightly lowered, and his gaze was looking at the young man who was not slack in the breath below him, but deep in his eyes, there were more and more cold glow flashes.

“However, no matter what means you have today, this place will be a burial place for others, who dares to challenge me, there is absolutely no second end!”

The eyes of Lion Robber suddenly froze, and the monstrous True Origin whistled out. With the grip of his palm, a silver halberd emerged. The halberd shivered, and numerous unruly unrolled bolts of white silk whistled. Open, like the sky and stars, shrouded to Qin Yichen.

Seeing what it looks like, it is completely in keeping with the killing intent in my heart. I don’t want to say a little nonsense, just start to do it.

At this time, Qin Yichen’s face was also slightly frozen in the face of the Lion ’s offensive, but he did not seem too daunting, with a laughter, his arms blasted out, a path of majestic The energy screamed out, directly blasting out the offensive from the giant halberd.

“Lion robbery, if you want to kill me, come up with some real ability. This means, it will only lose the name of your Star Lion Imperial Family!”

Qin Yichen’s body moved, the body flashed out of the blasted halberd, staring at the lion, and the sound of sneer echoed in this between Heaven and Earth.


As soon as the sound of sneer fell, Qin Yichen’s eyes glowed with cold glow. As his mind moved, the muscles on his arm trembled a little, and a terrifying force was superimposed.

Although the offensive has not yet erupted, an extremely staggering violent wave has erupted, leaving the space around his arms trembling incessantly.

“Is this trick again?”

Feeling the fluctuations in Qin Yichen’s body, the eyes of Shi Jie suddenly freeze, apparently seeing the latter’s trick, which was used in the fierce battle.

Although I have only seen it, Lion Jie also knows the power of his attack. At the beginning, Qin Yichen relied on this attack to resist the fame of red fire cracking. Even more how, now Qin Yichen, has improved again. Come to think, if he was hit by this bomb, it would be quite troublesome for him.

“Ignorant Junior!”

However, it is clear that Lion Robber is not a waiter, and he also seems to know that Qin Yichen’s blow takes time to recharge, so when he saw the latter was brewing strength, he stepped on his foot, When the body flashed, it appeared in front of the latter.


Then, with the palm of Lion’s hand moving, the silver halberd took a powerful wind that shook Peak’s power into a blood mist, and stabbed at the latter’s throat with lightning.

Looking at the looting lion, Qin Yichen didn’t panic. The rays of light flashed above the 10000 god armor leggings under his feet, and his shape appeared strangely in the space 1000 feet away. Widened the distance between each other.

“Lion, you take my fist and try!”

While the lion ’s frowned was about to be chased, Qin Yichen was outraged. Immediately, his arm waved, and the simple ordinary punch was violent air, smashing away at the lion ’s rage. .


Under this fist, the power of terror has not yet flowed out, and a terrifying air shock wave is already banging away at the lion with the visible ripples of naked eye.

A fierce storm came, and Lion’s eyes were gloomy. He coldly snorted and waved his sleeve robe to shatter the shock wave of air. The sky was dancing, but even his robe failed to stir. .

And at the moment when the air impact broke and was annihilated, a three-color fist print was already tearing open the space and rushing to it.

Wherever the fist seal passed, deep traces were left in the space. From the violent fluctuations contained in it, even the power of Shexier’s level can see the facial expression grave.


However, in the face of this blow, the face of Lion Jie was not panic-stricken. After the fist seal approached, the giant halberd in his hand slashed down, and a huge pound of hunter zhang was like a rainbow. Light generally swept out.


With a loud noise, the entire sky seemed to be shaking violently at this time. The offensive that even the first few powers of the top 100 list had to be treated with dignity turned out to be broken by a lion.

At this time, the mighty strength of the Lion Robbery was also revealed!


And when the lion’s halberd broke his fist marks, the rays of light in his eyes flashed, and a slender silhouette came close to him like ghosts, his fingers turned into a torrential rain, and it instantly shrouded his vital body.

“chi chi! ”

A path of finger shadows, appearing like hiding the sky and covering the earth, above each finger shadow, are filled with unusually fierce power, and under the finger shadow, even the air explodes.


In this series of horrific offensives, countless powerful looks have changed greatly. No one expected that Qin Yichen dared to take the initiative in the battle with Lion Robber. Moreover, each of these attacks was still so. Tough.

If it was changed to ordinary power, I am afraid that under the punch just now, or any of these, you will be defeated.

“hmph, courting death!”

However, Lion Jie saw that Qin Yichen actually came close by relying on a pair of flesh palms. His killing intent in his eyes suddenly surged, and the halberd shook, turning into a ghost image. Fiercely’s chopped to the sky.

“clang! clang!”

The finger shadow collided with the halberd, but not at all countless powerful blood flew, but a crisp sound of gold and iron rang, sparks 4 splashed between the eyes, and saw countless powers beating.

“This junk body is so powerful ?!”

The power of the giant halberd smashed onto a finger shadow, and the contact burst out, also caused the eyes of the lion to shrink slightly.

In the real confrontation, he was only aware of the strength of Qin Yichen’s physical body, and even his Holy Weapon was helpless.

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