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“This guy is too arrogant, right?”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s actions, countless powerful eyes were a little stunned.

Although the movement caused by Qin Yichen just now is a bit amazing, even if it is such a momentum, compared with the huge palm of the sky that is suppressed down, it is still a bit inadequate.

“hong long! ”

Above the sky, the huge palm of light is mixed with a horrible momentum, suppressing the silhouette wrapped in the 3 colors rays of light. Under this momentum, countless great feelings Heaven and Earth seemed to dim.

As the two approached, a majestic breath suddenly swept out of that slender silhouette within the body, to such an extent that it has surpassed most of Peak’s power, and it is close to the level of lion robbery Peak power.


Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, the two finally collided with each other. With the sound of a huge bang, this Heaven and Earth seemed to tremble, a visible wave of naked eye, more It is raging.

Under this aftermath, some of the closer powers were directly overturned, and then their complexions changed greatly, and they immediately stepped back a long distance, for fear of being furious Aftermath to spread.

At this time, a line of sight was looking intently at the very center of the fierce storm. There, a slender silhouette stood out, and it was amazing that the huge palm of light was turned by Qi Shengsheng resisted and could not continue to fall.

“He … actually blocked it ?!”

Seeing this scene, countless powerful pupils have shrunk sharply, a touch of astonished expression emerged from their eyes.

What kind of existence is Lion Robber? Looking at the top powerhouse, he can fight against him, I am afraid that only Xuanyueyu, and he can still prevail.

At the moment, a junior who had been battered and exhausted a few days ago was actually able to resist his attack on the front!

Even though Qin Yichen had hit Qiushan a lot before, it felt far less shocking than the scene in front of him.

“hmph! ”

Seeing this scene, Lion Jie’s complexion was also slightly sinking. Immediately, a smirk evoked from the corner of his mouth, and his palm was slightly extended.

“hong long! ”

With the action of Lion Robbery, there was a sudden burst of rays of light on the huge palm that was originally blocked, and a huge force swept out again, which broke the deadlock between the two. It directly suppressed Qin Yichen’s figure.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyueyu and other powerful faces have changed slightly. Qin Yichen’s performance is indeed somewhat unexpected, but it is clear that there is still room for lion robbery. The latter is completely crushed, which is enough to prove that there is still a gap between them that is difficult to bridge!

“Don’t hurry …”

When Xuanyueyu sighed and wanted to take a shot, Lei Yunyou behind him murmured and stopped it.


Hearing this, Xuanyueyu eyebrows slightly frowned. He doesn’t know too much about Lion Robbery. Once he has the upper hand, the next fierce offensive is enough to make it difficult for his opponent to stand up.

After several fights, he also felt the terrifying place of Lion Robbery.

However, looking at the resolute face of that silhouette, for some reason, he stopped his movements and did not take any action.

“This guy is worthy of being the number one in the Top 100!”

Under the huge light, Qin Yichen’s complexion was solemn and he felt the mighty power of suppressing himself to death. He finally felt the horror of Lion Robber.

This random hand alone can already be compared with the Magical Powers exhibited by the Red Fire Depletion.

“However, you want to suppress me just with this blow. You might think too simple!”

And while countless powers sighed slightly, thinking that the overall situation had been set, an indifferent whisper suddenly resounded from the roar. This voice seemed extremely calm and completely lacked many powers. The expected color of lose one’s head out of fear.


When hearing this voice, Shi Jie’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and a sudden feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart.

“hong long! ”

With a loud sound, the huge light palm that had been suppressed against the plain below quickly, at this time, a trembling suddenly stopped.

“break for me !”

While countless powers were still in panic, a sound of anger and drink rang out suddenly.


Under the gaze of a line of sight, under the huge palm of light, suddenly there are three bright rays of light bursting out. In the next instant, this rays of light is like a sharp sword, fiercely Inserted into that palm of light.


With a path of horrified gaze, a crisp sound suddenly sounded, and then, immediately above the huge palm of light, a crack appeared.

Under the impact of the bright three-color rays of light, the crack spread at a very fast speed, and the effort of just a few breaths spread over half of the palms.


In the end, under the gaze of countless powers, the huge palm of light containing the horrific blow of the lion ’s horror turned out to be a blast, and it turned into a gorgeous rain of light pouring down.

At the moment when that huge palm of light burst and burst, a violent storm swept open, and the plain below was lifted up to the depth of several feet, a huge pit appeared out of thin air, and a slender silhouette volleyed And Li, in his body, the breath is smooth, without any damage.

When seeing that silhouette, the face of Lion Jie gloomed instantly, and the smirk at the corner of his mouth was suddenly stiff.

The fierce storm is constantly raging on the sky. The entire huge plain is in a dead silence. Looking at the slender silhouette, countless powerful faces are full of horror. Color, for a long time failed to come back to his senses from this scene.

For a long time, those violent waves on the sky have dissipated and opened, at this time, only a path of panic sounded.

“Oh my god, this guy actually smashed the attack of Lion Robber ?!”

“He wasn’t hurt ?!”

“This guy, how did he do it ?!”

In the sound of a path of marvel, Xuanyueyu’s tight body also relaxed a bit, it seems that this guy is not arrogant, but really has crazy capital!

And those powerful men standing in the Lion Robbery camp, at this time, their faces are also suddenly changed. Obviously, they did not expect that Qin Yichen could achieve this step. They thought that this was an unsuspecting battle. As long as the lion robs Xuanyueyu, they will not be a problem at all. Now it seems that the situation is somewhat unexpected.

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