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Although I don’t understand why Shijie made such a decision, the powerful people behind him didn’t think too much, but followed closely and flew towards the outside quickly.

In this ancient forest, but full of radon, they must part their minds to resist the erosion of that radon.

The previous battles are too big. Many ominous beasts have already noticed here. If there is no shelter of lions, if you want to pass through this ancient forest, even these powerful people may have to Pay a small price.

Moreover, the inheritance pearl that attracted them the most, it looked like the situation had already been acquired, and their stay here was meaningless. It would be better to go to Huangji Tianlou with Shijie, maybe, also It will be a good opportunity to leave the Xuanyueyu them, when the time comes, to divide up their leftovers.


Qin Yichen knew nothing about what happened outside. At this time, he kept his spirit clear, simply could n’t tell his mind to care about other things, even more how, he could n’t penetrate his mind into Outside.

Under the erosion of that powerful idea, Qin Yichen is now in the same state as when he died, and he simply has no room for resistance.

However, Qin Yichen also knows that too much worry is useless. Tianhu Emperor will certainly not damage his body. After all, his body is regarded by the latter and he does not want to be born again. Body.

“It’s really amazing that a junior Peak junior is physically as powerful as the realm of the emperor.”

After a glance, Tianhu Huang’s heart was a bit shocked, but it was more ecstatic.

In fact, he is also very worried that the body he chooses will not be able to bear his own strength. Although he is the existence of Earth Realm Peak, it is not easy to want to tempering a body that can carry his own strength.

At present, this body clearly makes him very satisfied.

“This junior is really alert!”

However, the Tianhu Emperor also felt that this junior seemed extremely clever. Simply did not intend to bump against himself, but kept to the Qingming, no matter how strong his coercion, it was difficult to destroy it.

“Useless work!”

Emperor Tianhu whispered in his heart. The next moment, Qin Yichen, who had been stiff in the air, suddenly raised his steps, striding directly towards the majestic palace.

“This old bastard!”

Perceived this scene, Qin Yichen’s mind was also drastically sinking. He originally wanted to use this to delay time, but the latter seemed to penetrate his thoughts and directly controlled his body and walked in. Within the bounds of the golden palace.

After entering this, the idea of ​​the Emperor Tiger was obviously not as anxious as before, but he looked at the body that he was about to occupy, the injuries on his body, and the light of the golden light turned out. It is recovering at a rapid speed with a naked eye.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Yichen, who had been bruised all over the body, fleshhy body has returned to his Peak state, and the golden light in its within the body is still nourishing his body, letting the original The Supreme, which has been tempered to Great Accomplishment, is still increasing at a slow rate.

The sense of power is inconceivable, but Qin Yichen clearly feels that his body is transforming, and even he has an urge to let go and enjoy together.

However, under this change, Qin Yichen may not have noticed that his muscles have begun to undergo some subtle changes, and even the level meridian has gradually begun to move. If he can look inside, He will certainly find that the shape of his body has begun to change to the shape of a tiger.


At one moment, a strange wave suddenly circulated from Qin Yichen’s Bloodline.

“This old bastard, is it trying to turn me into his own body?”

Under this fluctuation, Qin Yichen’s spirit suddenly trembled, his mind was slightly swept away, and his heart became abnormally dignified.

However, he also found that when those brilliant golden lights eroded into his Bloodline, his Bloodline Strength was a very strong resistance, and it turned out to be a crowd of golden lights.

“Huh? Why is there such a strong Bloodline Strength?”

Perceiving this scene, a frivolous voice was also heard in Qin Yichen within the body. Obviously, the Tianhu Emperor was also somewhat surprised by this change.

In addition, the Tianhu Emperor was surprised to find that even if he did it on his own, it would be difficult to change the Bloodline of Qin Yichen within the body.


After successive setbacks, Emperor Tianhu seemed to be a little impatient.

Immediately, he seemed to be changing direction, and the golden light at Qin Yichen within the body began to agitate. Finally, the golden lights trembled slightly and penetrated out of their flesh, all converging on the latter’s belly Place.

“This junior is not easy, but as long as you are in control of your body, I see how long you can hold back.”

The Tianhu Emperor murmured, seemingly intentionally speaking to Qin Yichen. Immediately, those golden lights trembled and violently stormed towards his dantian position.


Under the infusion of this huge golden light, Qin Yichen’s complexion suddenly became red. If his dantian was far from ordinary people, this energy would be enough to burst it!

“Strange, how can a young junior who hasn’t completed a avenue be able to accommodate the energy of the emperor?”

Seeing the influx of his own energy, he failed to burst out the dantian of Qin Yichen, and the Tianhu Emperor was a little surprised, and his thoughts also went to the dantian with a touch of curiosity.

“Go and see, I will give you a surprise!”

When Qin Yichen was aware of the movement of Emperor Tianhu, he thought secretly.

If he is so obstinate, he doesn’t have the bottom of his heart, can he persist until the idea of ​​Emperor Tiger dissipates, but his biggest reliance is that divine object in his dantian. The presence!

Although Tian Hu Huang is far more powerful than Mo Sheng, Qin Yichen believes that when facing the thing in his dantian, his remnants will definitely not cause any storms!

“Strange dantian, how is this the same as those rations?”

At the beginning of the survey, Emperor Tianhu said a slap in the mind. The dantian of the latter was not like the power of any race in his experience, but was somewhat similar to the captive Human Race rations, but he Dantian, and those Human Races piled up with medicine, don’t know how many times it is vast.

“what is that?”

Soon, the Emperor Tiger was aware of a pearl in the latter dantian.

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