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When Qin Yichen whistled with a fierce offensive, the last golden giant tiger finally could not bear it, and with a loud sound, it finally burst completely, but at the time of its final break, That huge tiger tail was still fiercely flung onto Qin Yichen’s chest.


Under this fierce draw, Qin Yichen’s body surface was originally covered with cracked golden True Origin armor. At this time, he was finally unable to withstand this attack, bursting open, and his body was also shot by a wolf. Go out.

“Pu chi! ”

A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth. At this time, his complexion was a little pale, and his body shot nearly 1000 feet backwards.

“It’s really interesting.”

When I saw five golden giant tigers being shattered, the majestic silhouette in front of the golden palace was also noticed. In those hollow eyes, there was a flash of unexpected expression.

Originally, he thought that the attack just now was enough to solve Qin Yichen, but he obviously did not expect that this little boy who was only a trivial ant in his eyes could resist his attack.

Even if weakened, his attack is enough to easily kill the Peak giant!

“It seems that the emperor did not look away, junior, you really have a little interest in the emperor.”

The Emperor Tianhu smiled at Qin Yichen, and the golden light on him seemed to squirm at this time.

Seeing that smile, Qin Yichen’s complexion suddenly changed, because he felt a terrifying sense of danger.


From Qin Yichen’s alertness, from the golden heart of the silhouette, a brilliant golden light burst out and went straight to Qin Yichen.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yichen almost did not think about it, but he pushed the speed to the extreme burst and retreated.


When Qin Yichen wanted to delay further with speed, his complexion was suddenly sinking, and his body was suddenly stiff in the air.

“what happened?!”

At this time, Qin Yichen’s complexion was gloomy, and he was full of horror. Although his consciousness was still sober, his body seemed to be out of control. In his body, golden light Perfume, no matter how he urges his power, he can’t move his body by half a step!


And in such a sacred god, the dazzling golden light was already violent, but it did not penetrate Qin Yichen’s body, but directly submerged it.


At the moment when the golden light entered its within the body, Qin Yichen’s mind was greatly impacted, and an extremely horrifying coercion almost enveloped his body almost instantly, a hidden thought, It also swept away, just as the monarch was examining his territory, glancing at him within the body.

Perceived this scene, Qin Yichen’s mind could not help but look slightly, his complexion became extremely dignified.

This is not the first time he has encountered this situation. Before Mo Sheng passed him on to cut Blade Qi, he wanted to use it to occupy his body.

The tiger emperor is stronger than Mo Sheng. He relies on the energy in those inheritance pearls to control his body, and he cannot tolerate it!

It seems that this inheritance pearl is not fake, but the idea in it is not willing to disappear, but to occupy his body and regenerate!

When faced with this situation again, Qin Yichen already knew that his excessive worry was useless. Facing the looting of the Earth Realm Peak top powerhouse, he had to stay focused and not be crushed by this coercion.

If he can hold his heart, maybe he won’t be able to use this idea.

Although the Emperor Tianhu is powerful, after all, it is just a trace of his remaining that’s all. It is not easy to try to crush his mind with coercion. Moreover, as long as he leaves the scope of the golden palace, Will be weakened all the time, maybe he still has a hint of vitality!


At this time, the expression on his face was suddenly anxious when he looked at the great power of that silhouette in the golden beam of light.

Before, Qin Yichen was constantly exuding blood. However, the signs just now suddenly stopped. Moreover, his body suddenly had a bright golden light blooming out, and his originally apathetic breath suddenly skyrocketed. It looks like that, if you get the chance to break through.

“Did you make it?”

Seeing this scene, many powerful minds are sighed in relief.

Looking at it like this, Qin Yichen seems to have received the approval of the inheritance pearl, otherwise, how could there be such an amazing fluctuation in his body.

However, on the side of Xuanyueyu, the tightly frowning brow still did not ease down.

As the No. 100 in the Top 2, he also had some contact with the pearl of inheritance. Among other 10000 clan events, he has personally seen the experience of others getting the pearl of inheritance.

Perhaps, the owner of the inheritance pearl is a little different from the one here. At that time, the movement was not too big. The most important thing is that after receiving the approval of the inheritance pearl, the acceptance of the inheritor did not appear to have such a dramatic change .

Even with the highest power of is innate talent and the inheritance of the top powerhouse, it will definitely take a while to appreciate the avenue. After all, no similar avenues can be all the same.

At this time, although the fluctuations in Qin Yichen seemed to be a good thing, for some reason, Xuanyueyu felt faintly, and the latter seemed to be a bit wrong.

“What happened to him? Did something happen?”

Another thing that felt at the scene was Lei Yunyou. Although Qin Yichen’s breath was soaring, I don’t know why, for this aura, she had a strange feeling.

If it wasn’t for worrying that Qin Yichen would be disturbed, I’m afraid Lei Yunyou can’t help it.

“This is … Vicious Spirit ?!”

At this time, in the ancient forest, seeing the movements in the golden beam of light, the look of the lion was a sudden change, and in his heart, there was a sound of horror.

“Haha, you’ve spent 1000 hardships and 10000 hardships, and you’ve got a Vicious Spirit pearl!”

After a while, Shi Jie’s back was soaked with cold sweat, but there was a smile of joy on his face, and a laughter of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune also came from his mouth: ” Come on, go to Huangji Tianlou and wait for Xuanyueyu! “

Hearing this, the powerful people behind him were a little stunned, apparently didn’t expect, at this time not only did not take the trouble to make trouble, but made such a decision.

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