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“Those guys, it’s fast!”

Feeling the movement coming from behind, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also a little froze.

“Don’t be too far apart, as soon as there is a situation, we can support it!”

Lei Lingfeng’s brow is also lightly frowned, directly to the Peak giants. He also knows that with the evil spirit, since he set off, he must be sure to eat them all!

I am afraid that the powerhouse staying in the ruins has already come over.

Although they also wanted to rush to the top of the mountain in a hurry, in order to avoid being broken by the evil clouds, Thunder Lingfeng seemed more cautious.

“Well, boy Qin, there is something good over there!”

Under such a storm, a voice suddenly sounded in Qin Yichen’s mind.

When I heard this voice, Qin Yichen was also a little stunned, because this voice came from the beast.

Although this guy ate and slept, and his appetite was so great, it was also the Treasure Item of Qin Yichen!

Moreover, not many are called good things by it!

“Senior Lei, you go to the top of the mountain first, I will follow up later.”

After a little groaning, Qin Yichen also spoke to Lei Lingfeng.

“Little friend, evil cloud they soon caught up.”

After hearing Qin Yichen’s words, Lei Lingfeng couldn’t help frowned, reminded.

“Rest assured, they will surely spread out. One or two Peak giants, why can’t I?”

For his reminder, Qin Yichen was indifferently smiled. Immediately, he didn’t wait for Thunder Lingfeng to agree, his body was already looting towards the side.


Seeing Qin Yichen’s action, Lei Lingfeng was also a little hesitant. He obviously didn’t expect. In this situation, the latter dare to act alone.

“Go with him, he has the power to protect himself.”

On the side, Qing Zhengyi frowned, and finally sighed, said.

When Qin Yichen left, sound transmission gave him and let him follow the thunder wind to the top of the mountain. In fact, Qing Zhengyi also knew that if the overall situation was the most important thing, it must be that the top of the mountain was more important.

The most important thing is that he also knows that Qin Yichen has two powerful puppets. Even if he doesn’t follow, the latter wants to leave, and a two Peak giants can’t stop him.


After a little groaning, Lei Lingfeng also shook the head with a wry smile, his body moved, and he continued to swipe upwards.

Although I don’t know what Qing Zhengyi said, but Lei Lingfeng also knows that although this guy is arrogant, he should still know what he can do.

“Where is it?”

Qin Yichen asked the little beast after breaking away from them.

“Oh, over there!”

At this time, the little beast also got out of Qin Yichen’s arms and jumped to his shoulder. The little claw pointed at one side of the side. Some excitement sounded in the latter’s mind.

Looking in the direction pointed by the beast, a smile appeared on Qin Yichen’s face. Immediately, he no longer talked nonsense, his body moved, and he ran out.

On top of this mountain, there are towering trees, and everywhere, you can meet some powerful puppets from time to time.

Even Qin Yichen alone encountered a lot of attacks on the way, but these only slowed him down a little and he was not injured.

Under such a storm, it was more than a quarter of an hour’s work. Qin Yichen’s spirit was suddenly shaken. On this mountain peak full of ancient atmosphere, he even smelled a strong medicine fragrance!

“Is it spiritual medicine?”

Smell this medicine, Qin Yichen’s feet speed up again, but for a moment, the towering tree that makes people feel a bit depressed actually began to dissipate, and reappears in front of Qin Yichen is a huge piece of medicine ingredients Treasure land!

This Medicine Garden is only the size of several hundred zhang. However, in it, various spiritual medicines exist in pieces. The strong flavor of the medicine is condensed into a substance, hovering in the air.

What makes Qin Yichen even more distressed is that in this Medicine Garden, a lot of spiritual medicine has withered. It looks like it is because it has been too long and no one has picked it!

Fortunately, there are at least dozens of spiritual medicine in this Medicine Garden, and their years are as long as 10000 years!

“Reckless waste of natural resources!”

Qin Yichen licked his lips without any hesitation. His body shape was a rapid upsurge. At the fastest speed, he put the scent of herbal medicines into the jade box already prepared.

“Well, what do you take for these useless things, good things are there!”

While Qin Yichen was picking up these 10000-year-old medicine ingredients with excitement, the beast’s dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s figure was also a meal, and his gaze shifted away. In the depths of the Medicine Garden, he found that there were dazzling rays of light emitting there, as if the scorching sun was rising there.

With the look of the line of sight, in that direction, the land is in a reddish yellow color. Within 1000 feet, no Heaven and Earth Spiritual Item exists!

At the edge of a cliff, a plant sways!

That plant looks like a Spirit Mushroom, but there is only one Spirit Mushroom in general, but it has three!

Moreover, its flowers are not the appearance of Spirit Mushroom, but a group of glowing light clusters about half a foot in size, which emit endless rays of light, like a round of hot sun.

With the continuous release of rays of light, one after another amazing Spiritual Qi fluctuations also diffused from it. Even if it just smells that fragrance, it makes Qin Yichen within the body’s True Origin boil for a while.

Qin Yichen’s gaze also stayed on that strange Spirit Mushroom, and on his handsome face, a ecstasy had emerged beyond his control.

“3 …… 3 Yang Spirit Mushroom!”

The whispered voice sounded in Qin Yichen’s heart, and in his eyes was full of joy.

3 Yang Spirit Mushroom is an extremely rare treasure, and even a Peak giant will be fascinated by this rare treasure.

This Rare Item will only grow a flower in 10000 years. The plant in front of it is at least 30,000 years old!

If you can take this Rare Item, as long as the realm is reached, Qin Yichen can be as easy as blowing off dust and break through to become a giant powerhouse!

Even, he can make his own fleshhy body even more powerful with the help of the Supreme lord of 3 Sun Spirit Mushroom, the temporal Great Accomplishment!

For Qin Yichen, there are not many ways to temper fleshy body. Even a little progress is extremely difficult!

In the next moment, Qin Yichen took a deep breath, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, and he was ready to step forward to pick up the 3 Sun Spirit Mushroom.

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