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“That kind of fluctuation is the Spirit Tree!”

Lei Lingfeng’s eyes looked at the top of the mountain, and there was a trembling in his voice.

“Spirit Tree Spirit …”

Qin Yichen’s eyes also flashed a fervent expression. This treasure hidden in the deepest part of the ruins finally appeared!

“You guys, get ready to leave!”

Lei Lingfeng glanced down at the foot of the opposite mountain, and after taking a deep breath, slowly said.

With the arrival of Qin Yichen and Qing Zhengyi and the others, here, the powerhouse power of the Thunder Monster Alliance has been more than that of the Great Family and its powerhouse.

Even if there is any friction, they can stand still.

And if you drag on, the Peak giants staying in the ruins outside will come, they will be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Thunder Wind is also shouted immediately.

At this time, the crowd no longer talked, and their eyes were all looked towards the mountain ahead. With the movement of the thunder wind, a path of silhouette was violently rushing towards the mountain.

“Elder Elder Yun, they have started!”

The change on this side was soon noticed by the opposite powerhouses. Immediately, a line of sight all looked towards the evil cloud.

“Let them go exploring first, and we will wait for a while.”

Xie Yun’s eyes squinted slightly, but he did not rush, but whispered.

When he heard his words, everyone knew that when several Peak giants outside had not arrived, they had damaged two Peak giants, and they really tried to kill them. I am afraid they will still suffer a lot. .

With the thunder of Lei Lingfeng, they could only hold down the uneasiness in their hearts and continue to wait.

Amidst the mountain peaks, a path of silhouette stormed up from the foot of the mountain.

This mountain peak is extremely huge, with an ancient atmosphere, and it is continuously emitted from the earth.

Many powerhouses of the Thunder Monster Alliance, under the leadership of Thunder Lingfeng, swept away directly towards the mountainside.


However, with the numerous silhouettes breaking in, the ground in front of them seemed to tremble, and then, the ground in front of them suddenly burst, and some powerful breath that seemed to fall into a deep sleep also woke up at this moment, roar The sound resounded through Heaven and Earth, a path of huge silhouette, also emerged.

“Alas again!”

Looking at the suddenly appearing silhouettes, the faces of many powerhouses have changed slightly. This way, they have met a lot of puppets. However, what makes them facial expression grave is that these puppets in front of them are actually each. At least all have the strength of Holy Peak!

“Those who trespass the God Peak, die!”

When those huge tadpoles in front of them woke up, their unemotional eyes looked at these powerhouses, and with a sound of indifferent sound, a path of huge body suddenly shot.


In the face of these puppet attacks, one of the two giant puppets accidentally flew out of the blood.

What made Qin Yichen somewhat surprised was that after a violent shot of the puppet was smashed by Qing Zhengyi, the next instant, he came again, and there was no slight damage on his body.

“What kind of material are these puppets forged out of, and even the Peak Giant Puppet is hard to break?”

Looking at the puppets that were constantly bombarded, but looted again, even Qin Yichen couldn’t help but feel a shock in his heart.

“Don’t be entangled with them, they are all limited in area, just rush forward!”

When everyone had a headache, a Peak giant shouted suddenly.

At this time, everyone found out that although these puppets were resistant and surprisingly powerful, they did not seem to be as common as those puppets they had encountered before. They could only act within the range of several hundred zhang!

With this discovery, the numerous powers that had been trying to retreat from the trance were no longer entangled with these trances. They were directly in shape, just throwing them over and continuing to swept away in the direction of the mountainside.

However, after getting rid of these maggots, they walked a distance of less than 1000 feet, and in front of them, a batch of maggots came out again.

“Are these things all the way, right?”

Looking at the crickets that broke out, Qin Yichen’s brows could not help wrinkling.

At this time, many powers have already known the methods, and have not been too entangled with these undead crickets, but have tried their best to push them back, and then continue to move on.

“It seems a bit wrong.”

On the way, just a few thousand feet away, I met 1000 4 batches of crickets. At this time, Qin Yichen seemed to notice something. His eyes were slightly stunned, and the magnificent Spirit Power opened suddenly. .


Under the detection of Spirit Power, Qin Yichen soon discovered that on this mountain, there were even hidden lines.

“Well, it seems to be just the formation of the probe.”

After studying it a bit, Qin Yichen felt the effects of these Formation not at all attacks. When there was a powerhouse break-in, there would be movements in this Formation, and then those crickets appeared.

What surprised Qin Yichen was that some of the powerhouses on the flanks were abnormally smooth, and they had not even encountered a cricket, and they just swept past.

“This is their Protection Formation Law. If there is a large influx of powerhouses, these guarded puppets will be activated.”

Soon, Qin Yichen came to his senses and immediately said to the Ling Lingfeng on the side: “We have to act separately. In this case, the speed is too slow.”

Hearing this, Lei Lingfeng couldn’t help frowned.

If they were separated, their power would be excessively dispersed. At this time, if they encountered some powerful guardian puppets, I am afraid they would be in trouble.

However, if this is not the case, those powerhouses led by the evil clouds below will probably catch up faster, when the time comes, their situation will be even worse.

“Each 2 Peak Giants lead a team and move as fast as possible!”

After a brief groan, Thunder Wind also clinched the teeth, shouted.

“Qin little friend, you follow me.”

Immediately, Lei Lingfeng told Qin Yichen, his body moved, and he swept away again.

Many of the remaining powerhouses were scattered in a tacit manner, rushing away from everywhere on the mountainside.

To their surprise, after separation, although there are still occasionally when tadpoles are activated, the number of times and the number of tadpoles are much less.

Obviously, this method from Qin Yichen works!

And while everyone was excited and moving forward at a fast speed, there were also some fluctuations from the foot of the mountain. Obviously, the evil clouds have already started!

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