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After the bombardment, the stone statue is still expressionless. It moves under its feet and twists the stone pillar to walk towards Qin Yichen.

“bang! bang!”

The huge and ancient stone statue with big feet stepped out of the cracks on the ground, and shot at Qin Yichen. The momentum, even the air, was blown away by its own shock.


The stone statue’s indifferent eyes stared at Qin Yichen, and an empty voice came from his mouth.

Looking at the aggressive stone statue, Qin Yichen’s complexion looked abnormally dignified. He took a deep breath and raised the jade token in his hand, regardless of whether he had any effect, and continuously poured Spirit Power into it.

However, even if he is so urged, the jade token is still not responding at all, the momentum of that stone statue is even more violent. Look at that posture, if it is stopped by one, even if Qin Yichen The Supreme supremacy has been Great Accomplishment, and I am afraid that it will have to be severely damaged.

“Be careful!”

Seeing this scene, Lei Yunyou’s pretty face changes, her silver teeth bit a bit, next moment, her little feet are a little bit in the air, and the lovable body’s fierce fold is directly turned into a silver lightning, resolutely facing that Huge stone statues swept away.

“Damn, since it’s a puppet, how can it not be controlled, is this jade token useless?”

The silhouette of that stone statue zoomed into Qin Yichen’s pupils at a rapid speed, and a cold sweat could not help exuding from his back. However, at this time, he did not withdraw from it, but instead moved his mind, true within the body. Together with Spirit Power, Origin is pouring in continuously against the jade token.


With the silver light flashing, a fragrant fragrance rushed out, and the beautiful shadow of Lei Yunyou turned out to be before the stone statue arrived and blocked in front of Qin Yichen. A sound of light drinking also started from his lips. Out.

Seeing Lei Yunyou at this time, he was still standing in front of him, and Qin Yichen was also a little surprised.

Although Lei Yunyou is an uncompromising sacred-level Peak giant, under the hands of this stone statue, those giant giants are like children, without resistance.

Is it possible for Lei Yunyou to stop the stone statue that Qing Zhengyi can hardly stop?


Qin Yichen whispered in his heart, his body bouncing violently, and his hand rested on Lei Yunyou’s thin waist, and then he retreated.

“Let me go, if we don’t stop it, neither of us will want to leave.”

When feeling this familiar scent, Lei Yunyou’s pretty face could not help but a hint of crimson color, a slight voice of resistance, also came from his mouth.


And just as Qin Yichen was about to give up and start running away, his eyes suddenly flashed with suspicion, and the jade token in his hand trembled fiercely. In the next instant, his Spirit Power and True Origin turned out to be directly Be absorbed.


While Qin Yichen was still in doubt, a white rays of light suddenly ejected from the jade token and fell directly on the rushing stone statue.

Under the light of this white light, Qin Yichen was shocked to see that the menacing stone statue had shrunk sharply at this moment. The next moment, the white rays of light converged, that huge stone statue disappeared out of thin air. !!

“How is this going?”

Looking at this scene, Qin Yichen is also shocked. What white light directly purifies the stone statue?


At this time, Lei Yunyou, who had a touch of despair in his eyes, was at a loss.

Why did the aggressive stone disappear suddenly?

Immediately, Qin Yichen’s eyes were looked towards the quaint jade pendant in his hands. Above the jade pendant, a very small stone statue could be seen faintly.

“Is it stolen?”

Looking at that stone statue, Qin Yichen’s eyes were full of astonishment. He was completely sure that the small silhouette in the jade token was the stone statue that had just been chased after killing them just a few times!

“It doesn’t look simple!”

Qin Yichen in ones heart trembled, the corner of his mouth also evoked a smile, which was considered by Tiger Clan that the giant coward was useless. I am afraid it is the most useful baby in it!

After faintly muttered to oneself, Qin Yichen was at a loss, and Spirit Power and True Origin re-emerged, pouring directly into the jade token.


It was just a moment of effort. A dazzling rays of light burst out on that quaint jade token. The rays of light burst out, and then quickly swelled. A tall several feet stone statue, reappears in Qin Yichen. Before.

However, the stone statue at this time did not attack Qin Yichen like crazy before, but instead stood like a faithful guard.

“How is this going?”

When I saw the stone statue suddenly appeared, Lei Yunyou’s lovable body could not help but feel a little tight, but when she saw that it had no meaning to do anything at all, she just slightly relaxed her vigilance, and at the same time, she was a little puzzled. Asked Qin Yichen.

Somehow, Lei Yun’s intuition, this change is inseparable from Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen did not answer him directly. He just smiled and looked at the stone statue in front of him. Vaguely, he could feel that with the jade token in his hand, he seemed to be able to control the stone statue!


In order to confirm what he thought, Qin Yichen’s mind was moved. Immediately, the stone pillar in the hands of the statue revolved against a giant tree on the side.


As the stone pillar fell, the giant tree that only three people could hold was directly smashed by the stone pillar. That kind of fierce power saw Qin Yichen’s eyelids twitched.

Judging by the power revealed by the strike of the stone statue, I am afraid that this thing is not inferior to the Peak giant!

What’s more, this stone statue has no feelings and no pain, which is simply a perfect encounter for fighting!

“It is indeed 10000 傀 Imperial Family. There is such a treasure in a sect!”

At this time, Qin Yichen also couldn’t help but marvel that a stone statue eroded by years can still possess such terrifying battle strength. The prestige of the 10000 傀 Imperial Family really deserves its reputation!

However, Qin Yichen also knows that the sect of this mountain peak also has a high status among the 10000 傀 Imperial Family. This kind of 傀儡 is probably an unavailable one!


Qin Yichen whispered, his heart moved, and a white light poured out of the rays of light on the jade token. Immediately, the stone statue disappeared again, and at the same time, there was an extra one on the quaint jade token. Tiny stone statue.

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