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“what happened?”

Perceived the change in this jade token, Qin Yichen was also a little surprised. This jade token was just a useless thing thrown out by a tiger and a companion.

However, although the jade token has changed in a strange way, at this time, Qin Yichen has no time to participate in the research, he is just frowned, and soon the jade token is included in the sleeves, and he does not think about it.

However, he did not see that when the jade token was stowed, the figure of that stone statue also seemed to be slightly stiff, and then, with a fierce slump under his feet, the figure was facing fierce air waves, facing Qin Yichen fired away.

“Mr. Qin, you go first, let’s hold him!”

Seeing this, Dilu clenched the teeth and suddenly shouted loudly.

Almost at the same time, the other giants looked at each other and their bodies stopped abruptly. Then, the True Origin burst out from their bodies. A path of fierce attack was also fierce. Furiously smashed at that stone statue.


With the cooperation of 3 or 4 giants, the fierce stone statue was finally blocked.

When Qin Yichen saw this, his complexion was slightly condensed, and he no longer hesitated immediately. As soon as Lei Yunyun was in shape, his body suddenly retreated, without a little bit of nostalgia, and rushed away under the mountain peak.

However, when Qin Yichen’s figure was just pulled out, the lines on the stone statue suddenly became brighter. He turned the stone pillar with his hands, directly facing the Dilu statues in front of him. The giant cricket swept away.

“Tear the blue mink claws!”

At this time, even Qing Zhengyi didn’t dare to take the slightest care. With a low drink, the True Origin frantically condensed in front of him, which turned directly into a huge azure sharp claw and grabbed at the stone pillar. .

Obviously, Qing Zhengyi also saw it. The purpose of this stone statue is not the stone pillar at all, but to kill all the intruders. Moreover, after getting the stone pillar, its The offense became a bit more fierce.

Even if he was a Peak giant, he didn’t want to sway with this guy, but if he didn’t take this stone pillar away, they would like to get out safely today, I am afraid it is not so simple.

However, even in the face of Qing Zhengyi’s Peak giant, that stone statue has not flinched. With an empty voice, it is directly turning up the stone pillar, facing the captured azure sharp claw. go with.


When the two were in contact, the sharp claw of the azure shuddered, but it still held the huge stone pillar in his hands.

“Block me, die!”

And just when everyone was slimly happy, an empty voice suddenly spit out from the mouth of the stone statue, and the next moment, the stone pillar suddenly became even bigger, directly blasting the sharp claw of the azure. Come on.


Surprisingly, at this time, that stone statue did not shoot at them anymore, it stabbed at its feet, and the body turned out to shoot out, chasing directly in the direction of Qin Yichen’s escape.

“This thing seems to be coming at me, you don’t need to worry about me, escape first!”

Just as Qing Zhengyi was about to continue his pursuit, Qin Yichen’s voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

“How can Mr. Qin resist the cruel thing!”

Dillus shook the head slightly, clenched the teeth, and was ready to continue to chase up.

“Interesting, God seems to be helping us!”

However, just as they and the others wanted to catch up to help Qin Yichen, the sound of tiger and laughter suddenly sounded. Immediately, 8 silhouettes flashed out and stopped in front of them.

“Tiger cum, you are courting death!”

Seeing a few guys who ran out at this time, Qing Zhengyi’s face sank and shouted in a low voice.

“Qing Zhengyi, you don’t use it to scare us, we want to kill you, it is a bit difficult, but we only need to delay a little.”

Hu Jian laughed lightly, and his face was full of smiles.

Although there is no Peak giant among them, it is not difficult for them to stop Qing Zhengyi due to the amount of suppression.

Moreover, the fierceness of that stone statue is obvious to all. As long as they are slightly blocked, once Qin Yichen is overtaken by the stone statue, even if the latter resorts to more methods, I am afraid it will be turned into a pile of meat mud.

“It’s up to you to stop me ?!”

Qing Zhengyi was coldly snorted, without any hesitation, True Origin surged out, and the fierce offensive was heading down to the giant giants in front of him.

Behind him, Dilu and other giants are also furiously shouted, without leaving anything at all, they are directly urging the offensive and smashing away.

“Some, stay here honestly!”

However, the tigers waiting for the eight giants were obviously determined to delay them. Even in the face of Qing Zhengyi, they did not retreat at all, and they used all their means to show their strengths.

And the stone statue holding the stone pillar is also regardless of them, still chasing after Qin Yichen.

“Damn, I didn’t do anything!”

Feeling the fierce wind constantly coming from the rear, Qin Yichen couldn’t help but whisper. It seems that this thing is really directed at him.

However, after entering the ancient palace, he didn’t go to get anything, how could he provoke this thing for no reason?

“What exactly is going on?”

Qin Yichen brows tightly knit, suddenly, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and with the palm of his hand, a simple jade token appeared in his hands.

He looked at the jade token with a strange pattern, and seemed to realize … Is this the thing that attracted the stone statue?

“dong! dong! ”

The giant stone statue is striding forward, and it runs all the way, as if the entire mountain is shivering under its feet. Anything in front of it, whether it is a huge stone or a tree, is crushed by it. But, wherever I go, there is a mess.

On the way, they also met a pair of zongzhengs who were curious about the giant rushing away from the mountain peak. However, when they saw this scene, their faces became horrified and they were afraid to participate. The figures and stone statues went away quickly.

“What exactly does this jade token do?”

Qin Yichen pushed the speed to the extreme. At the same time, his Spirit Power was constantly eroding away from the jade token in his hand.

At this time, he can already be sure that the reason that the statue will chase him must be inseparable from this jade token.


With a huge sound, a huge stone pillar blasted the place where Qin Yichen and Lei Yunyou settled. Under this blow, even if they had done their best to dodge, Lei Yunyou’s lovable body was still Feared out by that fierce wind, Qin Yichen’s figure directly broke a few trees and collapsed to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spewed from his mouth.

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