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Although Qin Yichen was able to use Spirit Power, the two giants were very surprised, but the Spirit Power made them appear in a weak spot!

“I can only fight one!”

Cold glow in Qin Yichen’s eyes, he also knows that although his Spirit Power accomplishment is far beyond the ordinary Pill Master, it is obviously too difficult to lose 2 Giant Powerhouse powerhouses with this Heaven Grade Spirit Power .

Behind them, Xie Yun ’s terrifying extreme attack has come. He has no retreat at all now. Only by intercepting these two giants, can he have a chance to live!

The main reason why Qin Yichen does this is to rely on his achievements in Spirit Power!

“Junior, don’t resist, just obey it!”

Looking at the four gray beams that were chasing up at a fast speed, there was a smirk in the corners of the two giant crickets in front.

They just need to stop the Qin Yichen 4 people for a while, the evil cloud’s offensive is enough to kill them!

Even though this boy had a strength that could counter the evil clouds before, they were confident that the cooperation of the two would only stop them and there was no problem.

“Get out!”

Qin Yichen gave a low sigh, and Spirit Power surged out. Under his Spirit Transformation’s Spirit Power accomplishment, these 2 Spirit Power seem to be reduced to substance.

However, he also knew in his heart that this Spirit Power may shake the minds of ordinary holy powerhouses. However, the 2 powerhouses with the giant guards who were prepared for it are not so easily able to shake.


Perhaps Qin Yichen himself did not find that, while he was fully motivating the Impact of Spirit Power, on the ancient rune on his Spirit Power body, suddenly a strange rays of light flashed by.

What made countless powerhouses horrified was that as the stream of light approached, the bodies of the 2 giants shivered. The next moment, the coercion that originally enveloped the sky in front turned out abruptly. open.

“en? !”

Seeing the blankness in the eyes of the two giant puppets, the evil cloud in the distance also sinked slightly. Obviously, he didn’t think that Qin Yichen’s Spirit Power should make these two guys disappointed.

“too late!”

However, even so, there is not much worry on the face of Xie Yun, because the 4 gray beams he sent out with all his strength have been chased up.

Even though they were about to rid the imperial imperial city, Xie Yun believed that under his attack, except for the Fourth Elder, the other three people had to die in it!

Fourth Elder and Mo Yang obviously also noticed the terrifying waves coming from behind them. Even though the outside air has assaults the senses, they still have no confidence to escape under the evil cloud attack.


At this time, seeing his Spirit Power attack actually worked, Qin Yichen’s eyes also appeared with a touch of astonishment. Immediately, he was shouted at Fourth Elder.

That looks like if you don’t worry about the powerful attack from the rear burst.

Between Fourth Elder’s doubts, the light in the corner of his eye suddenly saw a ghost in Qin Yichen’s arms flashing. In the next instant, the four offensives that made him jealous were disappeared.

At this time, there is no need for Qin Yichen to remind him. Originally, he still had a bit of strength to prepare for the dangerous Elder Fourth Elder. At this time, the speed was directly pushed to the extreme. The four silhouettes were wrapped by his True Origin and turned into one. The stream of light flew away quickly outside the imperial imperial city.

“He … they escaped ?!”

“How is this possible? How did Yun Lao attack? How did they resist it?”

“It seems that the guy who previously blocked Yun’s old blow once again shot!”

At this time, countless powerhouses of the Great Imperial Family have not come back to his senses. When the stream of light gradually goes away, a path of the sound of anger is only heard in the Great Imperial Imperial City. Up.

“Jack, what are you doing!”

Hearing a path of loud noise, Xieyun Fang came back to his senses from that shock, and his angry roaring sound resounded above the sky.

“Yun … Yun old!”

Under this shout, the 2 giants also came back to his senses abruptly. When they saw the 4 silhouettes that had disappeared, their complexions instantly became gloomy.

How could they notn’t expect that, under the premise that they already had vigilance, they still hit the junior trick!

At this time, even the countless powerhouses in the imperial imperial city looked at the two giant sages with a strange look.

The reproachful glance made these two giants have a thought of wanting to get into the seam.

The holy Peak giant of the dignified Imperial Family, when they intercepted the juniors who broke into their race, they were shocked by the latter!

Once this news is spread, it is not only the two giants who shame, but the entire Great Imperial Family will be ashamed of it!

“Sir, we seemed to feel …”

The heads of the two giant magpies are slightly lowered, as if trying to quibble.

“Shut up, don’t chase after me!”

And before they finished speaking, they were interrupted by the angry evil cloud. Immediately, his body moved and he was chased directly in the direction of Qin Yichen and the others.

“Hate, let them escape the imperial city!”

“Hmph, dare to offend my clan, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they will be captured by Yun Lao!”

“What are those jerk things, especially that junior, how can there be such a change!”

And with the followers of the three great clouds of evil clouds chasing out, there was a noise in the imperial imperial city.

Even though they have already gone, there are still many powerhouses in the shock of Qin Yichen.

After all, Qin Yichen’s previously revealed strengths, even the best younger generation of their Great Evil Imperial Family, are far different.

The combat of that level just now is difficult to intervene even in the Holy Advanced Powerhouse, but the main credit for the 4 guys who successfully escaped the imperial imperial city seems to be that junior.

“In the younger generation, I have this kind of strength, but I think of one person …”

In the midst of a loud noise, suddenly someone face changed as if thinking of something terrifying.


Hearing his words, there was a sudden silence around him, and the eyes of many powerhouses suddenly projected.

“I’m just guessing.”

Seeing everyone’s expression, that powerhouse complexion was also a little awkward.

“I wonder if that old guy has deliberately changed his appearance. How can there be such evil in the younger generation?”

Seeing his appearance, some powerhouses around are also speculated.

“No, there is another evil …”

Hearing these words, the powerhouse’s complexion calmed, and the head slightly shook the head. Some heavy but sure voices also sounded.

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