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However, Mo Yang is obviously also very experienced. When he noticed this strange scene immediately, his figure is a fierce retreat. At the same time, a path of powerful True Origin also condenses into one in front of him. Barriers to layers of defense.


However, the defense laid in this hurry was like paper, easily torn apart by the gray beam of light.


In a flash of time, the gray beam was chasing up. Although this beam was slightly dimmed at this time, the powerful breath contained in it was enough to make the powerhouse at the level of a giant. changed.

Obviously, Mo Yang didn’t expect this beam to be so terrifying. At this time, it was too late for him to try to resist again. Immediately, he instinctively crossed his arms in front of him.


As a muffled sound sounded, Mo Sheng’s arms cracked and his body flew out.

“Don’t die?”

Fourth Elder frowned, asked.


Mo Yang stopped his body, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a tumbling blood couldn’t help squirting out of his mouth.

In the blow just now, he has suffered a minor wound!

Perceived this scene, Fourth Elder’s complexion was also slightly condensed. The Old Guy who shot it must also have a high status in the Great Family of the Imperial Family. In these means, among them, the giants who can compare with it I’m afraid it’s hard to find a 2!

After all, this is the Great Evil Imperial Family. Even though their main forces almost all came out, the power remaining in the Great Evil Imperial City is far from being able to resist by several giant powerhouses.

Moreover, this is the situation after the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor ran away several giant gigantic corpses. If they sneaked in and were found, I am afraid their bones were cold at this time.

Immediately, Fourth Elder didn’t dare to stay a bit, True Origin wrapped 3 people, pushing the speed to the extreme.


As if Mo Yang had not been able to lose the combat capability because of his blow, Xie Yun’s eyes flashed a strange color, and immediately, his palm was raised again.


With his actions, the True Origin between Heaven and Earth boiled again. In his palm, 4 gray rays of light quickly condensed. The fluctuation was more than the offensive that Mo Yang had hit hard just now. Tough!

“That old hair is about to kill, hurry up!”

Feeling the wave of have one’s hair stand on end coming from behind, Mo Yang forced to withstand the writhing blood of the body, shouted loudly to Fourth Elder.

The latter did not quarrel with him at this time either, and his blood rose sharply, and the speed went up a little faster again.


Under the full force of Fourth Elder, the city wall has appeared not far ahead of them!

Through the transparent light curtain, they have been able to clearly see the scenes outside the imperial imperial city. As long as they escape the imperial imperial city, their chance of escape is a little more!

“It runs really fast, but that’s all for now!”

“Great evil imperial city, but not where you want to come and where you want to go!”

However, it’s not waiting for Qin Yichen and the others to rejoice. Two sounds suddenly sounded in front of them. Above the city wall in front of them, there was a wave of space. The two giants who had previously played with Mo Yang and Fourth Elder already appeared in Out of it.


2 people didn’t seem to be anxious to shoot at them, they looked at each other, their bodies moved slightly, and the 2 breaths of breath spread and opened, and the 2 sacred spheres shrouded out, there was no bit of exclusion between each other, even faint Overlapped together.

This area of ​​Shengwei, with 2 giant powerhouses superimposed, is blocked in front of 4 people in Qin Yichen like Formation!

If you want to pass here, you must break through their sacred power!

However, how can the two mighty powerhouses from the Great Evil Imperial Family’s giant powerhouse be so easy to break?

Moreover, at this time, Mo Yang’s condition was extremely poor, and he could not exert his normal combat capabilities at all!

“Have you seen hope? Just one step away and you can escape!”

Above the sky, a muffled murmur filled with jokes quietly sounded. The next moment, the evil cloud finger on the rear sky bounced slightly, 4 gray beams suddenly tore open the space, and shot at 4 people in Qin Yichen. And go.

“It’s over!”

Feeling the terrifying waves coming from the back, Mo Yang’s complexion couldn’t bear a pale, just a beam of light just made him suffer a lot of trauma. At this time, 4 beams of light were obviously running on them 4 people And with him, he couldn’t stop it at all.

At the front, Fourth Elder’s complexion has become dignified. The two mighty princes blocked it, and he ran into it, only putting himself and the others in danger. I am afraid that there is no hope to escape!

There is a roadblocker like a mountain god in front, and a life-threatening attack in the back. At this time, even if Fourth Elder drinks Moyang, his face can’t help but a look of despair.

“charge ahead !”

As Fourth Elder was about to give up, Qin Yichen’s faint voice suddenly sounded behind him.

At this time, Fourth Elder simply had no time to think about it. For some reason, when he heard the latter’s voice, he seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Then he clinched the teeth without slowing down the speed by half a minute. His body shape was transformed into a stream of light and he blasted away in front of him. It looked as if he wanted to rush directly by speed.


“bring about one’s own destruction !”

Seeing the action of swallowing the Azure Sable Clan Fourth Elder, a glimmer of coldness flashed in the eyes of the two giant owls in front of them. When their hearts moved, Shengwei opened up directly, facing the whistling. The streamer shrouded away.

“Get out!”

And just as the stream of light was about to hit the stellar power, a sound of clear drinking exploded above the sky.

In this voice, there is a strange wave, and under this voice, the eyes of the two powerhouses intercepted by the two powerhouses flashed a loss of sight, but they soon came back to his senses After that, the pervasive and mighty Shengwei was stabilized again after a slight trembling.


After seeing 2 people drinking with Spirit Power, they came back so fast, so Qin Yichen couldn’t help being frowned, feeling terrifying waves coming from behind him, and he was furiously shouted again. At the same time, his spirit moved, and two Spirit Powers stabbed directly at the two giant cormorants in front.

“Spirit Power?”

“Hmph, the evil door is crooked, want to influence us, afraid you are not qualified!”

At the moment of Qin Yichen’s action, the two giants were aware of it, and the sound of sneer sounded from the sky.

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