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The whole piece of Heaven and Earth seemed to tremble at this time.

A monstrous black air rises into the sky, under which the radiance of the scorching sun seems to be hidden by it.

Under this rush of black gas, everyone can feel that the True Origin wave emanating from that black robed man within the body is also becoming more and more horrible. The short amount of work has already reached Holy Intermediate Peak!

What’s more terrifying is that the growth of his breath did not stop there, but it skyrocketed again.

But it was just a moment of effort. In countless shocking eyes, the breath of that black robed man has reached the real level of holy level!

Under this aura, Heaven and Earth are trembling for it!

The space around the black robed man also seems to be cracking because of this huge breath.

In the 10000 family Battle Domain, unless it is the top powerhouse, you can only send holy primary powerhouse into this area, and some Peak races deliberately send some powerhouses that will break through to the holy intermediate powerhouse to enter here, so as to guard Party.

However, holy level, these battle strengths have never appeared in the 10000 family Battle Domain!

This kind of existence, in the 10000 family Battle Domain, can absolutely sweep everything, no powerhouse can match it!

Even in the face of more than 1000 holy powerhouses, he can calmly face it!

Saint-level senior, placed on the 10000-family continent, is definitely a prestigious one. These powerhouses have actually appeared in the 10000-family Battle Domain, and countless people are shocked.

“Holy … Holy Senior? How did he get in, how could this be possible ?!”

Feeling this aura, Qing Ye could not help crying out in surprise.

Holy level senior, simply is not their level of powerhouse, with the amount can be dealt with!

At that level of powerhouse, Shengwei’s field has reached a height of terrifying, which is not something they can compete with.

“Well, the guy behind this guy is not easy. There is even a way to seal the cultivation base.”

Fengrou’s beautiful eyes flashed a strange color, but even if she shook the head, her heart was lightly said with a smile: “But this seal is too superficial, only the top powerhouse can tear the space to send it. Come in, it’s still far worse than my tribe. “

Feeling the powerful and terrifying atmosphere fluctuations, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also covered with grave expression, and those dark eyes were full of vigilance, staring at the silhouette in the middle of the sky.

The eyes of the audience were also staring at the black silhouette in the sky, everyone was holding their breath, for fear of inducing this powerful existence.

Under the gaze of a line of sight, the black robed man slowly walked out of the sky.

At this time, the surface of his body was faintly glowing with black. In his eyes, there seemed to be a black light pattern flowing, and the pair of pupils seemed extremely indifferent.

As he slowly walked out, the sky seemed to be trembling, a kind of coercion from the superior, quietly permeating, covering this space.

The black robed man’s eyes were indifferent, looking down at Qin Yichen, and the look in those eyes was like looking at a trivial ant indifferent.

Qin Yichen stared at the black robed man with a narrow eye, for some reason. From this black robed man, he felt a familiar wave. It seemed that he had met this person somewhere, and I’m afraid it was not unfamiliar!

However, the latter obviously did not want to reveal his identity, and his face was completely shrouded in a black robe. Even Qin Yichen could feel that this monstrous black True Origin should not be such a color, but he was trying to cover himself. Identity, deliberately!

“Little animal, don’t you like to play?”

Under the stare of that sky, the black robed man’s joking voice sounded quietly. In his eyes, a violent color emerged. Immediately, his feet were slightly stunned, and a wave of wave spread out.


Then everyone was surprised to find that a huge sole suddenly appeared above Qin Yichen. With a loud noise, Qin Yichen even had time to dodge in the future, and his figure was stepped on by that sole. under.


Finally, in a path of horrified eyes, the Qin Yichen, who played more than 1000 holy powerhouses in the palm of his hand, turned out to be directly into a mountain.

Under these impacts, the mountain peak trembled, and a path of huge cracks appeared between its mountains.

“Do you know why I didn’t rush to solve you?”

The icy voice resounded in the sky, and the black robed man walked slowly towards the mountain as if walking in the air.

“Because, in my eyes, you are nothing more than a ant that’s all!”

With the end of a icy discourse, the silhouette of the black robed man had already reached the peak, and immediately, his feet lifted slightly, and he was ready to step there.


At this moment, the gravel in the broken mountain below suddenly burst open, and a golden-yellow streamer, like a meteor, swept across the sky, facing the black robed man strikes above.

That golden streamer is no stranger to everyone. They have seen it in the previous battle between Qin Yichen and black robed man, and the power of this one seems to be better than the fist print that resists the black giant sword. More powerful.


However, in the face of this golden streamer that burst into the air, the black robed man was not half moving, and a sneer came from his mouth.


No one had seen the black robed man take any action. When the golden rays of light approached its hunted zhang, it burst and burst open, without even shaking its clothes.

With the pouring of the golden golden light, the crowd found out that the space around the black robed man was slightly distorted. It seemed that he was the master of that space!

“This … Is this the Holy Powerhouse?”

Looking at the black robed man, countless powerhouses were shocked.

He is fundamentally different from ordinary holy powerhouses. Ordinary holy powerhouses need to urge Shengwei themselves to form an invincible space. However, where this black robed man goes, the space seems to be controlled by him.

If it is not a powerhouse of the same level, simply there is no way to face this existence!

Moreover, everyone can feel it, and the waves coming from the slightly distorted space tell them that their Holy Power simply cannot compare with it!

“Did you feel desperate?”

In countless shocking gazes, the black robed man on the sky twisted his neck slightly, looking coldly at Qin Yichen in the broken stone mountain body, and a joke of sneer sounded quietly.

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