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The two figures fought hard from above, and suddenly between Heaven and Earth, the clouds and clouds were torn apart by the sky.

The speed of 2 people makes many holy powerhouses staggering. That kind of speed is difficult to see with naked eyes. Only in the space that can’t stop shaking can we show the fierceness of the two sides. .

At this time, in addition to the movement of the two men, the entire piece of Heaven and Earth has become quiet, everyone’s eyes are tightly looking at the two figures that are constantly fighting in the air, in their Above the face, they are full of grave expression.

From the space where the aftermath of the fighting shook trembling, it is not difficult to see that such a fight, just one hit is enough to blast the ordinary holy powerhouse.

The profound mystery black robed man has such a strength, they can understand it, but Qin Yichen can burst out with such a strength, and it is really incredible.

After all, they saw it with their own eyes. At the previous moment, this kid was just a respectable Peak!

This guy, is it a monster? !!

“Brother Qin’s strength, even a Holy Intermediate Powerhouse, is hard to match!”

Qing Yan took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, slowly said, and was also very fortunate in his heart: “It is indeed a genius of a god-level race, and being able to associate with him is really a great blessing for my family!”

In just over a year, Qin Yichen has broken through from the prestige to the holy level, and the displayed strength is far beyond what the holy level powerhouse can match.

The original Qin Yichen was even weaker than Qing Ye, but who can think that in less than 2 years, the latter has grown to this step?

“But that guy doesn’t seem to be doing well.”

Feng Rou looked at the sky and whispered, because in the confrontation between the two figures, it was clear that the black robed man occupied the upper points.

Qing Ye is also a solemn nodded, this black robed man is not someone who is easy to deal with, the initial contempt, so that he missed many times, now, he has set his mind right.

He did not compete with Qin Yichen any more, but chose the most advantageous battle for him!

His True Origin is overbearing, much stronger than Qin Yichen, so if the battle goes on, Qin Yichen will lose out sooner or later.

On one side, the wind and snow stood there silently, and she could naturally see this floor.

At this time, the rhythm of the battle has been controlled by the hands of the black robed man. If it is not Qin Yichen’s physical arrogance and the protection of 10000 god armors, I am afraid that it has already been defeated at this time. Even so, perhaps this will be defeat Time extends that’s all.

However, the wind and snow did not stop her. She knew Qin Yichen very well, and the latter would not do anything unsure because of her mood.

Although Qin Yichen had completely fallen into the wind at this time, Feng Xuexue believed that he must have his own ideas and goals.

The violent True Origin is like a storm raging between Between Heaven and Earth. Those two figures are confronted fiercely in the sky. The True Origin shock that erupted makes the space violently shake.

However, people with good eyes can see that Qin Yichen has fallen a little bit in each confrontation. In this way, if he persists, he is completely caught in the rhythm of a black robed man and is completely in a state of passive beating.

“bang! bang!”

With each encounter, a powerful shock wave swelled and Qin Yichen’s body was shaken upside down. Every time he just stood still, he shot up again, a desperate gesture, and continued to shake away with the black robed man.

Surprisingly, however, almost everyone thought that the battle would be won at any time, but it lasted more than a quarter of an hour.

The Qin Yichen, who may be defeated at any time, is still such a lively dragon and animated tiger!

Although he was still in a disadvantageous position in this hard shock, he seemed to be an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and was repelled again and again, but burst into fire again and again.

“No, that guy doesn’t seem to be hurt?”

“Isn’t this kid thinking of him as a cultivation method to sharpen himself?”

“Maybe, that guy didn’t take us as hard labor.”

“Yeah, that guy just broke through to the holy level, maybe it really means that.”

At this time, even a fool can see the purpose of Qin Yichen. How can he be afraid of close combat when he is sheltered by the heaven defying armor? I’m afraid he has already regarded such a fight as a perverted cultivation!

“This damn kid!”

After a fight, looking at the silhouette that had just stood still, it was looted again, and the black robed man’s eyes became cold.

This boy, I do n’t know how many heavy punches he took, but he still does not have the tendency to spit blood. In addition, he can still feel that in this encounter, the latter has a somewhat futile atmosphere and has gradually stabilized .


With the black robed man’s rage, Qin Yichen’s figure was bombarded again. However, after this blow, the black robed man did not attack again, but his figure fled back.

“Aren’t you playing?”

Looking at the flashing black robed man, Qin Yichen rubbed his numb arm and murmured in disappointment.

The kind of fighting just now made his muscles sore all over. Even before, even if he had reached the Small Accomplishment Peak with the Supreme body, he couldn’t bear it.

However, with the powerful beating of his heart, a powerful force continued to swell, and this injury was almost eliminated in an instant.

Qin Yichen has not suffered any serious trauma at all except this time, but he can feel that his body is gradually strengthening in this lively and vigorous battle!

“Little beast!”

The black robed man stood above the sky, looking at Qin Yichen with a disappointed expression on his face, and couldn’t help the anger that appeared in his heart.

What is your identity? It was actually used by a junior who just broke through to the holy level to practice!

If this matter spreads, I am afraid he will never see anyone again!

“Little beast, you forced me!”

While everyone was still immersed in the shock of Qin Yichen, a cold drinking sound suddenly resounded in the sky.


The black robed man’s eyes stared at Qin Yichen full of anger, his hands opened slowly, and then everyone saw that a blast of black gas suddenly erupted from within the body Out, straight into the sky.

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