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At this point, Qin Yichen’s body had become red, and his muscles were convulsing from time to time, apparently suffering great pain. The sweat had just erupted and it was instantly evaporated.

In its within the body, True Origin is constantly being evaporated, and True Origin in its dantian is also decreasing layer by layer.

At this time, the space in which it sits has become somewhat distorted, and a kind of terrifying high temperature is constantly rushing away.

In the distance, Bi Tian Mo stared at the red Qin Yichen, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

Although he doesn’t know what happened to Qin Yichen, it is not difficult to see from his expression that this guy’s condition is extremely bad.

“Don’t die here, 10000 What can those guys do when I come and search me!”

Bi Tian Mo Su looked at Qin Yichen with a worried expression, and couldn’t help whispering in his mouth.

In Qin Yichen within the body, it is still permeated by high temperature, and time seems to pass very slowly here. As True Origin continued to evaporate, he also felt a sense of weakness flowing quietly.

That flame didn’t look so fierce, but it was extremely overbearing, not only burning Qin Yichen’s True Origin, but even eroding his mind gradually!

And once the mind is completely eroded, I am afraid that the blood essence will immediately take him as his own, when the time comes, he will not only fail to merge, but will also be burned to the soul flew away and scattered.

Even if the person who keeps this blood essence is not malicious, but his Bloodline Strength is really too powerful. If he wants to incorporate such an overbearing blood essence, he will naturally have to bear the danger of ordinary people’s unimaginable!

In this confrontation, Qin Yichen’s consciousness is getting more and more blurred, but he still keeps a trace and soberness and calm of Spirit, because he knows that once his consciousness is eroded, then what he needs to pay The price is almost ruinous!

He can’t afford this price!

Because he also promised to pick up the wind 1000 snow, little spirit!

At the same time, he received 10000 Taoism and the Great Saint inheritance, and also shoulders the task of revitalizing the Human Race!

He can’t stop here!

Along with the ebbing of time, Qin Yichen within the body was completely distorted because of the high temperature, and the white mist that True Origin was evaporating, permeated within its body.

In Qin Yichen’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Spirit Power sits quietly. This Spirit Power villain seems to have become much bleaker compared to the past.

At this time, Qin Yichen could not even sense the interference from the outside, but in this ambiguity, he always maintained a trace of clarity.

That point is clear, under the erosion of overbearing flames, like a canoe in a raging ocean, accompanied by the ups and downs of the waves, it seems that it will be subverted at any time, but it has never fallen.

Facing that kind of overbearing flame, Qin Yichen gradually changed from that kind of repression, and started to turn into a defensive position. There was no power to counterattack.

And his only reliance was his tenacious will, which would not easily give up after thousand hammers, hundred refinements!

He knew that in this kind of confrontation, whoever can persist longer, the kind of victory will belong to whom.

However, Qin Yichen still underestimates the hegemony of this blood essence …

The concept of time seems to have been forgotten by Qin Yichen. He can only rely on a trace and soberness and calm to recall. He seems to have spent a long time, as if it had passed 1000 100 years.

In this seemingly long period of time, Qin Yichen’s intellect also began to become confused. In the end, he was immersed in that confusion and could not wake up.

“What am I doing?”

“Cultivation? Did I fail?”

“So tired, I want to sleep like this.”

Occasionally, a confused whisper came from the vague consciousness, which made Qin Yichen’s consciousness float under the erosion, and I do not know when it will be completely swallowed up.

In the distance, Bitian Devil’s eyes were full of tension and solemn looking at Qin Yichen. At this time, the surrounding space became extremely distorted.

Through that twisted space, he could see that the pain on Qin Yichen’s face had disappeared, and it seemed to be a confused color instead.

This confused color not only did not let Bi Tian Mo take a breath of relief, but made it even more worried.

It has cultivated to this step today, and it has come step by step. It is also extremely clear about the dangers along the way.

In this case, if Qin Yichen continues to be confused, I am afraid that he will be defeated by Heart Demon and unable to wake up.

Of course, what it doesn’t know is that this is not a Heart Demon at all, but an overbearing one from the godline Bloodline!

The blood essence refined by Qin Yichen is the flow of Phoenix Clan Senior!

As a god-level race, even if it is approved, it is not easy to want to completely absorb that Bloodline Strength!

“Hey, boy, don’t die here!”

“Can you cheer up a little, think about your wife child, think about your race …”

“Uh, such a tender kid should not have a wife child yet? He was chased down by more than 1000 holy ranks, and you want to come to your race and have been dragged down by you …”

Bitian Mochi kept roaring. It knew that in this case, it must not rush to help, otherwise it would most likely hurt Qin Yichen. Anxiously, it could only yell through words.

Between these shouts, there seemed to be a little fluctuation in Qin Yichen’s vague intellect, and at that deepest point, there seemed to be some noise coming quietly.

That sound is so distant, but it’s so inspiring!

“I promised her to take her back to me. I promised Xiao Linger to take her to mother. I promised to sacrifice the Great Saint. I wanted to make Human Race stand tall on the 10000 continent. Free from bullying by 10000 people! “

“My steps, how can I stay here!”

“No matter what race Bloodline you are, you must be devoured by me honestly within the body!”

With the sound of the last yell, there seems to be a dragon howling in Qin Yichen within the body, ripples rippling in the depths of his soul, a trace and soberness and calm in the sage turned out to be here Suddenly spread out, occupying the entire soul.

That confused color was also swept away at this moment!

The Spirit Power body in its Sea of ​​Consciousness has closed its eyes tightly and opened suddenly.

His mind, quietly watching the troubled flames through the rising white mist within the body, immediately his mind moved, and a tenacious will rushed out.

Suddenly, the True Origin left in his dantian whistled out, like a gust of wind, blowing over his body. Under this gust of wind, the kind of incomparable flame suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the calm blood, Qin Yichen’s face gradually appeared a faint smile.

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