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Zhu Quanfeng is a very strange mountain.

However, perhaps from today onwards, there will never be the name Zhu Quanfeng.

At this time, more than 1000 holy powerhouses stood in the sky above Zhu Quanfeng, and Zhu Quanfeng below them is no longer towering, and has been blasted into ruins from its mountainside!

Thanks to the wideness of the lake on the peak of Zhu Quanfeng, it was revealed from the peak, but it was only the tip of the iceberg.

In the depths of the lake, it was a deep darkness, as if light could not be cast in.

In this darkness, there is a strange scene of coexistence of water and fire.

At this point, the Bitian Mojo is hiding in this place with trembling with fear, for fear of the Holy Powerhouse sneaking in.

“Damn, the breath of the Holy Intermediate ?!”

And in such hiding, Biten Mochi’s eyes glanced at the bottom from time to time. At a certain moment, his body was stiff, and a powerful breath came from below.

“I knew it wasn’t easy underneath, was this the troublemaker?”

Bitian Mochi just felt big for a while, and knew nothing about the origin of Qin Yichen and what he did.

However, it knows that it can provoke the hunting of thousands of holy powerhouses. This kid is by no means a stable master, and can seem so relaxed under their chase. I am afraid this guy’s strength is far beyond Almost out of its imagination.

While the Bitian Capricorn was still shocked by the breath of the Holy Intermediate from below, a slender silhouette had shot from below.

“gu lu !”

Looking at Qin Yichen without any injuries, Bitian Mozhang couldn’t help swallowed saliva and said, and a pair of eyes stared at the boss. At this moment, he had countless doubts in his heart and wanted to ask Qin Yichen.

However, the latter seems to have not worked hard with it. After coming out, he just stays on the Burning Sky array and does not approach it. He gives him a meaningful look and sits down on his knees.

“bang! bang!”

At this time, inside the formation below the burning sky, there was a huge sound of a path of continuous sound, and a violent breath was revealed.

This is also to let Detian Devil know that this guy in front of him must have done something bad there!

Feeling the movement below, Bi Tian Mo Su’s heart was afraid for a while. It turned out that under his own territory, he still had such a powerful existence.

I don’t know how capable Qin Yichen can escape from the middle-level existence, and if he knows that the thing can’t come out, he sits there indifferently, a posture of cultivation.

Of course, if you let it know that in this short period of more than half a year, this kind of thing Qin Yichen has done 60-70 times, I don’t know what expression it will look like.

At this time, in Qin Yichen’s meridian, a ray of pure scarlet energy constantly shuttled through it. Wherever he passed, his True Origin was burned.

The terrifying heat permeates within its body.

However, with regard to these, Qin Yichen seems to have been used to it, even without frowning, and there is no half-pain expression on his face.

This kind of unbearable pain, Qin Yichen has been suffering 80 times!

“The last blood essence …”

Qin Yichen took a deep breath, and the mind gradually immersed in the body.

Under his control, the energy of that scarlet was gradually swallowed by his blood, turned into a little rays of light of the scarlet, and poured into his blood.

At this time, the blood in its blood vessels was no longer bright red, but showed a redness, a little scarlet rays of light, and it was all over the blood.

The crimson Bloodline flowed in its blood vessels, just like the river rushing, a majestic force spread out from it, flooding its four limbs and 4 skeletons.

This power is different from True Origin and Spirit Power, but a power from Bloodline!

However, at this time, Qin Yichen was not immersed in this powerful force, because he knew that this Bloodline Strength was obtained by absorbing the blood essence left by others. I am afraid that it will not be so easy. For yourself!


Sure enough, under Qin Yichen’s gaze, mutation in the blood suddenly burst.

It can only be seen that in his blood, a scarlet rays of light suddenly had flames rising, and the emergence of this ignition seedling, as if it caused a chain reaction, the kind of fiery flame spread rapidly.

But it was just a few short breaths of work, all the scarlet rays of light in the blood were full of scarlet flames.

“Hmph, no matter what race blood essence you are, today I will completely integrate you!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes gushed sharply. Immediately, he took a deep breath, his heart moved, and Supreme’s body was immediately urged.


Among its dantians, the vast True Origin whistled out, but all of a sudden it was spreading out, suppressing those flames.

“chi chi… ”

However, the seemingly magnificent True Origin repression, the untouched Jain, was evaporated by that kind of flame and turned into a white mist rising.


And when Qin Yichen launched True Origin to suppress, the kind of flame in the blood also began to show its fierce power, only to see that the flames condensed into a pillar of fire, like a meteor burst out.


With the fall of this pillar of fire, Qin Yichen within the body’s True Origin boiled like boiling water in an instant, and in this boiling period, Qin Yichen noticed that those True Origins were also rapidly evaporating.

“Hmph, see who can stick to the end!”

Qin Yichen expression grave, without any hesitation, a move, the dantian once again has the majestic True Origin whistling out, giving those parcels of fire as many packages as possible.

He knew that to absorb the power of these blood essences, he must truly overcome them, and there was no shortcut to this fusion.

“chi chi… ”

In its within the body, the two forces contacted violently. There was no violent impact between such contacts. Whenever True Origin contaminated those flames, it was instantly evaporated.

However, even so, Qin Yichen is calm and controls True Origin, continuously surging.

I was able to cope with these changes so calmly. Fortunately, during this time, blood essence has given him the tempering of his body and the grinding under the attack of more than 1000 powerhouses.

Otherwise, even Supreme Supreme Small Accomplishment, Qin Yichen’s body can’t bear such a confrontation with these two energies! After all, the meridian and blood vessels within the body are the most vulnerable places!

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