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“this is鈥︹€?#8221;

Perceiving the change here, the eyes of countless powerhouses were all shrinking, and then their eyes were staring at the bottomless pit.

Even Jin Mi’s smirk on her face suddenly solidified, with a thick and incredible color in her eyes.

From that huge pit, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling.

Didn’t his full strength attack just kill that kid?

In the blow just now, he only used the spirit of the Golden Flame in the ghost shadow stick of Lihuo to show it. The offensive, even his own, was difficult to follow.

Moreover, he used this move to bombard a holy intermediate powerhouse in a crushing posture!

“How is that possible? A junior and senior kid, how could I survive this trick!”

Jin Mi stared gloomily at the huge pit. In his body, there was a violent True Origin wave undulating.

Even if it was incredible, the feeling of danger made Dejin Mi have to be careful.


Under the gaze of a line of sight, a loud noise suddenly sounded from that huge pit, and then, a silhouette suddenly rushed up like an arrow off the string, facing the gloomy face Kim Mi shot violently.

Beneath this silhouette, the air is making a harsh sound boom, a wave that has one’s hair stand on end, vaguely swinging away from it.

鈥渉mph! 鈥?/p>

When seeing the silhouette that was flying fast, Jin Mi’s pupils suddenly shrank, and then he coldly snorted, waving his arm, the fire stick in his hand quickly narrowed, and finally turned into just enough to block its silhouette The size is standing in front of you.

At the same time, from Jin Mi, the majestic True Origin whistled out, converging in the ghost shadow stick in front of him, and for a while, the rays of light flowed on that stick, if it were Turned into an indestructible shield.

By this time, the silhouette of Qin Yichen had arrived in front of him but was outside his feet, and his robe was hunting without wind. Then, he punched in the air and fiercely faced the hidden shield behind him. Jin Mi strikes away.


With a punch from Qin Yichen, Heaven and Earth trembled, and his arm trembled. Then, under countless lines of sight, fiercely’s strikes were on the iron rod.


The deafening sound, the fierce rumbling spread, the huge thunder mountain range, all fiercely trembled under such a collision, a terrifying wave, forming a circle of visible ripples of naked eye.

At the moment of being strikes, Jin Mi’s complexion suddenly became hot, and in his heart, it was full of shock.

The numbness that came from his arms let him know how powerful Qin Yichen’s blow was just now. It should be known that even with the ordinary Holy Powerhouse, he may not have this situation.

How does a senior guy do this step!

However, what scared Jin Mi even more was that Qin Yichen’s blow didn’t end there.

“break for me !”

At this point, Qin Yichen’s eyes were frozen, and the muscles on his arm were swiftly squirming. A terrifying force, violently waved from his fist.


As this terrifying power poured out, Jin Mi’s complexion instantly became pale, his eyes became extremely fierce, and he madly used the energy of within the body to try to resist this powerful force. The power of human despair.


However, the power of terrifying was slammed like a tsunami. His resistance did not play much role at all. In the countless horrified eyes, the ghost shadow stick that was away from the fire was directly bombarded. Got to fly.


At the same time, Jin Mi 鈥檚 True Origin defense almost collapsed in an instant and did not play a small role.

Immediately, in a path of shocking eyes, Jin Mi a mouthful of blood spurted out like a cannonball, and shot at the rear fiercely.


In the end, Jin Mi 鈥檚 body, fiercely’s shot on the top of a mountain in the distance, caused the earth to tremble with fiercely.

At the same time, several powerhouses following Jin Mi glanced at Qin Yichen with a jealous glance, and quickly rushed to the other side, no longer the kind of madness they had before.

For a long time, the few powerhouses just came out of the slumped silhouette from the top of the mountain that was almost reduced to ruins.

Then, in a path of amazement, they didn’t stop at all, and quickly swept away into the distance. It was as if they were afraid that Qin Yichen or Qing Yi would take them and leave them.

With Jin Mi’s defeat, the entire Lezier mountain range became absolute silence, and the eyes of each powerhouse were filled with a thick shock of color.

Kim Mi lost? !!

This genius that is invincible among the ranks is now completely defeated in the hands of an unknown boy under the witness of countless powerhouses!

Those powerhouses involved in enclosing Qin Yichen had a look of horror and shock in their eyes, and there was a trace of cold sweat on their brains.

This guy who they think is a big fat, has such terrifying strength!

If they knew that even Jin Mi’s existence would not be defeated, how could they have the courage to surround Qin Yichen?

Treasure, of course, is dazzling, but as long as you have enough strength, who will be tired of working on his idea?

After a long period of time, Qin Yichen’s figure was clearly revealed on the top of the mountain. When he saw his silhouette, countless people’s eyes and pupils shrank sharply, a line of sight, Staring at him.

On Qin Yichen, I don’t know when a quaint and extremely exquisite breastplate appeared. At this time, the pattern on this breastplate was vertical and horizontal, as if almost destroyed, it was rotten.

However, almost all powerhouses know that the reason why Qin Yichen was able to take Jin Mi’s invincible blow was that this breastplate played a big role!

In other words, the armor worn by Qin Yichen can defend against almost any powerhouse attack!

Thinking of this, many powerhouse’s breaths can’t help getting thicker, but at present, no one dares to be half-hearted.

Of course, they didn’t know that this breastplate was intentionally revealed by Qin Yichen to show them!

Although Jin Mi’s offensive was quite terrifying before, there is still a big gap compared with those remaining Magical Powers in the dangerous area.

Even those 10000 Taobao breastplate parts that cannot be traced by the remaining Magical Powers can be shaken by Jin Mi, a respected Peak?

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