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Under the gaze of a path of horror, as the True Origin of terrifying was injected, the ghost shadow stick in Jin Mi ’s hand suddenly swelled up, and then slowly merged with that peculiar Demonic beast .

At the moment of integration, this side between Heaven and Earth is rippling with a strange wave.

As if, the energy of this piece between Heaven and Earth is disturbed by the appearance of this thing.

Holding this fire stick, Jin Mi is like a vulcan god, the terrifying breath continuously spreads out from within the body and swells in the sky.

Obviously, Jin Mi has urged his true strength to the extreme.

In the razor mountain range, countless violent ominous beasts, as if they are terrifying of terrifying things, are now a sweep of the norm, and some shiver coldly hide in their own territory.

In that area, countless line of sights were shocked looking at Jin Mi, who was like Vulcan. They knew that once the latter broke out, it would definitely be terrifying to the extreme!

Looking at Jin Mi who was experiencing shocking fluctuations, countless people were shocked. The top Peak was terrifying to such a degree!

Such means, even ordinary saint-level powerhouse, I am afraid they can not do it.

This can’t help but sigh, as the Peak race … the strength of the Jinyan family is too fierce.

“Jin Mi, it’s progressing too fast!”

In the distance, Qing Ye’s complexion has become extremely dignified. Even he, from the latter, can feel a dangerous smell!

It seems that in terms of strength, Jin Mi has to surpass it a lot!

“I don’t know what that kid should do next.”

“This kind of offensive is no longer what the respected powerhouse can compete with.”

“It’s not easy for this kid to be able to persecute Jin Mi to this extent.”

A line of sight glanced at Qin Yichen opposite Jin Mi with some sympathy and jokes.

However, what made them a little surprised was that in the face of such terrifying fluctuations, the latter did not have the color of lose one’s head out of fear on his face, as if he had already seen life and death through.

At this time, the ghost shadow stick and the strange Demonic beast of the fire have gradually and perfectly merged together. With that integration, like the sun in the sky, they are all covered, and from that fire stick The bright rays of light, but it is more and more bright, until the end, it turned out to be as bright as the next day.

At the same time, an extremely violent wave is also spreading wildly, and the ripples visible on the naked eye are constantly undulating.

“Little beast, today I will let you see what is the power of the extreme limit!”

With the burst of bright rays of light, Jin Mi’s icy voice suddenly resounded above the sky.

“Jin Yan leaves the stick!”

The sound of loud drinking spread suddenly, and the True Origin between Heaven and Earth surged sharply.

The sky is like being torn apart by a pair of invisible giant hands. A dazzling pillar of light soars into the sky and turns into a huge pillar of the size of a hundred zhang or so.

In the beam of light, a wave of extreme terrifying raged wildly.

Under this kind of fluctuation, countless powerhouse facial expression grave endlessly, each and everyone are the True Origin that urges within the body, resisting this kind of terrifying fluctuation.

“Jin Yan leaves the stick?”

On the opposite side, looking at such a horrible wave, Qin Yichen’s pupils also shrank a bit. It can be seen that this offensive is indeed beyond the limit that the powerhouse can perform.

However, to be honest, this offensive that was incapable of being seen by others was nothing more than his eyes.

In the dangerous area, any residual Magical Powers, compared to this, I do not know how many times more terrifying …

“Fooling around, a Fire Burning Stick that’s all.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, disdainful in tone, without covering.

“hmph! ”

Hearing this ridicule, Jin Mi was coldly snorted, his face was cold and cold, and then, of the his hands embracing, if the bright beam of light was lifted up, fiercely blasted away at Qin Yichen.


That huge beam of light has not yet fallen, and the terrifying waves that it brought have already collapsed the dreaded ground again. The entire mountain range of Leaze seems to be shaking violently at this moment, and the boulder is rolling as if the end is coming general.

Qin Yichen looked up slightly, looking at the beam of light that was rapidly zooming in the eye pupil, but the corner of his mouth was a sneer of sneer. Above his arm, blue veins burst out, a path of terrifying strength , Superimposing quickly.


The deep muffled sound echoed constantly in the sky. The terrifying wave was almost completely enveloped by Qin Yichen.

“hong long! ”

As a deafening explosion sounded, the huge razor mountain range was all under that kind of vibration, fiercely shuddered, and a crack of a path spread from the ground under everyone’s feet.

And at the very center of the explosion, there was a huge pit of the size of a few hunted zhang, bottomless!

A plume of white smoke wandered out of that huge pit, and the slender silhouette standing there before had long disappeared.

Looking at the messy ground, countless powerhouses were all horrified.

This kind of destructive power is too horrible!

Under these offensives, let alone the ruling powerhouse, even if it is an ordinary sacred powerhouse, I am afraid it can only be crushed!

Jin Yan of the Jinyan clan has become so terrifying!

“That kid … is finally resolved!”

“Jin Mi is too terrifying. With such means, I am afraid it is difficult to find rivals among peers!”

“Actually, that kid is pretty good, but it’s a pity that Jin Mi is going to deal with him.”

“Hmph, on the 10000-thousand continent, is there such a short-lived genius? To blame, you can only blame him for being too arrogant!”

For a long time, a path of whispering voices also quietly spread in the mountain range of Leizer.

For a respectable senior guy, more than 2 geniuses of various races joined forces to encircle, killing and wounding 1000 people. Finally, Jin Mi shot it himself and used his hole card to kill the latter.

After all, such records are rare even on 10000 ethnic continents.


And when everyone was feeling 10000 1000, suddenly someone who felt keenly discovered that mutation was suddenly born.

The original chaos of True Origin between Heaven and Earth, if attracted by anything, quickly gathered towards the bottomless pit.

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