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“Master, sorry, the last house has been taken by this …”

Hearing outside sounds, the middle-aged man dressed as Dianxiao 2 replied habitually, but when he turned around and saw that the restaurant door was almost covered by half the burly figure, the words in his mouth suddenly abruptly And only.

At this moment, at the entrance of the restaurant, a burly silhouette stood like an Iron Pagoda. His bare skin had a few scars. He stood there like that, a horrifying Ominous Fiend Qi is surging, and the whole person looks like a peerless ominous beast.

And if it is a little dissatisfied with the attitude of this shop, the Iron Pagoda-like silhouette went straight into it, and as its steps moved forward, as if the restaurant floor was shaking slightly.

“His, isn’t that Lishan of Djinn Race?”

“How did he get here?”

“In his capacity, should he be able to enter that area?”

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of many people in the hall. When their eyes fell on the irony burly silhouette of Iron Pagoda, a thick look of dreading appeared on their faces. On the other hand, a path of whispering sounds quietly.

“Mr. Qin, let’s go first. He is the power mountain of Djinn Race. He is also among the top in the young generation of Djinn Race.”

When seeing that silhouette, Mei Le’er’s pretty face changes hurriedly reminded Qin Yichen.

Djinn Race, known for its brute force, is extremely arrogant. On the 10000 ethnic continent, it is a first-rate race that is unswerving!

“Master Lishan … small have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, and also look forward to adults Haihan.”

The giant tower-like shadow came over, making the shop complex 2 greatly changed, obviously he also knew the burly guy in front of him.

Even if it is known that the latter will not work here, but which targeted baleful qi can a small 2 in a restaurant that he can afford?

Looking at a small shop 2 asking for mercy like soft-footed shrimp, Lishan couldn’t help frowned. If he met this situation in the 10000 Monster Foreign Domain, where would he listen to others asking for mercy?

Dare to reject him, I’m afraid this restaurant has been demolished by him at this time!

“Is there another room, right? I want it!”

Li Shan’s gaze glanced across the hall. Everywhere he passed, everyone looked back with trembling with fear, afraid to look at him. Immediately, his somewhat cold voice sounded open, and there was an unquestionable taste in the voice, which seemed to be extraordinarily overbearing.

“Yes Yes……”

Under Lishan’s Ominous Fiend Qi, Dianxiao 2 was nodded again and again, and did not dare to violate it at all.

As for Qin Yichen and Mei Leer, at this time they were completely ignored and left aside.


Seeing Dianxiao 2’s gesture, Lishan’s eyes flashed with disdain, but he didn’t want to surrender himself to compare with a Dianxiao 2, only to be barely nodded.

Seeing the appearance of Lishan, the crowd in the hall could not help but sighed in relief. Although Lishan is not going to open the store here, but if Lishan is going crazy, they are really afraid of being brought to disaster to innocent people.

“Little 2, I came first, and I should choose this upper room.”

However, just when everyone was relieved, a voice of dissatisfaction suddenly sounded.

Immediately, a line of sight looked at the source of the sound, as if he was curious about which act recklessly guy, dare to provoke Djinn Race’s Lishan.

“Mr. Qin …”

At the place where everyone’s eyes converged, Mei Leer could not help lowering her head slightly. She reminded Qin Yichen not to provoke Lishan, but the latter did not take this warning to heart.

In this regard, even though Mei Leer was in a hurry, she could only stand aside and did not dare to stop Qin Yichen.

After all, she is also a sensible person, so she won’t lose Qin Yichen’s face at this time. The latter’s behavior is not something she can control.

“grown ups……”

Hearing Qin Yichen’s words, the face of that shop little 2 suddenly collapsed. From the spirit of Qin Yichen’s performance, he can also see that the latter is not a general generation, but compared to the well-known Lishan, he is still Avoid the latter more.

At this point, the shop’s 2 could not help but looked towards the depths of the restaurant, where there seemed to be a Manager dressed up, but he didn’t come out when he saw the outside movement, obviously he didn’t want to mess with Lishan.

“Boy, I want to go to the house, do you have any opinion?”

When the shop was in distress, Li Shan’s nearly 2 meters tall body bent down slightly, and a pair of eyes the size of a bull’s eye stared fiercely at Qin Yichen. The voice full of threatening words sounded loudly.

Seeing this, the whole restaurant was slightly quiet, a pair of vision, all staring here.

When seeing Qin Yichen’s seemingly unhurried spirit, many people’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Li Shan is an infamous man in this area. Under Iron Fist, I don’t know how many lives he can have. He can be so calm under his baleful qi, it is enough to see that Qin Yichen is not to be trifled with.

Even so, no one is optimistic about Qin Yichen.

This is the area outside the 10000 monster city. If you come here to stay, where can the background behind you go?

It stands to reason that Lishan should not be here, but no one knows why Lishan came here to stay, and there are still such unsightly people to provoke him.


In the face of Li Shan ’s threatening discourse, under the gaze of a pair of vision, Qin Yichen was indifferent, and he spit out a word that made him suddenly shrink.

“It’s a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers!”

“It’s the immensity of heaven and earth!”

“Interesting, even dare to challenge Lishan, this boy is brave.”

“Hehe, on the 10000-thousand continent, you have too much courage to die sooner!”

When I saw Qin Yichen, he dared to contend. Many people suddenly sneered in the eyes.

In their opinion, Qin Yichen’s move was simply stupid!

Just talking about Lishan is an out-of-the-ordinary middle-level powerhouse. With its arrogant flesh and means, even if it is the powerhouse of top-ranking Peak, he may not have no battle!

Even more how, what Li Shan is most terrifying is not his strength, but his background!

He is a powerful disciple of Djinn Race, that powerful, as early as a few thousand years ago, on the continent was fierce, and that power is extremely protective of calves, which is why Lishan is so in this area One of the reasons why it is so cruel, but still so good!

“I’m afraid Lishan can’t help it!”

In the hall, many eyes looked at it with a sense of playfulness. I am afraid that Qin Yichen’s reckless behavior would bring himself a disaster!

Sure enough, under the gaze of a line of sight, Lishan’s complexion also became gloomy.

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