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“Girl Leer, if you want to help me, I can give you what you want.”

As if seeing the expression on Mei Leer’s face through that layer of tulle, Qin Yichen said suddenly.

“What do I want?”

Hearing this, Mei Leer’s lovable body trembled, and then some light voices slowly came out: “Many thanks Mr. Qin for your kindness, but what the little girl needs is not what Mr. Qin can afford.”

Although in the mind of Mei Leer, Qin Yichen has been regarded as a first-class race, even a young, talented people of the Peak race, but even that kind of existence cannot give her what she really needs.

She doesn’t need material things. If she is a woman who admires vanity, then why not, by the strength of oneself, go to the Spirit Conference to participate in the commodity conference?

In the end, it was all in vain, but she offended a lot of her existence that she could not afford to offend.

“Maybe we can help each other. As long as you wholeheartedly help me, I can make you a continental business giant.”

There was a smile in Qin Yichen’s mouth, and he naturally knew what Mei Leer needed.

She wants to change the way people look at her, and she wants to change the situation of the fox family!

However, the charmed fox family who have been indirectly enslaved for a long time is not so good.

However, if it is just a charm, it is not difficult for Qin Yichen.

“Business giant?”

After hearing this, Mei Le’er’s eyes flashed a strange color.

After exhausting 1000 hardships and 10000 years of hardships, even offending businessmen of many races, they finally obtained the qualification to set up an embassy in the fine Spirit Race. As a result, even the buttocks were not sitting hot.

This blow is a bit too huge for Mei Leer.

It also made her realize that her thoughts were still too naive.

Except for Spirit Race, it is too difficult for herself to become such a good businessman again.

Although she has good business acumen, she has no products that can attract others’ attention!

Qin Yichen said so, isn’t it …

Thinking of this, Mei Le’er’s eyes couldn’t help but stare at Qin Yichen tightly, and what he had brought out directly made the fierce deacon much lost self-control.

From the fiery temperament, it is not difficult to see that it is a rare wine.

The wine is different from the beautiful clothes in her hands. On the 10000 ethnic continents, there are extremely alcoholic people in each race. There are even many races love wine as one’s life, like Dwarf Race, Spirit Race … …

“I won’t sell it to you.”

As if seeing through the mind of Mei Leer, Qin Yichen chuckled.

Upon hearing this, there was a moment of disappointment in Meile’s beautiful eyes, but in the next instant, a word from Qin Yichen made her heart wave again.

“But there is something in my hand that is more sought after than that.”

“Let’s go into the city.”

In the conversation between the two people, the silhouette was already close to the 2 monster city, Qin Yichen’s mouth evoked a smile, stopped the topic, lightly saying.

In the eyes of looked towards 10000 monster city, there is quite a bit of excitement.

top Powerhouse Admission, there must be countless temptation geniuses from all ethnic groups, who can see the powerhouses of various ethnic groups and even have the opportunity to know their means. For Qin Yichen, it is also an indispensable opportunity.

When I saw Qin Yichen, I did n’t say much anymore. Mei Leer was also savvy and did n’t ask, but just quietly followed Qin Yichen, thinking about the credibility in Qin Yichen’s words.

At this time, in all around the 10000 monster city, there are countless silhouettes flying like locusts. However, when these silhouettes arrived at the several li outside the 10000 monster city, they all fell down, and then entered on foot. In the city.

Qin Yichen also came down with a lot of people.

There are also many powerhouses from various races around him. They keep a distance between them intentionally or unintentionally. Maybe they are all worried about each other’s shots.

In front of them, a city full of ancient aura, like a huge giant beast, lingers ahead.

After paying the fee for two low grade spirit species, Qin Yichen took Charm to enter the city from a huge city gate.

As soon as he stepped into the city gate, Qin Yichen clearly realized that there were some faintly discernable glances around him, and at this moment quietly dissipated.

As long as it is a person with a little brain, will not be stupid enough to kill people in the 10000 monster city.

“Where is Mr. Qin going next?”

Entering the city, Mei Leer asked.

“I’m here for the first time. Let’s go around.”

Walking slowly down the street, Qin Yichen said casually, the light from the corner of the eye was passing around from time to time.

Here, it is indeed a 10000 monster city. Although the size of the city is not as good as St. Tian City, it is a little bit more prosperous than the big cities in the top Holy Land in Human Race.

Moreover, in the flow of people walking on the street, almost everyone has a strong fluctuation of breath!

Even, it was only a few hundred meters away. Qin Yichen was keenly aware that there were a few people with a dangerous atmosphere.

Come to think of them, even if they are in the powerhouse of respect, they are not weak.

After turning around two street corners and walking for nearly half an hour, Qin Yichen’s eyes finally rested on a shop occupying a large area. On the plaque of the shop, “Cangyun restaurant” was written. 2 golden light flashing large characters.

“This is a restaurant owned by the Yunlang family of merchants. In the 10000 demon domain, the reputation of the Yunlang family of merchants can be regarded as one of the very best.”

Aside, Mei Leer said to Qin Yichen.

“Oh? Then here, sit in.”

Qin Yichen nodded, slowly walked into this magnificent restaurant of the ordinary.

In the restaurant, the faces are positive and wide, and the wine tables full of luxury are placed in it. At this time, it is just after noon, but it is almost full.

“Is the adult dining or staying?”

As soon as I stepped into it, a middle-aged man dressed as a shop 2 greeted him and smiled at Qin Yichen.

“Are there any good rooms?”

Looking at the vocal hall, Qin Yichen not only did not feel disgusted, but asked with a smile.

As for the situation in the 10000 Demon Domain, he was totally unclear. The place where such human voices are boiling is a good place to gather intelligence.

“Adult came really timely, there is another room in the room, if the adult comes a few minutes later, I am afraid it will be gone.

Seeing Qin Yichen Qi Yu out of the ordinary, the shop small 2 bowed and replied.

The news of the top powerhouse’s admission has spread across almost 10000 ethnic continents. Although it is still some time before Mo Sheng recruits his enrollment, countless young people have gathered in front of the 10000 monster city.


Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, can’t he always live in the same room as Mei Leer?

In Qin Yichen’s groaning, a domineering voice filled the door.

“Little two, let’s have a room for Grandpa!”

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