Chapter 485: The Revival of the Demon Realm

General Bahyan was shocked and commanded several entourages around him to resist, while looking at the

At this time, King Kinnara was in horror.

Because the moment General Bahyan stepped into that plain just now, it was as if a nuclear bomb exploded in situ, exploding extremely terrifying and powerful power, like a storm and tsunami, rushing toward the evil gods.

Almost at that instant, the spirits of all of them received an extremely powerful impact.

Fortunately, this wave of shock did not contain the intent to kill. Therefore, in addition to making them feel the unprecedented shock and panic, it did not cause any substantial harm to them.

But all the evil gods, including King Kinnara, were completely stunned at this moment.

They have hardly seen such terrifying power.

Even Chi You didn’t seem to have demonstrated such a terrifying and powerful ability in front of them.

“This is… this is the breath of the ancients!”

King Kinnara stood on the top of the hill dumbfounded, his eyes blank, looking into the distance dumbly, ignoring General Bahyan’s cry for help below.


There was a sound of mysterious air flowing by, and King Kinnara was still immersed in the memories of that wave of terrifying power.

At the same time, the shock in his eyes became more intense, and the intensity of that energy was enough to create a whole new world.

This was the last breath that King Kinnara felt.

The conclusion drawn at the end.

When he came back to his senses, General Bachyan’s sorrowful plea continued to sound in his ears.

“King Shanpu! King Shanpu, please help me!”

“This general… is about to be annihilated!”

Kinnara Wang Shanpu regained his senses abruptly and looked around, only to see other evil gods standing around him like statues.

At the same time, various Spirit Powers exploded continuously in the plain underfoot, and General Bachyan was chased by a group of half-man, half-snake monsters waving wooden staff like a bereavement dog.

Every seemingly ordinary figure contains terrifying power from ancient times.

“wake up!”

King Shanpu gave a violent violent sound, but the surrounding evil gods were still unmoved, still immersed in the shock just now.

“Wake up! I am in the name of Master Luohu, the ancient demon ancestor!”

Kinnara Wang Shanpu suddenly sang an ancient spell, all the evil gods seemed to have been hit by something, and his whole body twitched suddenly.

The eyes that had just been godless gradually began to recover, and at the same time the body slowly floated, the Ghost Qi all over the body overflowed like a majestic river, and then poured back into their bodies again.

Immediately after these evil gods withdrew from the state just now, King Kinnara immediately gave an order, and all the evil gods and generals roared towards the bottom of the mountain like crazy.

Ghost Qi surged, and the rich Ghost Qi gathered by the evil gods on the top of the mountain rushed along the slope like a waterfall, rushing towards a plain on the ground.

“Silver Spirit! They still have reinforcements!” Damask looked at the evil gods on the distant hillside in horror at the end of the plain like pouring ink, and couldn’t help holding their short daggers tightly in their hands.

Yin Ling raised his head and looked at the hillside not far away, the turbulent black energy overwhelming the sky, as if to crush and swallow everything in the world.

“Here, nothing can come in!” Yin Ling’s eyes were fierce, and he glanced at these guys with disdain.

Here, I thought that the Five Realms would be sealed in this way forever, and the lonely silver spirit separated a new creature-brocade from the staff left by the former master.

However, this empty demon world is empty. For the silver spirit, Samsara is more than sleeping and in a daze. Therefore, in this limited space, she once again created a group of spirit bodies that are half-human and half-snakes like herself. , Let them farm and work here.

And she also went to work occasionally, and more often watched these guys work from the window of the low tower.

These guys are different from brocade, not from the previous owner, that is, Nuwa Empress’ Magical Item-Heavenly Snake Staff.

It was created purely by herself.

Therefore, these working “creatures” have no thoughts, but are just puppets under her control.

“It’s better than nothing.”

This sentence was Yin Ling’s only answer when Damask asked why he created so many puppets without thinking.

And now, these puppets can actually play a role.

As silver spirit puppets, different from clones, these guys have the original energy, that is, the mud in the demon world that contains a lot of chaotic power, and with the assistance of silver spirits, the strength of these puppets is actually very good. Strong, at least more than enough to face these evil gods.

Yin Ling slammed the wooden staff in his hand towards the ground.



A beam of emerald green energy rose into the sky like a laser, and at the same time emerald green energy appeared on the ground like a vine.

These vines rolled frantically, rushing towards the evil gods in the distance.

At the same time, the puppet in front of him sensed the reinforcement energy emitted by the silver spirit behind him, and his fighting spirit rose. The emerald green vines swiftly wound around Bahyan and his follower Cthulhu at an incredible speed.

In an instant, an irresistible sense of restraint surged over his body.

This bondage is not limited to the body, but includes his soul.

Even spirit.

At the moment when he was touched by the emerald vines, Bahyan only felt that Own’s body and spirit had been separated from Own’s control for an instant, and became alienated.

And he is like a lamb to be slaughtered, half hung in the air by vines.

The puppets around immediately raised their wooden staff and pierced them toward the brows of these guys.

At the same time, King Kinnara rushed into this plain almost immediately, and the collision of Ghost Qi and Spiritual Qi set off waves of terrifying energy storms.

But those puppets are not affected, they only follow the initial instructions, unless the own master issues an order.


With a dull and crisp sound, the wooden staff pierced the brows of General Bachyan and several entourages around him at the same time.

Several puppets pierced the heads of these evil gods with exactly the same posture, exactly the same movements, and the same energy.

For a moment, the violent spirit weapon rushed into General Bachyan’s body through the wooden staff!


“Om! Om!”

There was a buzzing sound, and General Bahyan felt that Own’s body was once again out of Own’s control. At the same time, the soul was annihilated in an instant, and his consciousness suddenly disappeared.

The spirit weapon wrapped the corpses of these people and melted at a surprisingly fast speed.

These puppets violently pulled out the wooden staff, and immediately rushed towards King Kinnara who had just rushed into the plain.

Behind him, the corpses of General Bahyan and other evil gods gradually dissipated like dust.

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