Chapter 484

“This way, like headless flies, when will they be heads! Drink!”

Xing Tian carried the axe, and slammed the axe to the ground under his feet.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the cracks on the ground spread forward like a wandering dragon.

But this axe still didn’t find anything.

Changed a position and walked a long distance, followed by another axe.

The entire area of ​​the demon world was devastated by Xing Tian, ​​and there were cracks like spider webs everywhere.

The broken stones made of the power of chaos on the ground lay horizontally on the ground, and some of them were shocked by the demon energy erupted by Xing Tian and flew into the air, quietly floating in the sky.

The evil gods below cautiously passed, while cautiously bypassing.

I was afraid that these things would fall down and kill myself.

Ordinary rocks hitting them may not cause any harm, but this is a huge gravel formed by the power of chaos. Such a hit on them is tantamount to a large group of demonic energy condensing a thunder hammer toward them. Their heads came over.

The Cthulhus’ strengths are inherently limited, so there is no doubt that they will die at once.

Chi You was like a farmer turning over the ground, cutting the ground into trenches after another, and finally had to stop and adjust his breath.

When King Kinnara saw Chi You stopped, he also raised his hand towards the evil gods behind him and stopped behind Xing Tian.

“Have you stopped?”

Xing Tian stared at the huge eyes on his chest, looking terrifying.

King Kinnara looked at Xing with a puzzled look, Heavenly Dao: “Master Chi You, how can we find any clues that you can’t even find?”

Xing Tian carried an axe and slashed at King Kinnara’s side, scaring King Kinnara back quickly.

“If you can’t find it, find it for me. You hundreds of thousands of evil gods, won’t you spread out?”

“Not everything is buried in the ground. Find it for me! Let your evil god form a long snake formation and search for me step by step!”

Xing Tian held the axe, his arm fought sharply.


A large piece of chaotic earth and rock on the ground mountain was cut open by the sharp axe blade and wide axe body, and a huge rock suddenly rolled towards the evil gods.


With a loud noise, the boulder slammed into the Cthulhu group, and the Cthulhu gods retreated like a tide and hid around this huge rock composed of the power of chaos.

King Kinnara shook his head like a horse, and with a painful face commanded his army to form a long serpent formation, advancing northward.

Xing Tian meditated and adjusted his breath while sitting on a rock cut out with an axe.

Bypassing the ruins created by Xingtian, the Kinnara all ran into mountains and waded in water, they dare not slacken their efforts.

Almost not letting go of every inch of land, the entire demon world’s out-of-position area in the west direction was almost covered with their footprints.

When they came to a hill, King Kinnara was attracted by a special location.

Surrounded by mountains, there is a huge plain in the middle, and there are some very strange buildings on the plain.

In the demon world full of chaos, the strange energy in this place seemed very abrupt.

And these mountains on all sides are also the only place they have seen “living water” from Xingtian’s location to here.

Among the four hillsides, there are two rivers jumping into the water, and two rivers flowing out.

The rivers crossed each other, making the entire basin the only seemingly viable place in the deadly demon world.

A general next to Kinnara Wang Shanpu looked at the vitality in the distance, then turned his head and asked, “King Shanpu, do you need me to take someone to check it out?”

Looking at the general who asked for his instructions, King Kinnara nodded and waved his hand, stripping the several lined-up Kinnara evil gods from the team and handing them to the general Bahyan.

General Bachyan took a few evil gods, and in the blink of an eye he washed down from the top of the mountain towards the plain below the mountain.

It didn’t take much time to successfully reach the edge of the plain.

General Bachyan squinted his eyes slightly, and focused his gaze on the center of a plain where a strange building stood tall.

The surrounding dilapidated buildings look very dilapidated against the background of this low tower.

Bahyan raised his foot and stepped in, and the moment he stepped on the plain, a weird spiritual wind suddenly set off across the plain.

There was a screaming wind whistling in my ears.

“What’s the situation?” Bachyan’s eyes widened suddenly, and a figure suddenly appeared on the empty plain before.

This clearing area was like being activated by something, bursting out a thick Spirit Power.

“Kinnara? Or a Kinnara person contaminated with stale gas?”

In the depths of the plain, a woman’s voice came.

“The Five Realms have been sealed for so many years, how did these guys appear?”

The crisp voice contained doubts, and a small white face suddenly appeared in the window of the small tower not far away.

Looking through the window with a small face, looking at the black general Bahyan of Kinnara on the edge of the plain, the woman’s complexion gradually became serious.

Leaving the window, the woman returned to her own room. In the whole room, besides her, there were several people who were like her with snake bodies below the waist.

“Yinling, has anyone broken in?”

Qingsi Snake Spirit Brocade asked suspiciously, raising his eyebrows.

The white-haired snake demon decisively removed a straight stick from the wall and looked at the blue-haired snake demon in animal skins: “Our demon world is here as a guest. The outside world seems to have changed a little. We are staying in the demon world. It’s been too long, and the Kinnara people polluted by the foul air seem to have broken the seal of the demon world.”

“What?” Brocade opened her mouth slightly in fright, frowning a little nervously: “According to that, does that person have recovered?”

“I don’t know, anyway, let’s take a look. If it is true, I can only hope that the main road will turn again, and a new immortal saint can seal Chiyou again.” Yin Ling grabbed the long staff and walked from the bottom of the low tower. come out.

Bahyan immediately saw two half-human and half-snakes banshees not far away.

One person is holding a straight wooden staff with long snow-white hair and a cloak made of banana leaves. The other has long blue hair. There is also a piece of skin on his arm covered with green fluorescent scales, holding two in his hands. The curved short daggers were inlaid with two emerald green gems that dripped water respectively, and they were covered with animal skins from unknown animals.

“This Demon Realm… actually has a living thing?”

General Bahyan quickly drew out his knives, and everyone around him clenched all kinds of weapons in his hands, staring at the figures that were constantly appearing on this plain.

And everyone here, holding a wooden staff, half human and half snake, almost madly killed them.

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