Chapter 475

“Yes! I implore Master Qin to help us strengthen ourselves!”

“Master Qin, please help us strengthen ourselves!”

The human races underneath shouted excitedly. Many of them gave up the inheritance of divine power because their own body could not withstand the divine power, but relying on the battle Ascension strength was too slow.

But now it is difficult to find any adventures.

Ascension strength as soon as possible, there is only one way.

Help Chenghuang!

Now, Chenghuang is right in front of you!

Everyone shouted like a tsunami, and their faces were flushed with excitement.

Qin Feng was immediately infected by the enthusiasm of the human race. The human race was once removed from Spiritual Qi and became extremely weak, but in the face of disasters, most people will still stand firmly on the front line and face the danger.

Not afraid of hardships and dangers, this is the greatest belief of the human race.

Even if you give your life, you will never back down!

Qin Feng suddenly waved his sleeves and said loudly, “Okay! Since everyone is willing to bear it, I will help everyone and replace Ghost Qi with the power of The Netherworld for me!”

“Everyone is mentally prepared!”

As the sound fell, Qin Feng’s thick and dark nether power in the two sleeves of Qin Feng suddenly flowed towards the ground like a pouring of ink.

The human races clenched their fists in excitement, the whole body was taut, the blue veins of the arms and forehead bulged high, and the faint beating could be seen vaguely.


Everyone raised their heads nervously and expectantly, looking at the admired figure in the sky.



The power of the Nether immediately rushed toward his face and smashed into the crowd.

It’s not like the chaotic air, which brings huge pressure to them, but the strong nether power has indeed brought huge pain to the human race.



The screams came and went one after another.

Although the soldiers had strong bodies and suffered countless injuries during training, they also clenched their fists and gritted their teeth one after another, suffering from the tremendous pain caused by replacing the energy in the body.

The dual torture of spirit and body made everyone squat.

Only those soldiers who are strong and strong like bears can stand up straight.

The members of ordinary folk warding off ghosts and Kuijiao Chenghuangwei are themselves relatively ordinary people.

Only inspired by Qin Feng to become a ghost defender, he has not participated in many battles.

So their shouts are particularly harsh.

However, Qin Feng was infused with the power of the netherworld, while listening carefully to their voices.

But there was no voice of giving up.

“I implore the Lord Chenghuang to give me strength so that I can fight against the demons without fearing the demons!”

“I am willing to be under the command of Master Chenghuang to protect the stability of the Chinese people!”

“Fight for those who can’t fight!”

A steadfast heartbeat blasted into the hearts of the human race like cannonballs one after another.

This inspiring voice made everyone seem to forget the pain.

Still screaming in his mouth, the screams gradually turned into angry violence.

One after another.

And it makes people excited.

Everyone shouted up to the sky, trying to use their voices to offset the tremendous torture and pain suffered by their bodies and souls, and the ghosts and evils in their bodies were gradually melting and integrating with the human bodies.

The power of the netherworld soaked human clothes like chili water, and penetrated into their bodies from the hair follicles, making them feel the hot sting on their skin.

After Qin Feng poured all the power of the ghost in his body into the crowd, all the excess energy flowed into the river.

Immediately Qin Feng flashed away, leaving the northern border, and heading to the far north.

Build a large array of imperial ghosts.

Give the human race as much time as possible to develop.

Those ghosts and evil senses knew that Qin Feng’s terrifying aura was coming, and they were far away from Qin Feng like a low tide.

Qin Feng totally ignored their existence in his eyes.

With a volley grab with his right hand, a Qiankun ruler appeared in his hand.

The Qiankun Ruler slashed towards the ground, and a golden barrier was erected in the void.

These low-level ghosts cannot break open for a while.

However, Chi You and others have not left in the Demon Realm. These times are enough to make people Ascension their own strength as soon as possible.

Immediately after Qin Fengzai stroked, another golden light stood under his feet.

Afterwards, Qin Feng suddenly jumped up into the air, towards a point between the two walls.


A storm-like divine power surged, hiding in the two walls.

“Roughly able to withstand them for a while!” Qin Feng squinted his eyes slightly before retreating towards the back.

These two barriers and the storm in them consumed nearly one-third of Qin Feng’s divine power.

But now, Chi You is about to get out of trouble, and if he can save it, he will save.

With his feet on the void, Qin Feng turned and disappeared into the sky outside China, stepping into the world of Dharma.

Qin Zhengtian and Ye Yi have been waiting here for a long time.

“Master Qin!” Ye Yi and Qin Zhengtian quickly stood up respectfully when they sensed the breath of Qin Feng.

Qin Zhengtian spoke with a solemn expression: “Master Qin, I have been to the Penglai fairy island. Qin Zihan and the others are very safe, and there are several gods who should be very powerful in the fairy island. They are instructing Qin Zihan and others to practice, but the fairy island There is a very powerful barrier. They can’t get out, nor can we get in. My strength is not enough to break the barrier, so I have to return.”

It’s an enchantment again.

Under normal circumstances, there must be very powerful treasures where there is an enchantment.

However, Qin Zihan and others were trapped by the enchantment and there are gods, indicating that the enchantment did not intend to trap them.

Since so many of them can’t shake the enchantment, according to own strength, Ascension should still be needed for a while.

“Are they in any danger?” Qin Feng asked with a serious face.

Qin Zhengtian shook his head slightly: “There is no danger, just trapped in it.”

Qin Feng glanced towards the barrier through the world of Fa-xiang, his eyes traveled thousands of miles, and saw that Qin Zihan and others in the fairy island were discussing with each other.

“In this case, let them stay in the fairy island first. Chi You hasn’t gotten out of trouble for the time being. We still have a lot of things to do. Since there is no danger, let them ascension in the fairy island.”

Qin Feng retracted his gaze, that fairy island indeed exudes a very terrifying aura. According to his own strength, Qin Feng himself is not sure whether it can break open with one move, and this fairy island is very strange, but it comes from the demon world, in case it is destroyed. During the enchantment, what powerful existence was released again, hurting Qin Zihan and others, and the gain was not worth the loss.

Still don’t take risks easily.

Every soldier is very precious nowadays, absolutely can’t do things that are uncertain!

Qin Feng has always had little or no failure, and has rarely allowed his men to take risks.

It is because every soldier is very precious.

Only by preserving their strength can the overall combat effectiveness only increase and not decrease!

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