Chapter 474

“Demon World!” Qin Feng’s expression suddenly became serious.

Chi You and the others seem to have disappeared recently, and they haven’t appeared in The Mortal Realm for a long time.

In addition to the ordinary evil gods, the city walls built in the north seldom saw the evil gods come to stop them.

If Chi You was in the Demon Realm, then all of this made sense.

“Master Qin, are we going to see the Demon Realm?” Western ghost emperor Zhao Wenhe looked at Qin Feng with a nervous expression.

He could probably also guess that these strange fluctuations and the aura of the Demon Realm were very likely to come from Chi You and others in the Demon Realm.

“It is very likely that there are many Magic Treasures from the ancient era in the Demon Realm, and Chi You and the others are also very likely to search for Magic Treasures in the Demon Realm. Mortal Realm will have a big crisis!”

Zhenren Wang was also a little nervous at this time, clenching his fists quietly with both hands.

After all, once The Mortal Realm is invaded, these six realms will never have any chance of resurrection.

Qin Feng looked at the ghost emperors, and then recalled the strength of Chi You’s clone.

According to his current strength, at most a tie would be made under Chi You’s avatar.

And he currently only has a total of seven Sifang Ghost Emperors with strength ranging from the middle stage of the ghost ancestor to the early stage of the ghost ancestor.

However, the demon gods under Chi You’s hands were almost infinitely close to the heavenly Ghost Immortals.

Once you really fight, your own combat power will only lose more quickly.

To go or not to go?

Qin Feng fell into entanglement.

Once you want to stop Chi You, a big battle will inevitably erupt in the demon world.

If both himself and the ghost emperors are greatly injured, the future battle will only be more difficult.

Keep a low profile!

Qin Feng finally chose a more stable choice.

The Human Race is currently very weak, and if you are hurting your vitality, it will only bring disaster to the Human Race.

Since Chi You is searching for the so-called Magic Treasures in the Demon Realm, it is time to take advantage of Chi You’s absence to develop the human race as soon as possible.

After the decision was made, Qin Feng looked at the Quartet Ghost Emperor.

“Everyone, judging from our current strength, it’s not enough to fight Chi You.”

“Moreover, there are currently very few demon gods left in The Mortal Realm. As far as I know, only Kuafu Fei Lian Pingyi three people have appeared. If all the other demon gods are in the demon world, we will most likely be under siege. ”

“I chose to stay on hold for the time being. It is not only the demon world that has leftover artifacts. The Mortal Realm has unearthed a Chaos Seal. Although the strength is not strong, it is indeed an important Magic Treasures for Ye Yi to establish a connection with the ancient sacred Chaos Clock. .”

“You are now within China as far as possible, and do your best to search for the Magic Treasures left in The Mortal Realm. Remember not to enter the demon world without authorization. At present, every combat power is very precious to me. Any loss is my and The Mortal Realm. Mortal Realm can’t afford it.”

Qin Feng looked very solemnly at Sifang Ghost Emperor several times.

Sifang ghost emperor Qi Qi bowed to Qin Feng and said, “I must follow the dispatch of Emperor Dongyue!”

“I’ll go to the northern border to make some Ascension for the ghost guards of the human race. You continue to search for the whereabouts of ancient Magic Treasures in China. If you encounter any Magic Treasures in the busy city, you can’t mine them without authorization, and report it to me immediately.” Qin Feng said, while urging his divine power.

When Qin Feng’s voice gradually disappeared in Sifang Ghost Emperor’s ears, he raised his head again, and there was no shadow of Qin Feng.

Ancient Magic Treasures are lost in The Three Realms.

In order to protect the stability of The Mortal Realm’s human race, Nuwa drew all the energy of The Mortal Realm. As a result, many of the weaker Magic Treasures left in The Mortal Realm will be turned into pieces that have lost their Spiritual Qi due to the exhaustion of their divine power. Ordinary utensils.

For example, the invulnerable statue soldier in Qinchuan County that can replace the human race.

There are two types of clay sculptures and copper sculptures. The clay sculptures are easy to obtain and can be manufactured in batches. Although the copper sculptures are rare but invulnerable, they are very powerful.

An emperor of The Mortal Realm in ancient times mastered this technology, but because the Spiritual Qi of The Mortal Realm was taken away, these clay sculptures and bronze sculptures could only follow the emperor and be sealed in the tomb forever. Among.

If it weren’t for the magical clay sculpture bronze figurines who had lost Spiritual Qi, the emperor could have included the entire world in his territory.

From then on, all the people in the world are the citizens of China, and all the people are descendants of Yan and Huang.

It’s a pity that the loss of Spiritual Qi prevents The Mortal Realm from being trampled unscrupulously by the powerful spiritual masters, but it also reduces the combat effectiveness of the emperor’s armies in ancient times.

After all, everything has two sides.

Qin Feng left Qinchuan, while the remaining Sifang ghost emperors began to search for every place where ancient Magic Treasures might exist in Qinchuan County.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng came to the north, watching the mighty human race on the ground and various huge machinery that he had never seen before, constantly carrying huge stone bricks made of special materials.

The mighty project made Qin Feng involuntarily feel a feeling of enthusiasm.

At this time, Qin Feng was like the ancient emperor, using the power of the whole country to build a Great Wall to protect the human race.

But fortunately, I didn’t let people fight their lives to build.

Compared with ordinary people, the ghost defenders of these human races are much stronger in terms of endurance and strength, and they can completely withstand the toss.

And as their strength continues to grow stronger, they will only feel more and more relaxed, rather than more and more tired.

Qin Feng’s figure trembled, and he immediately came to the city wall, standing on the city wall and looking at the ghost Qi that was surging in the north, Qin Feng squinted his eyes slightly, turned his head, and accompanied by a burst of divine sound to the ears of all races. Among.

Suddenly, the busy human race suddenly raised its head and looked at the half-floating Qin Feng on the city wall, which exudes a faint golden light and protects China’s figure.

“Master Qin! It’s Master Chenghuang!”

“Master Chenghuang has appeared!”

“I didn’t expect to see Lord Chenghuang here!”

The moment the crowd saw Qin Feng, they suddenly started to boil.

Qin Feng waved his hand slightly, and everyone consciously stopped their mouths.

The progress of the construction of the first city wall has almost reached the entire border north of China, and many people are already preparing to build the second city wall.

“Chi You and his demon gods are in the demon world right now, and can’t harass everyone for the time being. I will build a simple defensive formation in the far north to earn you a chance to quickly build a city wall.”

“At the same time, your strength must grow as soon as possible. I will use The Netherworld’s power of the Netherworld to replace the Ghost Qi in your body. It’s a bit painful.”

“You can strengthen your muscles and bones in the Styx to slowly absorb the power of the Nether.”

Qin Feng said, suddenly a yin wind blew the Buddha from Qin Feng’s sleeves.

It is a very bold vision of Qin Feng to replace Ghost Qi with the power of the ghost.

I have the ability to guarantee the lives of these human races, and among the six realms, the most primitive power of The Netherworld is the power of the Nether, and Ghost Qi is a branch of the power of the Nether, basically belonging to the same vein.

The human body itself can hold any breath, and these human races themselves are adapted to Ghost Qi, adapting to the power of the Nether, it shouldn’t be a problem!

The human races below shouted expectantly:

“Master Qin, as long as we can strengthen ourselves, we are not afraid of pain!”

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