Chapter 380

These evil gods had no idea what they were going to face.

Qin Feng carefully stared at the several evil gods that were rapidly approaching own in the white space, and gradually approached the gap in The Mortal Realm.

Qin Feng suddenly gathered the Spirit Gathering Orb, and the gap began to shrink slowly.

At this moment, an evil god slammed out of the gap, Qin Feng slammed the branching fork out, and the gap closed instantly.

A fork stabbed on the evil god.


A burst of blue smoke rose instantly, and a ray of divine power gradually passed through the trident and began to flow towards the evil god.

The terrifying tingling sensation caused Cthulhu to twitch for a while.

Although Qin Feng was seriously injured now, he was more than enough to deal with a little ghost.

With a wave of his sleeves, Fenhaicha and the evil god disappeared instantly and were incorporated into Qin Feng’s world of law.

Qin Feng’s divine soul also came to the world of Faxiang. Not far in front of him, there was the Garuda evil god giant bird with wings just now lying on it, and there was also a bifurcation.

Qin Feng started Breathing Exercises in the world of Dhamma, and the damaged spirits also recovered a lot.

Before Qin Feng could deal with the evil god, the Gong Gong in the branch sea fork suddenly jumped out.

Just now, he was responsible for opening the crack in the realm, and he naturally knew what had happened.

Gonggong looked at Qin Feng’s soul, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and was extremely weak. What a good opportunity!

“Wanting that my dignified water god be your servant?”

Gonggong suddenly approached Qin Feng with a wicked smile, and with a strong force drawn from the body of the sea fork, he instantly transformed into the shape of a sea fork.

Picking up the bifurcation, he stabs at Qin Feng who closed his eyes and Breathing Exercises.

Finally got it!

If he kills Qin Feng’s soul, he can still take him away and completely turn Qin Feng’s everything into his own.

Gong Gong couldn’t help but feel excited.

At the moment when the Sea Fork Phantom in his hand was about to stab Qin Feng, it suddenly stopped in place, unable to move forward anymore.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and the tip of the trident was almost against Qin Feng’s chest. Qin Feng looked at Gonggong coldly:

“Come in while you’re empty? I expected you to want to do this a long time ago.”

“I have 18 levels of torture in The Underworld, so I still want to take you to experience it.”

Just as Gonggong wanted to let go, Qin Feng suddenly grabbed Gonggong’s body and grabbed him from the world of Dharma.

Gonggong just felt that his eyes were bright and suddenly black, and he had appeared above an abyss.

Qin Feng grabbed Gonggong and shot towards his feet, and immediately fell into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

The first layer: The Underworld.

Gonggong hadn’t stood firm before landing, and a group of imps immediately surrounded him. Gonggong was about to cast a spell to drive him away, only to realize that he could not mobilize any abilities at all.

He suddenly raised his head, before he could see Qin Feng in the air, he was instantly pressed on a shelf by the little ghost.

“Hehehe, dare to be disrespectful to adults? See how I clean up you today!”

The little ghost smiled and held the Gonggong firmly.

Another kid grabbed Gonggong’s tongue and kept pulling.

one time! Two clicks! Three times!

Every time he pulled, Gonggong trembled fiercely, but couldn’t scream out.



Gonggong Shenxun’s tongue broke instantly, a tearing sensation hit, and at the same time the tongue in his mouth grew again.

After completing the first floor experience, Qin Feng waved his sleeves. Before Gonggong’s screams stopped completely, his eyes went dark and he fell into the second floor.

Scissors The Underworld!

Before Gong Gong could see it clearly, a bunch of kids surrounded him again.

“Flap! Pop! Pop!”

In the blink of an eye, Gonggong’s ten fingers were cut off.

There was another scream.

The scream ceased abruptly, and Gonggong suddenly fell to the next floor:

Iron Tree The Underworld!

The iron tree is full of dense knives shining with cold light.


Gonggong’s whole body was pierced into sieves, before the screams came out.

It was black again.

The fourth layer: The Underworld.

Fifth floor: The Underworld steamer.

Until the eighteenth floor, The Underworld walked one by one. It is worthy of being an instrumental spirit, and the screams lingered throughout The Netherworld for a long time.

Not far away, Zhong Kui couldn’t help sighing as he watched Qin Feng torturing Gonggong:

“Torturer, Master Qin is better at it.”

With that said, Zhong Kui couldn’t help feeling a numb scalp. The previous Xing Yi had not been thoroughly tempered in his hands, so it seemed that he still had to use some other means.

As soon as Qin Feng raised his hand, he instantly grabbed the dying Gonggong, with a ray of divine power injected, and Gonggong immediately recovered a lot.

“Please let me go, I am willing to become a tool and serve adults!”

Gonggong’s voice became extremely weak.

“Do you think this is over?”

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, and under Zhong Kui’s gaze, took Gong Gong to the bottom of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

Immortal Samsara’s little devil queuing to be tortured here without eating or drinking.

Countless little ghosts looked hungrily at the big snake carried by Qin Feng.

Gong Gong looked down condescendingly, his whole person suddenly shrank, and his whole body was wrapped around Qin Feng’s hands.

“No! Master Qin, I knew it was wrong! Never dare to do it again!”

Gong Gong distorted his face in fear, and kept begging for mercy.

With a wave of his hand, Qin Feng threw Gonggong into a group of little ghosts, suffering from the devastation of the ghosts:

“Save a bite, don’t bite to death!”

Seeing Gonggong who was falling fast, a strange arc flashed across Qin Feng’s mouth.

Before landing, Gong Gong was dragged into the ghost group by the kid, and screams came immediately.

Qin Feng curled his mouth and listened to the screams, his own hair began to stand up.

After not much time, Qin Feng finally heard a crisp voice in his mind:

“Ding~ Regain the bifurcation and trigger a special sign-in. Do you want to sign-in?”

Qin Feng clapped his hands with satisfaction.

“Sign in!”

Qin Feng thought about it, and then he was ready to work together.

“Successfully signed in and won the Five Immortal Pond.”

“Get the Nether Magic Sealing Array.”

In Qin Feng’s world of phenomena, a huge pond appeared. It was not so much a pond as it was the sea.

On the other foot, a round Feng Shui compass appeared.

Qin Feng stepped away from the realm and returned to the world of law.

The wisp of spirit in his hand kept trembling, and his hollow eyes looked at Qin Feng in horror.

“Water gods work together, are you honest now?”

Qin Feng jokingly looked at the co-worker who had been reduced by more than half, and couldn’t help but laugh secretly.

I saw the human snake suddenly speak:

“I am not a co-worker. My name is Yulang. I am the spirit of the sea fork. Thank you for washing away my distracting thoughts.”

Qin Feng only discovered that the current little snake was completely different from the image of Gonggong before. It seemed that the remnant soul of Gonggong had been completely eaten by the Heart Eater of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

Unexpectedly, this instrument spirit would call his former owner Miscellaneous Thoughts.

Qin Feng waved his hand and turned his head to look at the azure blue ocean not far away. The surface of the ocean was sparkling, and a divine power surged from time to time.

With a sudden step, Qingfeng escaped into the Five Immortal Pond in an instant, a strong divine power immediately wrapped him and Yulang, and quickly repaired the damage.

The stronger the weapon spirit, the more it can exert the extra power of an artifact.

Qin Feng’s spirit quickly recovered more than half.

Lifting his foot out of the world of Dhamma, Qin Zhengtian has already arrived in Qingjiang District. The moment he saw Qin Feng, Qin Zhengtian saluted respectfully:

“Master Qin, The Mortal Realm is delivering materials to build the fortress.”

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and there were several evil gods in the void world that Boundary and The Mortal Realm had figured out.

It’s time to start forming our own army!

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

Group number: 837230068, readers are welcome to come to brag and discuss the plot, thank you for your support.

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