Chapter 379: A Full Strike Across Two Dimensions

One part of this branch stays in The Mortal Realm, and one part stays in the white Realm.

A weak connection was established between the two worlds in an instant.

Qin Feng tore his hands and opened the crack in an instant, and the white Realm suddenly expanded a bit.

With one step out, Qin Feng suddenly appeared in the white space.

The entire space was empty, even a little bit of aura that was inconsistent with this piece of nothingness would be gradually swallowed by a gap in an instant.

Qin Feng is the only person in the entire white Realm.

Seeing that the gap behind him began to slowly close, Qin Feng clicked his hand, and the Spirit Gathering Orb in his hand instantly drifted towards the bifurcation fork.

The moment the two things touched, the pure divine power in the Ju Lingzhu body refined by Qin Feng began to flow toward the bifurcation fork.

The gap that began to shrink slowly suddenly stopped, and then opened slightly.

The luminous blue energy forms a thin light curtain on this gap.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and threw a ray of divine power toward the gap, which shuttled out like a needle, and flew towards The Mortal Realm with Qin Feng’s entrustment.

Stepping towards the other end of the white Realm, I have already sensed the space connected to the other end of the world before I saw it.

“Sure enough, it comes from the realm.”

Feeling the shaking of the terrifying energy in the realm, Qin Feng curled his lips.

Approaching another section of the white space, I immediately perceive the active realm.

“What a great place for Ascension Cultivation Base.”

Qin Feng couldn’t help swallowing as he looked at the strong and strong breath in the realm.

At this time, a violent voice came.

At the same time there was laughter and a majestic voice.

“Chi You!”

Qin Feng’s pupils shrank slightly, and this voice was transmitted to the position of this gap along the fluctuation of the boundary.

The divine power in his hand suddenly became strong, and Qin Feng slapped the gap with a palm.


The barrier of the White Realm was instantly hit with a huge scar.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng gathered a strong energy in both hands, and suddenly tore away at the scar.

A ripple suddenly appeared at the edge of the barrier, and Qin Feng stepped into the boundary with one step.

The moment he stepped in, the strong boundary power instantly surrounded Qin Feng, penetrated into the depths of Qin Feng’s soul, and a sharp sting struck fiercely.

Qin Feng mobilized a ray of merit and instantly covered his own body, and immediately separated himself from the realm.

Before Qin Feng could take a closer look at the scenery in the realm, the voice of the system in his mind came first:

“Ding~ Entering the realm for the first time, a special sign-in is triggered, do you sign-in?”

Qin Feng didn’t think that this sign-in would give anything good, after all, he just entered the realm and took a look.

“Sign in!”

With a move of Qin Feng’s heart, he took a step and walked towards the realm.

“Sign in successfully, get the Haotian Tower.”

“Get a million strands of merit.”

Qin Feng was taken aback suddenly, Haotian Tower was before a million strands of merit?

Before Qin Feng was ready to take out this artifact to look at the details.

The entire realm seemed to have undergone a slight change due to the appearance of Qin Feng, an outsider.

Starting from where Qin Feng was, the world, which itself was covered with a heavy haze, suddenly became clear.

The ghosts in the entire realm seemed to perceive the existence of Qin Feng.

But no one approached Qin Feng easily, because the power Qin Feng exuded was divine power.

Divine power and magical energy Ghost Qi is born to restrain each other!

The red-eyed voice under the Himalayan sacred mountain in the corner of the realm simultaneously sensed Qin Feng’s existence.

Chi You’s complexion changed, and a burst of anger suddenly poured out:

“Huh! Little Chenghuang, dare to break into my territory!”

Chi You’s majestic voice flew out suddenly along with the clone of Divine Soul, and flew straight towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng just took out the Haotian Tower and threw a strand of Divine Sense.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying aura was flying at an extremely fast speed.

The moment he heard Chi You’s voice, Qin Feng suddenly waved his hands, a golden light turned into a barrier, and flew towards Qin Feng.

In the realm, there is no loss.

Although this breath does not have the full strength of Chi You, it will not suffer any loss.

The strength is far above Qin Feng.

Qin Feng’s expression became extremely solemn, and he almost mobilized all the divine power in his body to block this arrogant breath.


In a blink of an eye, a wisp of Chi You’s spirit with a fierce demon energy hit the wall in front of Qin Feng that was condensed by strong divine power.

Suddenly a violent storm threw up in the entire territory.

Thousands of miles around Qin Feng vanished in an instant.

Whether it is a solid ground or a hollow sky, there is a surge of energy impacted by this.

The ground far below Qin Feng’s feet was instantly bombarded with a huge scar, and dense cracks appeared in the sky at the same time.

Cracks appeared on the golden wall in front of Qin Feng as soon as it touched Chi You’s energy.

Immediately afterwards, a strand of Chi You’s spirit suddenly condensed into the entity, and he slammed a punch towards the cracked wall.


The wall instantly collapsed, and the punch hit Qin Feng’s chest firmly.


Qin Feng only heard a whistling in his ear, and his body flew towards the rear in an instant.

For a moment, Qin Feng could perceive that what he was flying out seemed not to be the body, but the soul.

A sharp tearing pain spread all over Qin Feng’s body inside and outside.

Qin Feng’s figure immediately passed through the tiny crack and fell into the white space, but the strong pressure on Qin Feng’s chest and the trace of magic energy remaining in Qin Feng’s body were still burning. The spirit of Qin Feng.


Qin Feng gritted his teeth and stood up.

Qin Feng had already mobilized all the divine power in his body, but there was still a Spirit Gathering Orb outside.

As soon as Qin Feng raised his hand, a ray of pure divine power flew towards Qin Feng, quickly repairing Qin Feng’s severely damaged soul and body.

For Qin Feng, Chi You almost crossed the two-dimensional power gap, and was not annihilated in an instant.

Qin Feng took out the Haotian Tower with lingering fears. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Qin Feng mobilized the supernatural power in the Haotian Tower. At this time, Qin Feng and the Haotian Tower had no divine power.

The dry Haotian Tower fell into Qin Feng’s hands like a sculpture.


With a crisp sound, a crack appeared on the Haotian Tower in an instant.


Qin Feng hurriedly sacrificed a ray of divine power and wrapped the Haotian Tower.

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly felt several breaths running towards him.

Qin Feng’s perception was swept away, and a group of evil gods might have flew towards the gap in the realm because Qin Feng’s breath was weak after being hit.

A plan appeared in Qin Feng’s mind in an instant, with a flash, Qin Feng came to The Mortal Realm.

The evil god in the realm instantly broke through the gap, plunged into the white Realm, and soon discovered that Qin Feng at the entrance of The Mortal Realm looked at them with a smirk.


Several evil gods flew towards Qin Feng instantly.

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

Group number: 837230068, readers are welcome to come to brag and discuss the plot, thank you for your support.

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