And the most important point is that as the strength of your own elves improves, other people’s elves will also improve.

It may even be greater than the improvement of the elf in his hand.

Zhao Man felt that luck accounted for a large part of his ability to reach this point.

Who knows if we will have such luck next year?

After all, no one knows whether he will meet the winner of the previous competition in his first match.

Although there is only one such unlucky person, who knows that he is not the unlucky person?

It’s too late, it’s fast.

After the huge water flow covered the body of the Slowpoke, the jet of flames came as expected.

The powerful flames washed away the huge amount of water.

A lot of water vapor is emitted that is visible to the naked eye.

The audience looked at the scene and felt inexplicably that the water sprayed out by the Slowpoke seemed to have been boiled. What they thought was indeed correct, otherwise there would not be so much water vapor.

Without Zhao Man’s orders, the Slug Beast staying in the high-temperature boiling water soon couldn’t bear it anymore, although it was still sending a steady stream of cold water to the outside world.

But it really couldn’t withstand the flames spouted by the fire-breathing dragon.

It will eventually turn into boiling water.

The Slowshell beast flashed out of the water and rolled several times on the ground before finally stopping.

But fortunately, the body of Slowmon is originally red, so you can’t see anything strange about it.

“Slowpoke, change your strategy, Charizard’s flames are too strong, rush over and use close attacks!”Zhao Man changed his attack strategy again.

This was also the last resort.

Apart from that, he really couldn’t find any other way.

However, Chen Qian almost gave him the same order:”Fire-breathing dragon, since If the opponent wants to fight in close combat, let me take a good look at your close combat ability!

Charizard raised its head and howled again, flapped its broad wings, and rushed towards the Sluggish Beast.

Although Slowshell is also moving towards Charizard, its speed is no different from that of an old man taking a walk in the park after dinner compared to Charizard.

In fact, that is to say, as long as the Charizard remains in flight and retreats.

Slowshell’s attempt to get close to the fire-breathing dragon is tantamount to wishful thinking and has no chance at all.

But because the fire-breathing dragon was also heading towards the Slowpoke, the two quickly rushed together.

“Use the megaton punch!”Zhao Man shouted at the top of his lungs.

This was his last chance.

Although it seemed that Chen Qian and Charizard had given him a great chance, facing the possibility of victory, he really couldn’t help but want to fight. A fight

“Charizard, use the dragon claw to connect with the air slash!”

Chen Qian was not to be outdone, but compared to the hysterical Zhao Man, his expression at this moment was much more relaxed.

Until this moment, he was not even at all panicked.

During the flight of the fire-breathing dragon, he raised his arms high , the sharp claws stretched forward.

As tame as lightning!

I saw a gray-black lightning passing by.

Three bloody scratches appeared on the face of the Slug Beast.

Despite the pain, the Slow Beast charged up a punch Exploded out, the air seemed to let out a cry.

A punch hit Charizard’s arm, and the huge force caused a loud noise.

However, Charizard’s body was as stable as a rock, without retreating at all. Not only that, it did not even affect his attack rhythm..

An air slash that seemed to be able to cut through the air was slashed out directly._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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