The jet flames advanced rapidly, baking the ground to lose moisture, and the ground in the venue instantly dried out.

It was like a field that had been in drought for ten years, with no moisture at all.

The two light beams rushed towards each other at the same time, but they did not collide in the air, but staggered.

Two cylindrical attacks with completely opposite colors were traveling side by side, as if they were marching hand in hand, each attacking their respective targets.

It seems that they don’t want to interfere with each other, but it is not the case. The power of Slowpoke’s freezing beam is greatly reduced when it travels along with the jet flames.

The uniqueness of the freezing beam is extremely low, except that it can freeze the target instantly.

It can also freeze moisture in the surrounding environment, which is a natural advantage.

But in front of the fire-breathing dragon’s flames, there is no such advantage at all. The moisture in the air has been melted before it has been frozen.

Dry and evaporate.

Nothing left

“Slowpoke, get out of here……Use the water gun over your head!”

Zhao Man originally wanted the Slug Beast to dodge, but when he thought about it carefully, speed was not the Slow Beast’s advantage, and the speed of spraying flames was too fast. He could only change his strategy immediately.

Speaking of which, if he can reach the top sixteen, Zhao Man relied not only on the demonic coral that had been passed down for generations.

He also had a good mind. Although the time was short, he still came up with the most perfect response at the first time.

It must be said that.Using the water column at the sky above your head is the best way at the moment.

I saw the Slug Beast quickly raised its head and used the water gun at an untargeted place in the sky.

Only this time, the burst seemed to have no pressure at all and was not turbulent.

On the contrary, it is like the fountain that the workers watch. It cannot spray very high. It can only gush out a large amount of water and then fall instantly, completely covering your body.

This is also the best way to avoid being harmed by the jet flames.

Although the Slowshell Beast is a water-type elf, its body is still made of flesh and blood. It is obviously not immune to such high-temperature flames.

Zhao Man felt that if the Slowshell Beast was hit by such a terrifying jet of flames.

The scene from the last battle may have to reappear.

Even if Slowpoke doesn’t lose fighting consciousness on the spot, it will definitely be difficult to continue fighting.

The last one will eventually be taken away by Charizard.

By then, he really has no chance. No more.

At this moment, no matter who it is, no matter who the opponent is, it is impossible to choose to surrender, even if it is just to stay in front of the camera for a while.

It is also good.

The National Elf Competition will not be impossible in the future.

But if it is lost The courage to continue fighting, even if next year’s competition can pass the knockout stage, the possibility of surpassing this year’s results is not very high.

For most people, one year will not improve the strength of the elves in their hands much.

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