By the time we arrived at the island that Kapu Fin had said, it was already late at night.

On the way, according to Kapu Fin Fin, there are basically no elves on the island, and there are small elves that are relatively well hidden, and they are also caught by the people stationed on the island for experiments.

Chen Qian released Lucario, Zoroac, King Scorpio, and Darkrai.

In the infiltration operation, Chen Qian was most at ease with these four elves, and the others were easy to cause big movements.


"The mossy cave in front of you is the entrance. Ladios translated.

From the position where Chen Qian was, it was a dark cave entrance, and there was no one guarding it.

But Chen Qian did not rush over.

A scientific research base like this, where the entrance seems to be full of flaws, is actually much more heavily guarded than any human guard.

After all, it is a scientific research base, how can there be no scientific research means to prevent invasions?

The reason why Kapu Fin was able to invade successfully last time was because there was a passage under this base that led directly to the sea.

And things are too rushed, Chen Qian did not prepare diving equipment, let alone learn how to use diving equipment, and its elves basically could not take the underwater passage, so they could only find a way from here, and it was also the safest way for Chen Qian.

Chen Qian took out the night vision binoculars and took this opportunity to investigate the entrance of the cave.

Fortunately, it was Chen Qian who vigilantly investigated first, otherwise something would really happen if he rushed over.

There are three cameras in the entrance to the cave, and there is a fully sealed iron door less than twenty meters away, which seems to require some kind of verification to enter.

That's going to be tough...

Although there is still a plan to break through in Chen Gan's plan, this is undoubtedly the next policy, and if you can, you don't need it.

The devil knows what equipment and traps are hidden in it that are more dangerous than guns.

"Darkrai, do you think you can penetrate the fully enclosed door and get inside?" asked Chen Gan.

"No, I can escape into the shadows, but I can't walk through the walls. Of course, if there's a crack in the door you're talking about, I can get through even the slightest bit. Darkrai replied.

"Then you go and try to get into the door that goes into the hole, and if it works, you find a way to find the monitoring room, turn off all the monitoring equipment inside, and then find a way to open the door, and if you really don't know how to do it, stun a person and create a nightmare for them to escape out of the hole, so that you can know how to open the door." "

"I'll try as much as I can. "

"I really can't do it, just come out and tell me after solving the problem of monitoring. "

"Good. "

Darkrai answered, and immediately turned into a shadow and burrowed into the dark hole.

As time passed, Chen Qian looked at his watch from time to time, expectant and vigilant.

Finally, just after half an hour of the hands, a "buzzing" sound was heard.

Then Darkrai came out of his side like a ghost.

"That's it. "

"Well done. "

"I'll give you a look by the way, there is no one on the straight road, just go in, and then you will face a fork in the road, there are very many people on the left and few on the right. Darkrai briefly described it in passing.

Chen Qian touched his chin, but he didn't act in a hurry.

Suddenly, he realized something.

In fact, the solution to this matter was not so complicated at all, and he didn't even need to step into it.

"Why don't you go in?" Darkrai asked.

Chen Qian shook his head, and then asked Ka Pu Fin Fin on the other side: "What does the person who attacked you look like last time, you can briefly portray it, preferably with characteristics." "

Kapu thought for two seconds, then fell to the ground, scratched a human face on the ground with his hand, and spoke: "Boom!"

Next to Ladios translated: "It says the man is gray-haired. "

"What else?"


"The others don't know how to describe it, you see it drawn. "

Hearing this, Chen Qian glanced at the traces drawn by Ka Pu's fins on the ground.

I have to admit that this painting needs to be improved, and Chen Qian feels that his first-grade paintings are better than this.

If you have to talk about features, maybe the slash above this person's left eyebrow is a scar?

Chen Qian asked, and really got a positive answer from Ka Pu Fin Fin Fin .

At this moment, Chen Qianzhen felt that he was a little expert in guessing riddles.

"Darkrai, you go inside and look for the trace of this person, and if you find it, hypnotize him as soon as possible, and then let him enter the nightmare. He's the biggest threat, as long as Darkrai gets rid of him, then you can definitely handle the rest of the matter, right?" Chen Qian turned his head to look at Ka Pu's fins.


"~Okay, then you two can take action, and Ladios will go in with him to help Kapu Fin Fin so that no accident happens. "

When the elves heard this, they looked at each other and entered the cave.

Chen Qian sat outside, obviously everything was arranged, but for some reason, he couldn't feel at ease.

It felt as if something was staring at me.

For a sense of security, he released all the elves except for the Howler Whale King, and kept an eye on Lucario with a waveguide to be vigilant.

And Lucario also reported back to Chen Qian, there was nothing around.

This made Chen Qian even more confused.

What did you overlook?

Time passed minute by minute, and Darkrai and the other elves had not yet come out of the cave.

Lucario was able to detect Kap's fins and Ladios using the waveguide, indicating that the two elves had not yet received the signal from Darkrai to solve the target, and had not yet started to do so.

Chen Qian frowned and glanced at his watch.

It's been almost twenty minutes.

With Dark's efficiency, even if it is looking for someone in the sea of people, it shouldn't be so slow, not to mention that it is the second time to enter it to explore.

Accident with Darkrai?

This possibility is very small, after all, its ability is too buggy, and it must be more vigilant than anyone else when it is awake.

In the absence of a target, it will not appear until it is brain-pumped.

Well, there is another possibility to explain this.

That strong trainer isn't in this base!

But he's not in the base, so where will he be?

Just as Chen Qian was thinking, Lucario suddenly reminded Chen Qian in a low voice that it had detected that people and elves were rapidly approaching here!

"Ladias, go in and inform your brother to let him come out and prepare for the fight, let Kapu Fin Flipper do it directly, and if it comes across Darkrai, just call it out and fight!"

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